Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4017: The next moment, everyone was shocked

"Amitabha, I didn't expect things to develop to this point."

The world understands that the Buddha clasped his hands together and recited the name of the Buddha.

Originally, together with the Buddha of Hundred Kills, he came to kill Qin Yi and others in response to the Buddha's decree.

He didn't take Qin Yi and others into his heart, and it was just a clone of a king of the dynasty, so it wouldn't be too difficult.

However, the development of this event was not what He expected from the beginning.

In addition to him and the Buddha of Hundred Kills, there are also two kings of the Wandao Dynasty who want to intercept this clone of the emperor who does not fall.

Then, a few of them were played by Qin Yi again, and they lost Qin Yi and others.

However, these are small things, they quickly found the whereabouts of Qin Yi and others, and set up an ambush to wait for work.

But what happened next still did not develop as a few people thought.

First, Qin Yi had already seen through their ambush, and in some way that he could not understand, he awakened the demons who killed hundreds of Buddhas, let them sink into the avenue of slaughter, and blocked them in front of them.

Facing the monstrous demonic power of Demon Venerable Garo, he joined forces with King Baiwu, and was quickly defeated by Demon Venerable Garo.

That is, the God Lord of Wandao descended the avatar of Divine Sense, otherwise, they would have already fallen into the hands of Jialuo Demon Venerable.

And when the Lord of Wandao appeared, He thought the matter was over.

Who would have thought that the development of the situation once again exceeded his expectations, and that Tai Tianzun, who had fallen for a long time, reappeared and stopped the Lord of Wandao and the Taoist Yin and Yang.

Things inevitably reached a deadlock, and then, the Lord of Eternal Night and the Lord of the Underworld appeared, and the deadlock was broken.

Of course, when Lord Yongye Ming and others showed up, the World Jie Buddha shuddered for a while, fearing that Lord Yongye and others would fall into the trap.

Fortunately, the Lord of Eternal Night and the others stood on their side to save the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and the Dao Zun of Yin and Yang.

Although the world understands the Buddha and does not understand why Yongye Mingzhu and others will help the Wandao God and Yin Yang Dao Zun, it is clear that when Yongye Mingzhu and others take action, there is no possibility of reversing this matter.

With the help of Yongye Mingzhu and others, Qin Yi and others are destined to fall.

These are the seven underworld masters!

Even if it's just a clone of divine sense, it can sweep everything.

Unless Qin Yi and others have the protection of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and they must be a real Void Heavenly Venerate.

The seven avatars of the gods of the Ming Kingdom and the Lord of the Underworld join forces to create one or two more avatars of the immortal gods, and it will not help, or Qin Yi and others can also find the avatars of the seven gods of immortality.

But is it possible?

These two conditions are more difficult to achieve than the other. If Fuluodi Dynasty has such strength, how can they be trapped in the Eastern Frontier?

The appearance of Tai Tianzun was already beyond everyone's expectations.


As soon as he recited this, the World Understanding Buddha recited the Buddha's name, and he was ready to retire.

As the powerhouse of the Great Silent Buddha Sect, He naturally does not deal with the powerhouses of the Endless Underworld. There are countless creatures in the Endless Underworld who died in his hands.

After Lord Yongye Ming and others deal with Qin Yi and others, if he kills him easily, he will have nowhere to cry.

Not only the world understands the Buddha, but many of the five realm powerhouses on the side, including the Baiwu King and the Nightmare King, are also preparing to retreat.

Although the process of fighting in the Heavenly Venerate Realm is rare, it is self-evident what choice to make compared to his own life.


But at this moment, Shijie Buddha and others seemed to have a feeling, and they couldn't help but look back.

The next moment, everyone was shocked!

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