Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4044: Tianzun is invisible


Palm to palm, Yimu Avenue to Yimu Avenue.

The two big hands that covered the sky collided with each other.

At that moment, all the heavens and ten thousand paths roared together, and the endless void was shaken, setting off a storm that enveloped the heavens.

The forbidden ground of bones was a mess, the vastness was broken, the sky fell, and it turned into a chaotic current.

The earth, water, fire and wind rotate, evolving into a square world, and shattering in an instant.

Even, the terrifying aftermath spread outside the Bone Forbidden Land, hitting the large formation formed by cities such as Tianjiao City.

The power of Tianzun, how terrifying?

Whether it is Cang Mingzi and other powerhouses in the endless underworld, or the powerhouses in the five realms, few people have seen the scene of Tianzun's full-strength shot.

At this moment, they finally saw this scene.

However, after just one glance, the creatures under Heavenly Venerate fell into a deep sleep and lost consciousness.

Tianzun is invisible!

For the creatures under Tianzun, Tianzun is an existence that can only be looked up to.

A breath of Tianzun is enough to change all the cognitions of the creatures under Tianzun and make them fall into a deep sleep.

Unless the creatures under the Heavenly Venerate break the shackles of the quasi-Heavenly Venerate peak, or take control of the Heavenly Venerate tool, they can stay awake in the breath of Heavenly Venerate.

Even Qin Yi and the others, only Qin Yi and Wen Zhong did not fall into a deep sleep.

Needless to say, Wen Zhong, who broke the shackles of the quasi-Heavenly Venerate peak, possessed a trace of the essence of Heavenly Venerate, and naturally would not be suppressed by the breath of Heavenly Venerate.

And Qin Yi holds the Heavenly Venerate Tool, and will not be affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

As for the Duke of Taihang and others, they have long been included in the world of his own origin by Qin Yi.

If the cultivation of Tai Xinggong and others continues to stay in the outside world, I am afraid that they will be crushed to death by the aftermath of the collision between the two Jumang ancestors.

"Wen Zhong, who do you think will win this battle?"

Qin Yi's expression changed and he asked.

"This Taoist is not the opponent of Lord Jumang Zuwu."

Wen Zhong did not hesitate at all and directly asserted.

As a third-generation disciple of the Intercepting Sect, although he has never faced the Jumang Ancestor Witch directly, the power of the Twelve Ancestral Witch is also piercing through his ears.

In the ancient prehistoric era, the lich competed for the hegemony of the heaven and the earth, and the twelve ancestor witches and the demon emperor and the demon emperor competed, almost shattering the prehistoric world.

In the later three religions, Jumang Zuwu is also a great supernatural power.

Not to mention, since coming to this world, Jumang Zuwu has continued to grow stronger.

After he broke the shackles of the quasi-Tianzun peak state, Wen Zhongxiu's eyesight, and his ability to perceive the outside world greatly increased, and he could vaguely perceive the strength of the Tianzun powerhouse.

Although it is impossible to perceive accurately, but the breath of Jumang Ancestral Witch is constantly increasing, but Wen Zhong can perceive it.

In the past, the Jumang Ancestral Witch was strong enough, and the Jumang Ancestral Witch who came to the heavens and the world was terrifying, and it was unknown to Wen Zhong.

At least, he used the eyes of the sky to detect Cang Yi Dao Zun's aura, and it was not as good as Jumang Zuwu, even a few steps behind.

Jumang Ancestor Witch is also one of the Twelve Ancestor Witches, and he is good at fighting. Few strong people in the world of prehistoric mythology dare to say that they can suppress the twelve Ancestral Witch in the same realm.

Not to mention, this Cang Yi Dao Venerable.


Qin Yi nodded slightly, but did not refute Wen Zhong.

In his opinion, this battle can only have one result, that is, Jumang Zuwu Town kills Cang Yi Dao Zun.

Regardless of realm or combat power, Jumang Ancestral Witch must surpass Cang Yi Dao Zun.

Under such circumstances, how could Cang Yi Dao Zun be the opponent of Jumang Zuwu?

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