Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4019: Otsuki Avenue

When looking at the gaze of Mang Zuwu in the previous sentence, the body of the God Lord Wan Dao was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

What kind of eyes are these.

In the indifference, with an indescribable domineering, in the calm, with an undisguised fiery fighting intent, contradictory and complicated.

With just one glance, the Divine Master of Myriad Dao gave birth to deep fear.

Through the eyes of Jumang Zuwu, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths seemed to see a towering tree that supported the sky and the earth, supporting the entire heavens and the world.

This big tree is extremely huge, surrounded by the sun, moon and stars on its branches and leaves, and countless branches are submerged in chaos, absorbing the essence of chaos.

An invisible wind blew, the big tree swayed, and the countless branches submerged into the depths of the chaos swayed, stirring up amazing fluctuations, as if to move the three thousand avenues.


At the same time, wisps of cyan aura hung down from the big tree, piercing through time and space, and shattering the vast world on one side and another.


In an instant, the towering tree turned into a bird with a human face, riding on two dragons, and a terrifying demon **** with a wild and sturdy aura.

The Demon God stood in the chaotic void, with a roar, the moment the sound came out, the entire chaos seemed to stagnate for a moment.

In the vast chaos, only this roar echoed.

Even, this roar seemed to cross the unknowable boundary and sounded in the heart of the Divine Master of Wandao.


Divine Master Wan Dao's face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The blood of the Heavenly Venerate, which weighed more than 100,000,000,000,000,000, smashed through the void and fell into the vastness, nourishing the earth with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

At the level of the Divine Master of Myriad Dao, most of the injuries will not be exposed, but once the injuries are exposed, it means that the body has suffered terrifying injuries that cannot be suppressed.

Just like now, the God Lord of Wandao is like an ordinary warrior, spitting blood, which means that the injury suffered by the God of Wandao can no longer be suppressed.

With a single glance, the avatar of the Divine Mind of the Divine Master of Myriad Dao was seriously injured!

"A flawless immortal goddess!"

At this time, the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths did not understand that the man standing behind Qin Yi, who seemed to be ordinary in front of him, was a real Immortal Venerable.

"Otomu Avenue..."

Divine Master Wandao's eyes flickered, and at this time, he felt a little incredible.

With just a momentary collision, he could clearly perceive the avenue that Jumang Zuwu practiced, the Yimu avenue, one of the five elements.

The Yimu Avenue is not special. It is neither strong nor weak among the three thousand avenues. There are no longer a few strong people who practice this avenue.

But there is one thing about Yimu Avenue, which is very special, that is, the source of Yimu Avenue has been occupied by people.

Ganmu Tianzun, who occupies the source of Yimu Avenue, has become a Taoist for thousands of epochs, and is an extremely ancient Xuxian Tianzun.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Paths has seen Ganmu Tianzun before, so he can naturally judge the breath of the ancestors of the ancient mang, which is completely different from Ganmu Tianzun.

That is to say, before the Jumang Ancestral Witch fell, there was another strong man who used the Yimu Avenue to prove the Taoist Heavenly Venerate.

How incredible is this!

Master Wandao has practiced for countless years and has seen many bizarre things, but he has never seen such bizarre things.

On the same avenue, there are actually two virtual immortals at the same time.

If it is in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, the Endless Netherland, and the Nine Nether Abyss, this may still be possible, but in the five realms, this is an impossible thing.

But such an outrageous thing appeared in front of his eyes.

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