Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4079: Qin Yi was angry and rectified Tingfengwei


A huge warship like a vast continent rowed through the chaos, smashed through the void, and was wrapped in a huge sense of oppression.

Anyone who looks up can feel the majesty of the warship.

However, the people who did not fall in the imperial capital were not too surprised.

Everyone knows that this is the vehicle of the Emperor Lord. A few days ago, the Emperor Lord used this warship to return to the Emperor's Dynasty.

Qin Yi stood on the deck, his eyes faint.

This warship is the collection of Tai Tianzun, the quasi-Tianzun-class warship named Taiyi Warship.

However, it is now requisitioned by Qin Yi.

With the power displayed by the Emperor's Dynasty today, Qin Yi does not need to cover up his tracks as he did before going to the Qilin family and the forbidden land of the bones.

This time, Qin Yi showed his traces generously.

He would like to see this time, which force would dare to stand up to the pressure of Jumang Zuwu and attack him.

"It seems that even if there is a suppression of the Mountains and Rivers Bagua Array and the True Dragon of Fortune, there are still many spies from other forces mixed into the Imperial Capital."

Qin Yi lowered his eyes and looked at Buluo Imperial City, his voice was calm, making people unable to hear his anger and anger.

With the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao clone, everything in the Tianyao Continent is like a palm pattern to him.

Even some small fluctuations in the void, Qin Yi can clearly perceive it.

At the moment when the warship took off, there were bursts of void fluctuations in the Buluo Imperial Capital, which was someone sending a message to the outside world.

Although Qin Yi was not angry, the atmosphere on the deck of the warship sank, and the surrounding void seemed to freeze.

Qin Changsheng remained silent, while Dan Qingzi watched his nose and heart, and did not dare to speak.

Only Cai Yulei said in a deep voice, "Emperor Lord, do you want me to take action and kill all these spies."

This time, besides Qin Changsheng and Dan Qingzi, the one who went to the Dan family with Qin Yi was Cai Yulei.

After Wen Zhong returned to the Buluo Imperial Capital, he also chose to retreat.

In the forbidden area of ​​bones, Wen Zhong was watching the fight between Jumang Zuwu and others.

Because of Qin Yi's protection, Wen Zhong was not affected by the aftermath of the fight between Jumang Zuwu and others, and he was not in a coma.

Wen Zhong watched the battle in the Forbidden Land of Bone Bone from beginning to end and gained a lot.

For the comprehension of Thunder Avenue, he made rapid progress. After not falling into the imperial dynasty, he naturally chose to retreat.

The task of following Qin Yi to the Dan clan and protecting Qin Yi's safety also fell on Cai Yulei's body.

A few days before Qin Yi returned to the Imperial Dynasty, Cai Yulei just left the customs, but he did not disturb Cai Yulei's practice.

"No problem, it's just a disease of ringworm and scabies."

Qin Yi waved his hand, but did not let Cai Yulei shoot.

He was not angry because there were spies from other forces in the Fuluo Imperial Capital. As long as the Fuluodi Dynasty existed for a day, the spies of other forces could not be cut off.

The forces of all parties will inevitably send spies to enter the Buluo Imperial Capital to inquire about the information about the Buluo Imperial Dynasty.

What made Qin Yi angry was that some of these spies were not listening to Fengwei's information.

As the largest intelligence organization in the Buluo Dynasty, Ting Fengwei was supported by Qin Yi himself and controlled all the information within the Buluo Dynasty.

But in the most central area of ​​Buluodi Capital and Buluodi Dynasty, Tingfengwei couldn't fully control it.

Can't even control the traces of some spies?

How can you control the entire Unfallen Dynasty, let alone control the five realms in the future?

This is the reason why Qin Yi is angry!

"Go on, listen to Fengwei to stop the expansion, and strengthen the control of the existing area, especially the control of the Buluo Imperial Capital and Tianyao Continent.

I hope that when I return from the Dan Clan, I can see a brand-new Tingfeng Guard, a Tingfeng Guard who controls everything. "

Qin Yi snorted coldly.

"Yes, the emperor."

As soon as the voice fell, several voices sounded in the void, which were members of Tingfengwei.

Qin Yi has not left Tianyao Continent yet, so Ting Fengwei will naturally follow Qin Yi to protect Qin Yi's safety.

When Qin Yi was angry, Uchiha Itachi and other Tingfengwei members felt great pressure.

You must know that among the many violent institutions in the Buluo Dynasty, Tingfengwei has always been treated the best, and Qin Yi has the greatest support for Tingfengwei.

However, Tingfengwei failed to meet Qin Yi's requirements, which made Uchiha Itachi and others very ashamed.

Recently, they have been a little slack, focusing more on outward expansion, wanting to extend Tingfengwei's tentacles to several other realms such as the central realm.

Instead, they neglected to control the internal control of the Buluo Emperor, and even the Buluo Emperor could not control it. This was their dereliction of duty.

To fight outside, you must first be safe inside.

If you can't even control the interior, how can you expand?

Uchiha Itachi and others immediately made up their minds that after returning, they must vigorously rectify Tingfengwei to meet the requirements of the emperor.


Qin Yi nods his head, in recognition of the reply from Uchiha Itachi and others.

He recognizes the abilities of Uchiha Itachi and others, but sometimes, it still needs to be beaten.


Then, Qin Yi waved his hand.

Cai Yulei immediately understood and urged the warship to break through the void and leave Tianyao Continent.

Uchiha Itachi and other strong Tingfengwei also returned to Tingfengwei and began to rectify the top and bottom of Tingfengwei.

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