Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4027: Taoist


When the sigh sounded, a vast breath wafted out, instantly sweeping the universe, covering the void of hundreds of millions of miles.

This breath is indifferent and supreme, incomparably stalwart and majestic.

As soon as the breath appeared, it would be centered on the Jumang Ancestral Witch, and the territory of hundreds of millions of miles would stagnate, as if it were frozen.

In the entire White Bone Forbidden Land, except for Qin Yi and others and the Lord of the Underworld, the wills of all creatures no longer function.

As long as it is a creature under the virtual fairyland, everything it knows at this moment, including time, space, laws, avenues... all change.

What I saw in front of me seemed to be the same as before, but in fact its essence was already different.

"Heaven... Zun..."

Cang Mingzi and others were also affected by this aura, and fell under this aura in an instant. Before his own consciousness fell into the sinking, Cang Mingzi struggled to utter two words.

At this time, how could they not understand that the Jumang Ancestral Witch, who had been standing beside Qin Yi, was a true immortal goddess.

This is beyond their imagination!


The powerhouses from the five realms, including King Bai Wu, were even more horrified.

No one thought that among Qin Yi and the others, there was a real Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate hidden!

This is a great existence standing on the top of the nine heavens, overlooking all living beings, such as the ancient **** king and the immortals of all realms.

Looking at the five realms, and even the endless underworld and the nine-day immortal realm, the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is an unimaginable big man.

A random immortal Tianzun stomps his feet, and the entire five realms will be shaken.

One thought shakes the avenue, one word shocked the world!

And such an existence would silently follow behind Qin Yi, and at the beginning, he appeared to be respected by Qin Yi.

How can this not shock Bai Wuwang and others, but before Bai Wuwang and others continue to be shocked, they have fallen into a coma.

Only the Divine Master of Wandao and the Dao Zun of Yin and Yang did not fall into a coma, and took King Bai Wu and others to escape outside the Forbidden Land of Bone Bone.

However, the next moment, this breath suddenly pressed on the Lord of Ten Thousand Paths and the Dao Venerable Yin and Yang, condensing the hundred miles of void where the two of them were, into an indestructible piece of immortal iron.

Obviously, this ray of breath originating from the Jumang Ancestral Witch is aimed at the two Divine Masters of Wandao.

This aura is so strong that even the Lord of Ten Thousand Dao and the Dao Venerable Yin and Yang cannot break free for a while.


Even, this breath spread beyond the forbidden area of ​​​​white bones, triggering the avenues of the heavens, and roaring.

"Has Tianzun made a move?"

At this moment, the powerhouses above the seventh realm in the five realms felt it, and they couldn't help but look down at the forbidden ground.

Among them, there are many immortal gods.

In the depths of chaos, in an ancient world.

Infinite trees fill the entire world, and as far as the eye can see, they are all heaven and earth treasures of different grades.

A wisp of innate Yimu Qi steamed out from the ground, turned into a cyan glow, enveloped this world, just like the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

If someone breaks into this world, I am afraid they will be overjoyed.

The treasures of heaven and earth in this world are of the lowest rank, and there are holy grades. Emperor grade magical medicines are everywhere, and even the quasi-celestial medicines of the quasi-celestial rank are not rare.

And in the center of this world, there is an empty platform.

On the platform, a person fell down and sat down.

The Taoist Gao Guanbo belt, looks about twenty years old, his complexion is as crystal clear as jade, like the most precious treasure in the world.

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