Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4070: trace

"The foundation of the Unfallen Dynasty is too strong."

The man in white sighed and couldn't help but marvel at the heritage of the Unfallen Dynasty.

As far as the battle strength of the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty is currently exposed, it is already comparable to the gods of the gods.

A quasi-Tianzun peak powerhouse, plus this Luck True Dragon, that is two quasi-Tianzun peak powerhouses.

There is even a background of Tianzun's suppression.

Apart from the fact that there is no Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, it is the same as the gods of the gods.

'Perhaps, there is really a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate behind Buluodi Dynasty? ’

The man in white moved his eyes and thought of a guess circulating among the various forces.

The Buluo Emperor Dynasty has broken the expectations of others again and again, showing a background far beyond the imagination of others, so that all forces cannot spy on the true background of the Buluo Dynasty Dynasty.

Therefore, this argument is also popular among various forces.

Some believe it, some doubt it.

Of course, whether or not the Emperor's Dynasty has the support of the Immortal Heavenly Venerate or not, it has little to do with the man in white.

After all, the purpose of his coming here is not to oppose the Buluodi Dynasty.

"According to what the Great Elder said, the creatures most suitable for inheriting the inheritance of the Dan Zun are within the Imperial Capital.

But how do I find out? "

The man in white frowned, helpless in his heart.

The first elder only calculated the most suitable creatures to inherit the inheritance of the Dan Zun. In this non-falling imperial capital, the rest of the things seemed to be not calculated due to certain restrictions.

Including the person's name, identity, do not know.

And to find an unnamed creature among the billions of creatures in the Buluodi Capital is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, the inheritance of Dan Zun is related to the prosperity of the clan, and he cannot give up.

Even if it took dozens of epochs, he had to find this person and bring him back to the clan.


At this point, the man in white no longer hesitated and set foot on the road of search.

For several months, he lingered everywhere in the Buluodi Dynasty.

It's a pity that the Buluo Dynasty is too huge, and the living creatures in it are more than hundreds of millions. It is too difficult to find a specific creature.

The man in white did not give up, and kept looking for it unremittingly.

On this day, the man in white was searching everywhere in Buluodi as usual. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face.

He took out a piece of white jade from his arms, the white jade was no more than the size of a palm, and it was emitting a faint white light.

This is the token that the Great Elder gave him before he left, Dan Youshi.

The Great Elder once said that if he encounters the creature who is most suitable to inherit the inheritance of the Dan Zun, the Dan Youshi will automatically glow.

The man in white hurriedly looked up and saw two teenagers around fifteen or sixteen not far away.

One of the teenagers was dressed in black clothes, with a handsome face, and his gestures exuded a noble atmosphere. At first glance, he was someone who had been in a high position for a long time.

The other young man was also the same, with a seat in Tsing Yi, his aura was ethereal, as if he was independent from the world.

According to Dan Youshi's guidance, this young man in green clothes is the most suitable creature to inherit the inheritance of Dan Zun.


The man in white was overjoyed and couldn't help but want to step forward.

At this moment, his complexion changed suddenly, and he felt that a terrifying air force locked him firmly.

If he dared to take another step forward, he would incur a thunderous blow.

In just a split second, the man in white quickly made a judgment that the powerhouse hidden in the dark was qualified to kill his clone.

For a while, he didn't dare to act rashly.

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