Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4039: Assertion of the Shadow Lord

Forbidden place of bones.

The bleak cold wind blew, whistling in the sky and rolling up the sky.

In the sky, the void of hundreds of millions of miles is dead silent, and it seems that the strong men have not woken up from the power of the ancient mang.

The spiritual avatars of the seven underworld masters, including Yongye, were suppressed by Jumang Zuwu.

The 10,000-mile void in the forbidden area of ​​​​white bones, together with the divine sense avatar of the Lord of Ten Thousand Dao, was also easily suppressed by the Jumang Ancestral Witch and condensed into a bead.

Such strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

"Is this the power of a first-level powerhouse of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate?"

"How tyrannical, how terrifying!"

"Even the void in the Forbidden Land of Bones can be intercepted, such power..."

A strong man exclaimed, shocked by the power of Jumang Zuwu.

"The Lord of the Underworld is actually defeated?"

Cang Mingzi was in a trance for a while, muttering to himself, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

Until now, He has not been able to accept that the seven underworld masters, including the shadow underworld master, would join forces and lose so easily.

In His eyes, the Shadow Underworld Lord and others are the supreme underworld king who rules the endless underworld, standing on the top of the heavens and undefeated across all worlds.

Even if it's just a wisp of Spiritual Mind clone, it is extremely powerful.

Although Jumang Zuwu is the real Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, in the Forbidden Land of Bone Bone, the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate of the five realms will be suppressed by the will of the endless underworld.

However, Jumang Zuwu still easily suppressed the Shadow Underworld Lord and others.

This made Cang Mingzi unacceptable for a while. Of course, Cang Mingzi was not the only one who couldn't accept it.


A great aura suddenly descended on the core area of ​​the Forbidden Land of White Bones.

In an instant, the void in the core area of ​​the entire White Bone Forbidden Land sank, like adding a mountain that weighs more than 100,000,000 kn.

"We call upon you underworld masters!"

Cang Mingzi and the others couldn't help kneeling on the ground, shouting loudly.

The masters of these breaths are the Shadow Underworld Lord and others. When their spiritual sense clone is destroyed, the Shadow Underworld Lord and others can naturally perceive the situation.

Under the anger, the Shadow Underworld Lord and others lowered their will again.

However, the Shadow Underworld Lord and others did not attack Jumang Zuwu again.

Because of the limitations of the will of the Great Dao of the Heavens, they cannot really come to the Forbidden Land of Bone, even if the avatar of the Spiritual Mind comes, as long as they leave the core area of ​​the Forbidden Bone, they will be strongly suppressed.

Previously, their Divine Sense clones were easily suppressed by Jumang Zuwu, and at this moment they made another move, which was of little significance and could not repeat the process again.

The Shadow Underworld Lord and others will naturally not be boring themselves.

What's more, they also sensed the vibration of Otaki Avenue and the arrival of Cang Yi Dao Venerable.

"Cang Yi Dao Zun is an old-fashioned Tian Zun. It is said that he has already set foot in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland. Compared with this person, I don't know who wins and who loses?"

Eternal Night's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Daoist Cang Yi has been enlightened for thousands of epochs, and among the many gods in the five realms, he is also considered a strong person, second only to Zulong and other gods.

Although this person is strong, he may not be able to compare to Cang Yi Dao Zun. "

Shadow Underworld Lord sneered, and was more optimistic about Cang Yi Dao Zun.

And the assertion of the Shadow Underworld Lord has also been recognized by other Underworld Underworld Lords.

He is also the Heavenly Venerate Void Immortal, and many of the Underworld Lords also have a certain understanding of the strength of Cang Yi Daoist.

Hundreds of epochs ago, Taoist Cang Yi participated in a battle between the five realms and the endless underworld. In that battle, Taoist Cang Yi defeated several veteran underworld masters of the endless underworld.

The strength cannot be underestimated!

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