Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4083: Li River Sacred Tree

"Unexpectedly, you still do this, Great Elder."

The red-armored man's tone was quiet, with a deep sigh in his words.

At the first sight of Qin Changsheng, the red-armored man immediately understood Dan Qingzi's purpose of bringing Qin Yi and the three back to the Dan family.

Dan Zun inheritance.

The first elder wanted to let an outsider inherit the inheritance of Dan Zun, and hand over the inheritance of Lihe Dan Zun to an outsider!

"The Lihe Dan Zun is the Heavenly Venerate of our Dan clan, sheltering hundreds of millions of souls of our Dan clan, and creating a home for our Dan clan to survive. The things left by his old man should also belong to our Dan clan.

Great Elder, why did you give it to an outsider? Don't you think that doing so will chill our hearts? "

The red-armored man closed his eyes in pain and sighed.

A terrifying qi machine surged in the void, and it seemed that there was a strong evil spirit filling the void.


Suddenly, the red-armored man opened his eyes, and there seemed to be two sharp beams like divine swords in his eyes, tearing apart countless time and space.

"Jian Yi, go and tell the second elder and the third elder Zhang the news."

The red-armored man spoke lightly.

"Yes, elder."

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in the void, followed by a wave of void fluctuations, which soon returned to calm.

Only the man in red armor was left standing on the city wall, looking at Qin Yi and others.

Stepping into Lihe City is like stepping into a new world, with emerald green covering most of the area.

There are no tall buildings soaring into the sky, only towering trees that reach the sky, reaching tens of thousands of meters high, like a mountain.

A vine fell down, forming a staircase leading to all parts of the tree.

Around the big tree, there are rooms in Xiujie, and this is where the Dan clan creatures live.

Every towering tree is a street.


Qin Yi raised his brows, revealing a look of surprise.

This is the first time he has seen a building with this structure, and he has to admit the creativity of the Dan clan creatures.

Dan Qingzi took Qin Yi and the three to the depths of Lihe City.

The deeper you go into Lihe City, the bigger and bigger the tree is, until the deepest part of Lihe City, a huge tree standing in the sky.

This big tree is rooted in the vastness of the sky, and its lush branches sank into the void, piercing into the outside world of the Li River, swallowing and spitting out the chaotic essence.

Countless sturdy roots follow the terrain and spread to all directions.

At this time, Qin Yi and others discovered that the other towering trees in Lihe City were all formed by the roots of this tree.

In other words, the entire Lihe City only has this big tree that can reach the sky.


This sky-high tree shook slightly, stirring up a storm in the sky, and wisps of Chaos Essence fell.

"This big tree is Lihe City."

Qin Yi's expression changed, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He had gone astray just now. At this time, he realized that the essence of Lihe City was this big tree that reached the sky.

This sky-reaching tree propped up the entire Lihe City. Without this sky-reaching divine tree, the entire Lihe City would collapse.

"This is the sacred tree of the Li River. The spiritual root that Dan Zun planted with his own hands back then supports the entire Li River City, and it is also the sacred tree of my Dan tribe."

Dan Qingzi took the initiative to introduce Qin Yi.

"The sacred tree of the Li River..."

Qin Yi used the power to bless his eyes again, but this time, he used the power of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang to bless himself.

The next moment, his eyes passed through the layers of obstructions and fell into the depths of the Li River Sacred Tree.

Qin Yi could feel that in the deepest part of the Li River Sacred Tree, an ancient and tyrannical will was sleeping.

This will seems to have been greatly injured, and is relying on a deep sleep to recover from the injury.

Every time the Li River Sacred Tree trembled, it was controlled by this will, absorbing the essence of chaos in chaos.

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, but he didn't mean to disturb this will.

Dan Qingzi first stepped onto a branch of the Li River Sacred Tree, followed by Qin Yi and others.


Dan Qingzi pinched the magic formula, as if to communicate with the branches of the Li River divine tree.

The next moment, the branches soared up like a dragon, holding up Qin Yi and others, and quickly flew to the top of the Li River Sacred Tree.

In just one thousandth of a breath, he crossed countless areas and came to an area, or a platform, close to the top of the Li River Sacred Tree.

Above the platform, there is a palace with a plaque above it.

The book has three words "Elder's Hall".

Walking into the elder's hall, Qin Yi's eyes narrowed, and he saw a figure sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall.

Just like the gods and demons sitting cross-legged in the temple, there is a detached charm.

When raising his hands and feet, there seems to be an infinite rhythm escaping.

"Big elder."

Seeing the figure, Dan Qingzi immediately stepped forward and bowed his hands. This figure was the Great Elder of the Dan Clan.


The moment he saw the big elder of the Dan clan, Qin Yi's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

According to what Dan Qingzi said, although this Dan clan elder has been in the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm for a long time, his cultivation has never made a big breakthrough and stayed in the early stage of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

But at this moment, Qin Yi saw that this Dan clan chief elder was far from being as simple as Dan Qingzi said.

With just one glance, Qin Yi could see that the Dan clan elder had hidden his cultivation, and his cultivation was not the early stage of the quasi-tianzun realm, but the late stage of the quasi-tianzun realm, and even reached the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

However, the cultivation base revealed by the chief elder of the Dan clan was only in the early stage of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, so that he had deceived Dan Qingzi and other elites of the Dan clan.

If Qin Yi hadn't just used the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, the power of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang still remained in his eyes, and it was very likely that he was also deceived by the elders of the Dan clan.

The secret method of this big elder of the Dan clan is quite good. With his cultivation realm, the powerhouse at the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm may not be able to see through it.

Unless someone like Wen Zhong who specializes in pupil art, or someone like Qin Yi who holds the Heavenly Venerate Artifact, can see through the concealment of the Dan Clan's Great Elder.

"Elder, this is the Unfallen Emperor Lord, Changsheng Emperor, and Master Cai."

Dan Qingzi, who was beside him, also opened his mouth to introduce Qin Yi and the three of them to the chief elder of the Dan clan.

"I met three fellow Daoists at the great elder of the Xiadan clan."

Without waiting for Dan Qingzi to introduce himself, the Dan clan chief elder took the initiative to speak.

While speaking, the eyes of the Dan clan chief elder swept across Qin Yi and the three, especially Cai Yulei who stayed the longest, with a deep fear flashing in his eyes.

On Cai Yulei, he felt a strong sense of threat originating from the soul. If he fought against this person, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

He, who originally didn't care what Dan Qingzi said, now also understands that what Dan Qingzi said is true, that this is a strong man far superior to him.

However, his eyes did not stay on Cai Yulei for too long, and finally fell on Qin Changsheng, recalling the news from Dan Qingzi, the smile on his face became more and more warm.

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