Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4064: Get rid of the clothes

"Why do you want to flatter me, even if I don't do anything, you can suppress these two."

Looking at the respectful Jumang Zuwu in front of him, Qin Yi shook his head and laughed.

Everyone said that the witch tribe was warlike and not good at words, but Jumang Zuwu broke this stereotype and knew how to flatter him.

However, when Qin Yi thought about it, he suddenly realized.

As one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Jumang Ancestral Witch is the leader of the Witch Clan, how could he be really bad at words?

"Get up."

Qin Yi waved his hand and signaled Jumang Zuwu to get up, but he did not take the two space-time beads that Jumang Zuwu handed over.

The two space-time beads suppressed the avatar of the Lord of Ten Thousand Daos and the Taoist Cang Yi respectively.

The avatar of the Divine Master of Wandao is good to say, Qin Yishang has the ability to suppress, but Cang Yi Daozun is not something he can suppress.

After all, this avatar is only in the seventh realm. Although he holds the Heavenly Venerate Tool in his hand, the foundation is too thin. A little carelessness may cause Cang Yi Dao Venerable to break free.

Adhering to the principle that more is worse than less, Qin Yi did not take two space-time beads.

Moreover, Jumang Zuwu did not suppress Cang Yi Dao Zun, but suppressed him. Obviously, he had his own ideas, and Qin Yi had no idea of ​​intervening.


Jumang Zuwu smiled naively, flipped his hand, and put away the two space-time beads.


At this moment, Qin Yi's expressions changed at the same time, and they couldn't help but look at the area where Shadow Nether Master and others were.

"This is?"

Qin Yi frowned, he could feel a vast dark will escaping from the area where the Shadow Nether Master and others were located.

This will is vast and vast, contains endless deep malice, and is wrapped in a frightening evil atmosphere.

Just the moment of contact, Qin Yi was in a trance for a moment, and even the ancient map of Wan Yaomang in his body was spontaneously activated to resist the influence of this will.


Jumang Zuwu took a step forward and stood in front of Qin Yi to prevent this breath from snooping on Qin Yi.

"Quasi-Saint Great Power!"

Jumang Zuwu's eyes were condensed, and there was deep fear in the depths of his eyes.

The owner of this breath must be a quasi-sage great power, that is, the nine-day real fairyland powerhouse in this world, whose power far exceeds that of the immortal god.

Others have a deep understanding of the quasi-sage great power, but Jumang Zuwu has a very deep understanding of this.

Among the twelve ancestral witches, there are several who have set foot in the realm of quasi-sages. Jumang ancestral witches have also fought with them several times, and they know more about the methods of quasi-sages.

The Nine Heavenly Immortals in this world are not weaker than the Quasi-Saints, and their methods are equally terrifying.

Such a strong man suddenly came here to spy on Qin Yi, how could he not let Jumang Zuwu be vigilant?

However, fortunately, this will quickly receded, and with it, there were also the underworld masters such as the shadow master and the underworld masters, and Jumang Zuwu breathed a sigh of relief.

"This will is a Ming Emperor?"

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, but he was not too nervous.

This breath originates from the Endless Underworld, and it is obvious that it is the Underworld Emperor of the Endless Underworld.

Because of the suppression of the will of the Great Dao of the Heavens, none of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate of the Endless Netherland can truly come to the five realms, not to mention the Underworld Underworld Emperor who is comparable to the Nine Heavens True Immortal.

Qin Yi and others stirred up the situation in the forbidden ground of the bones, and let the emperor of the underworld stare at them, which is not a wonderful thing.

However, Qin Yi didn't care too much, even if the Emperor of the Underworld had his eyes on them, it was impossible to shoot directly.

At most, let the Shadow Underworld Lord and other Underworld Underworld Lords, and even the underworld creatures under Xuxian Tianzun take action.

How can this pose a threat to Qin Yi and the Emperor's dynasty?

Therefore, Qin Yi didn't care about this looming Netherland Emperor.

Compared with the powerhouses of the Endless Underworld, he and his opponents of the Unfallen Dynasty are still many forces in the five realms.

For example, the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty and the Great Quiet Extinction Buddhist Sect.

"Let's go."

Qin Yi retracted his gaze, turned and walked outside the forbidden area of ​​bones.

This time, the purpose of his coming to the Forbidden Land of White Bones has been completed, the innate chaos essence has been obtained, and the system task has also been completed.

Even, it is over-completed.

Whether it is the Martial Dao puppet obtained in the Taiyi Secret Collection or the Tai Tianzun who surrendered, it has added a lot of background to the Buluodi Dynasty.

Not to mention, this time Qin Yi once again thwarted the conspiracy of Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and Great Silent Buddha Sect to jointly target him.

The world's solution Buddha, King Baiwu and other gods of the Ten Thousand Dao Dynasty, the quasi-tianzun peak powerhouses of the Great Siltout Buddhism, and even the avatars of the Lord of Ten Thousand Daos were suppressed by the Jumang Ancestral Witch.

The subsequent attack on Cang Yi Dao Zun was also suppressed, and Qin Yi also completed two system tasks.


Two system tasks.

"Mission: Suppress the incoming enemy: Hard-level mission;

Description: Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and the Great Desolation Buddhist Sect jointly sent people to rob and kill the host, intending to kill the host's clone;

The emperor is not afraid of challenges, and the host should suppress the incoming enemy.

Reward: 3 Billion Killpoints. "

"Mission: Suppressing Cang Yi Dao Zun: Hell-level mission;

Explanation: There is a dispute between the Daoist Cang Yi who practiced the Yimu Dao and the Daoist Cangyi who practiced the Dao of Yimu in the five realms. The Daoist Cangyi wants to kill the host and the Daoist Jumang;

How can the emperor back down, suppress or kill Cang Yi Dao Zun.

Reward: 20 Billion Kill Points. "

The rewards for both system tasks are Kill Points.

A total of 23 billion killing points, which is not unreasonable.

The 23 billion killing points were already equal to half of the killing points accumulated by Qin Yi in a hundred years.

This slaughter point is enough to support many strong people in the imperial court, and practice for a while.

In addition, with the help of ten consecutive draws obtained by completing system tasks, Qin Yi also recruited Jumang Zuwu.

There is a saying that Mang Zuwu is in charge, and if the emperor does not fall, he can be promoted to the gods of the gods and stand on the top of the five realms.

By this time, Buluodi Dynasty will truly be firmly seated as the hegemon of the Eastern Border, without fear of any challenge.

It can be said that Qin Yi's trip to the forbidden land has yielded a lot.

The matter here is over, Qin Yi should return to the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty and bring the essence of innate chaos to the deity.

Qin Yi took the lead, and Jumang Zuwu led Wen Zhong and others closely behind, and left the forbidden area of ​​​​white bones together.

As Qin Yi and others left, the area originally named Zangyou Mountains fell silent again.

It was not until a long time later that no one set foot in this area.

Among them are the powerhouses from the endless underworld, who use their own strength to reshape the mountains and rivers.

There are also powerhouses from the five realms who came here to inquire about news.

For some unknown reason, the powerhouse of the Endless Underworld revealed all the circumstances of this battle.

With the help of the powerhouses of the five realms who came to inquire about the news, things about this battle were spread.

In just a few days, it swept the entire five realms like a storm!

For a time, the name of the Buluo Dynasty once again resounded through the five realms, like a blue sun hanging above the nine heavens!

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