Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4060: Inuimoto Kisenju

Dome of heaven.

Jumang Zuwu stood in Jiuxiao, his eyes were indifferent, overlooking the vastness, the fierce **** intent lingered around, and his breath was like a god.

Dome world.

Dao Zun Cang Yi was pale and gloomy, and his aura was extremely sluggish.

Not far away, the battle between the Chaos Sacred Tree and Jumang Ancestral Witch's clone is still going on, and from time to time it will set off a world-destroying frenzy.

It seems that, for a while, there will be no winner or loser.

"Damn, why is this person so difficult to deal with!"

Taoist Cang Yi's face was sinking like water, and he regretted being too impulsive.

When he felt the vibration of Yimu Avenue, under the anger, he did not hesitate too much, and followed the fluctuation of the avenue to find the trouble of Mang Zuwu.

In fact, this is not sensible.

Not to mention other things, He didn't even understand the details of the sentence Mang Zuwu, so he hurriedly called the door, which is undoubtedly not what a wise man did.

The safest way should be to hold on to the troops first, and then make follow-up plans after hearing the details of the Jumang Zuwu.

It's a pity that at that time, He was swept away by anger and made the most unwise decision, so that he ended up in this field.


Taoist Cang Yi took a deep breath and cut off all the distracting thoughts in his mind, leaving only the fighting spirit in his eyes.

In the end, it is a virtual immortal, and there is still a judgment on the situation.

At this moment, if he chooses to fight, he may be defeated, but if he chooses to avoid and not fight, then there is no possibility for him to escape.

That being the case, why not fight and fight for a chance!


With certain thoughts in his mind, Dao Zun Cang Yi's eyes became more and more fierce. The Heavenly Venerate Dao Yuan surged in his body, forcibly suppressing the injury.

"Hahaha, that's right, as a virtual immortal, how can you flee without a fight?"

When Jumang Zuwu saw this, he was not surprised but happy, and laughed.

"Come again!"

Jumang Zuwu exhaled, and clenched the five fingers of his right hand, and slammed out another punch, like thousands of great worlds falling down at the same time.


Taoist Cang Yi snorted coldly, his mind moved, and a blue-colored bead jumped out from between his eyebrows.

The beads are not big, but the size of a slap, but they exude an aura like the vastness of the ages. There are mysterious divine patterns engraved on them, which seem to resonate with the heavens and the world.


The instant the cyan beads appeared, streaks of cyan radiance suddenly burst out, flowing like a river in all directions.

A stalwart phantom emerges from the azure light, or sits cross-legged, or praises, or rests...

It also seems that there are countless great worlds, ups and downs in the divine brilliance.

"Qianyuan Wood Immortal Pearl."

Qin Yi's eyes moved, and he recognized that this bead was the Heavenly Venerate Artifact refined by Taoist Cang Yi.

As an old-fashioned Heavenly Venerate, Cang Yi Daozun, who has cultivated into the middle stage of the virtual fairyland, naturally refined his own Heavenly Venerate Artifact.

In the records of the Qilin tribe, Cang Yi Daozun spent hundreds of epochs in order to refine the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Pearl.

The five realms were all turned upside down by Taoist Cang Yi, and even Taoist Cang Yi took the time to use the wood attribute spiritual veins of hundreds of squares and thousands of worlds.

For this reason, Cang Yi Dao Zun fought with several Tian Zun, and only then did he gather enough materials to refine Qianyuan Wood Immortal Beads.

And the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Orb, which Taoist Cang Yi spent so much energy refining, cannot be underestimated.

The successful refining of Qianyuan Wood Immortal Beads is like a tiger with wings for Cang Yi Dao Zun, and it is the biggest helper in the five realms.

"Damn, after this battle, I'm afraid there won't be much left of the innate Yimu essence in the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Orb. If you want to accumulate enough innate Yimu essence, it will take at least dozens of epochs."

There was a flash of pain in Taoist Cang Yi's eyes. If it wasn't necessary, he would not want to use the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Pearl at will.

After countless years of cultivation, the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Orb is about to transform into a top-grade Heavenly Venerate Artifact.

Tianzun is divided into high and low, and Tianzun tools are also high and low.

The celestial wares are divided into low-grade celestial wares, middle-grade celestial wares, high-grade celestial wares, and quasi-immortal wares according to their grades.

And the power of the Heavenly Venerate Tool also corresponds to the realm of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

For example, a low-grade celestial weapon is fully awake, enough to explode the combat power comparable to the early stage of the virtual fairyland; the middle-grade celestial weapon corresponds to the middle stage of the virtual fairyland; the high-grade celestial weapon corresponds to the late stage of the virtual fairyland; the quasi-immortal weapon corresponds to the peak of the virtual fairyland.

This period is the most critical time for the Qianyuan Wooden Immortal Bead to transform into a high-grade Heavenly Venerable Artifact. If it is used rashly, it is very likely that the Qianyuan Wooden Immortal Bead will be abandoned.

Therefore, at the beginning of this battle, He did not intend to use the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Orb.

But at this time, Cang Yi Dao Zun couldn't care about this anymore.

If he can't survive this calamity, his life will not be guaranteed. At that time, whether the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Orb can be transformed successfully will have no meaning to him.

Only after this calamity can we talk about other qualifications.

At most, it will take hundreds of epochs to let the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Orb regain its strength and make a breakthrough.

As long as you live, you have a chance.

Since stepping into the seventh realm and transcending the long river of time, time has lost its meaning to practitioners.

For Void Immortals like Cang Yi Daozun, time is the cheapest thing in the world.

Cang Yi Dao Zun retreats once, and it may cost hundreds or even thousands of epochs.

It is not unacceptable to spend hundreds of epochs to let Qianyuan Wooden Immortal Pearl accumulate power.

Of course, the premise of everything is to get through this disaster.

If you cross it, the sky will be vast, but if you can't cross it, everything will be empty!

"Seven thousand six hundred epochs ago, this seat has already proved the Dao Tianzun, and has gone through the ancient times, the ancient times and the ancient times. I don't know how many battles, countless battles of life and death, this seat has come over safely."

Daoist Cang Yi let out a long roar, and his anger rushed to Jiuxiao: "The battle of the ancient times, the battle of the Jiuyou, the battle of the immortal world... still did not let this seat fall.

You alone are worthy to let this seat fall? "


During the conversation, Qiankun shook, and the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Bead burst into an infinite azure brilliance, dyeing the billions of thousands of miles of sky into a green color.

The next moment, the infinite divine brilliance converged and turned into a cyan true dragon that was thousands of miles long.


The cyan real dragon roared, and the Qianyuan Wood Immortal Orb, which was swollen like an ancient star, suddenly slammed into the Jumang Ancestral Witch.

The head of the dragon is like a mountain, and the hands are like a celestial weapon, smashing through countless worlds in an instant.

The aura was extremely tragic, as if the Nine Heavens True Immortals came into the world and could kill them.

Its potential is unparalleled, and it goes forward!

"Yimu Zhenlong? It's the real dragon royal family. I have hunted and killed hundreds of them. How dare you come out and show shame?"

Jumang Zuwu sneered, his back straight.

The crackling sound came from his body, as if hundreds of millions of thunders exploded at the same time, and every joint of the back was shaking, like a savage dragon reviving.


A punch fell, and the entire Bone Forbidden Ground trembled.

With every move, the world collapses!

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