Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4057: Two sentences of mangzu witch


The violent power pierced through the void, stirring up a roar like the explosion of thousands of stars.

Cang Yi Dao Zun didn't even have time to look back to investigate, and only felt a huge force bombarding him from the rear.


In an instant, Daozun Cang Yi was smashed into the void.

There was a 'crackling' sound of bones breaking from his body, and the blood of Tianzun poured out into the sky.


Daozun Cang Yi stepped on the universe, stabilized his body, urged the Dao Yuan of Tianzun in his body, and suppressed his injuries.

The more he investigated his injuries, the more gloomy Daozun Cang Yi looked.

The originally tyrannical bones and bones were full of cracks, and the Ottomu Immortal Body that he had spent so much effort forging was already broken.

Even, if the Immortal Ottomu is not strong enough, I am afraid that the punch just now is enough to shatter his body.

"This is?"

Taoist Cang Yi raised his eyes to look at Qiongtian, and the scene in front of him stunned him for a moment.

A Jumang Ancestral Witch is standing where he just stood, and not far away there is a 'Jumang Ancestral Witch' fighting against the Chaos God Tree.

The auras of the two are equally tyrannical, and they both look like real Jumang ancestors.

What's happening here?

How can there be two sentences Mang Zuwu?

In the five realms, it is not uncommon for clones to have magical powers, such as condensing clones with Divine Sense, which is a method that can be mastered by the strong above the Ascension Realm.

But generally speaking, most of the clones are not powerful.

These avatar magical powers may be useful to the creatures under Heavenly Venerate, and can condense powerful avatars whose combat power is not inferior to the deity.

But for Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, this is not the case. Void Immortal Heavenly Venerable's avatars condensed with these avatars have less than one ten millionth of the power of the deity. They are the most powerful avatars, and the condensed avatars are inferior to the deity. count.

Only Heavenly Venerate, who controls the origin of the avatar, can differentiate into avatars whose combat power is comparable to that of the deity.

This is also the suppression of the will of the Great Dao of the Heavens.

However, Jumang Zuwu can differentiate into a clone whose combat power is comparable to the deity. How can this not shock Cang Yi Daozun?

However, after thinking about it, Daoist Cang Yi was also stunned. From his point of view, Daoist Cang Yi came from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, and it is common sense to master such avatar magical powers.

But Jumang Ancestral Witch actually mastered such supernatural powers, which would be troublesome for Cang Yi Dao Zun.

This means that he has to face two existences whose combat power is far superior to himself. One is still invincible, let alone two?

"Fellow Daoist doesn't want to live and die with me, so why do you have to flee in such a hurry?

Running away without a fight is not something a Heavenly Venerate should do. "

Jumang Zuwu's eyes were indifferent, overlooking Cang Yi Dao Zun, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

Since coming to the heavens and the world, Jumang Zuwu has not really experienced the joy of battle.

After finally experiencing the joy of fighting on Cang Yi Dao Zun, how could he not be angry if Cang Yi Dao Zun had to flee without fighting?

Moreover, the emperor ordered to suppress Cang Yi Dao Zun, but Cang Yi Dao Zun almost escaped from his hands, which made Jumang Zuwu a little embarrassed.

You must know that if the emperor hadn't made a move just now, I am afraid that Cang Yi Dao Zun would have escaped from his hands.


Qin Yi also intervened in this battle. Jumang Ancestral Witch is one of the twelve Ancestral Witches, majoring in the physical body, not the soul, let alone the means of differentiation.

The reason why Jumang Zuwu was able to differentiate into a clone whose combat power was not inferior to the deity was because Qin Yi gave Jumang Zuwu a fairy talisman.

Dayan Dao Huaxian Talisman.

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