Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4032: Showdown, I'm not pretending

Originally, according to the plan negotiated by several people, Zhang Zhenshan only needed to take out five high-grade chaotic primitive stone spiritual veins, and the grievances between Yuan Zhenyi and Fairy Tianxing were written off.

Fairy Tianxing and Xuanzhenmen stopped chasing Yuan Zhenyi, and everything stopped.

If Zhang Zhenshan repented, although Daojun Qianjiao would be surprised, he would not be shocked.

After all, there is a **** of immortality in the forbidden area of ​​bones. At this time, even if Zhang Zhenshan repents, Daojun Qianjiao is not in the mood to entangle with Zhang Zhenshan, and only wants to leave the forbidden area of ​​bones.

After that, I will settle with Zhang Zhenshan and Yuan Zhenyi.

However, Zhang Zhenshan not only repented and was unwilling to take out five high-grade chaotic raw stone spiritual veins, but instead threatened him and asked him to take out five high-grade chaotic raw stone spiritual veins.

Not to mention, Zhang Zhenshan didn't mean to escape with Yuan Zhenyi at all, and even blocked the void to prevent him and Fairy Tianxing from escaping.

This made Daojun Qianjiao stunned, and once thought Zhang Zhenshan was crazy.

Judging from the current situation, it is not dangerous to continue to stay in Qianjiao City. If you are not careful, you may be affected by the aftermath of Tianzun's shot, and you will die without a place to be buried.

"Fellow Daoist, what exactly do you want to do, you may as well speak bluntly."

Qianjiao Daojun's eyes flashed, and he asked in a deep voice.

"What do I want to do? Didn't I say it? As long as fellow Daoist Qianjiao takes out five high-grade chaotic primitive stone spiritual veins as an apology, all the grievances will disappear, and I will also let the two of you leave."

Zhang Zhenshan smiled slightly and said slowly.


A sullen look flashed in Daojun Qianjiao's eyes, the power of the source in his body surged, and he wanted to do it.

Although he does not want to entangle with Zhang Zhenshan, if Zhang Zhenshan insists on blocking him, he will naturally have a fight with Zhang Zhenshan.

"Fellow Daoist Qianjiao, you should have a question in your heart. You suspect that I have betrayed the Great Wu Dynasty, so I don't want to be driven by the emperor, right?"

Just when Daojun Qianjiao was about to make his move, Zhang Zhenshan's next sentence made his hands stagnate for a while.


Daojun Qianjiao did not say anything, there was indeed this question in his heart.

"Forget it, I'll answer this question for fellow Daoists. That's right, I'm a minister who will not fall, and I will be the general of Zhenshan in the Emperor's Dynasty."

Zhang Zhenshan said with a smile.

The showdown is over, I don't pretend anymore, I'm the one who won't fall into the imperial dynasty.


Daojun Qianjiao's expression froze. He had some vague guesses about Zhang Zhenshan's identity. Zhang Zhenshan's answer just confirmed his guess.

But what about this?

Daojun Qianjiao still didn't understand the purpose of Zhang Zhenshan's self-destruction at this time.

Even if Zhang Zhenshan exposes his identity, what is the use in the current situation?

Could it be that Zhang Zhenshan thought that he could deter him by relying on the reputation of not falling into the imperial dynasty?

You know, from the very beginning, he was aware of Zhang Zhenshan's true identity, but he didn't expose it.

"General, what does this mean?"

Not to mention Daojun Qianjiao, Yuan Zhenyi on the side was also puzzled.

Between several people, there has always been a tacit understanding about the identities of Zhang Zhenshan and Yuan Zhenyi, and Zhang Zhenshan's approach also makes Yuan Zhenyi puzzled.

Looking at the expressions of Daojun Qianjiao and others, Zhang Zhenshan guessed the thoughts of Daojun Qianjiao and others at a glance, and couldn't help but smile.

If the previous Emperor did not fall, he would naturally not be qualified to make Daojun Qianjiao bow his head, but at this time and another.

The current Buluodi Dynasty is not the previous Buluodi Dynasty.

after all.

"This person in the forbidden area of ​​​​white bones is the person who will not fall into the emperor's dynasty!"

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