Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4089: Jiuzhuan Dan spirit body

"Immortal muscles and jade bones, Dao eyes are born, this is the sign of the nine-turn pill spirit body, good, good, good!"

The second elder of the Dan clan put one hand on Dan Yuanzi, and a strand of original Dan energy merged into Dan Yuanzi's body to investigate the situation of Dan Yuanzi.

The more he probed, the more joy the second Dan elders had on their faces.

Jiuzhuan Dan spirit body.

A special physique that belongs to the Dan clan only, it will only be born on top of the elixir creatures, and it ranks among the top three or even the first physique among the elixir creatures.

Before the birth of the Dan Clan, many elixir creatures were scattered in the five realms, and there were also many amazing people who appeared.

However, Lihe Dan Zun was the most amazing and talented person among them, and he was able to create the Dan clan in the end.

Apart from the Lihe Pill Venerable, there has also been a quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse born in the elixir life, who is only one step away from proving the Taoist Immortal Celestial Venerable.

This person is called Tiandu Daojun.

The most famous thing about Tiandu Daojun is that he has a nine-turn pill spirit body, and he has a talent beyond ordinary people in the field of pill making.

It is by relying on the spirit body of Jiuzhuan Pill that Tiandu Daojun made rapid progress in alchemy, and cultivated all the way to the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, only half a step away from the Tianzun realm.

It's a pity that in the end, for some reason, he failed to survive the Heavenly Venerate Dao Tribulation and fell under the Heavenly Venerate Dao Tribulation.

Even so, Tiandu Daojun has left a strong mark in the history of elixir creatures, and is well known to countless elixir creatures.

The birth of Tiandu Daojun also made Jiuzhuan Pill Spirit Body famous, ranking among the top three physiques of Pill Medicine Spirits.

"Hahaha, with your physique, Yuan'er, Dan Zun's inheritance must be in your pocket, but this old man has to see what the old man has to say this time!

How can the inheritance of Dan Zun left to the Wudan family be handed over to others? "

The second elder of the Dan clan laughed, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, what he said was aimed at the big elder of the Dan clan.

Regarding the practice of the Dan clan chief elder who wanted to pass the Dan Zun to outsiders, He was deeply complaining, unwilling, and did not want to know why the Dan clan chief elder did this.

He only knows that the inheritance of the Dan Zun is the inheritance that the Li River Dan Zun left to the entire Dan Clan.

So much so that after he got the news that Dan Qingzi was suspected of bringing a foreign elixir spirit back to the Dan family, he had no choice but to trigger Dan Yuanzi's Chengdan Thunder Tribulation in advance.

The risk of His move is not too big. If you are not careful, you may lose all your efforts and all your efforts will be in vain.

Fortunately, he was lucky, Dan Yuanzi survived the Pill Thunder Tribulation safely, successfully transformed, and even possessed the powerful physique of the Ninth Revolution Pill Spirit Body.

This also gave the second elder of the Dan clan confidence that Dan Yuanzi could obtain the inheritance of Dan Zun.

"Congratulations to the second elder for getting this unicorn. I will wait for the day to bring down that old man and revitalize the entire Dan family."

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed in a red black robe with seven stars painted on the center of his eyebrows came to the second elder of the Dan clan, rubbed his palms and smiled.

Behind him, there are many Dan clan powerhouses, also congratulating the second Dan clan elder.

"Three elders, you are here."

The second elder of the Dan clan also smiled when he saw the person coming.

This middle-aged man in red robe is the third elder of the Dan clan, and the many powerful Dan clan behind him are the many powerhouses of their faction.

"You guys came at the right time. Although Yuan'er is a new born, he is also a member of my Dan clan, and is qualified to inherit the Dan Zun inheritance. We will find the old man together, and have a good discussion, whether there is anyone in my Dan clan who can inherit it. Dan Zun inheritance!"

The second elder of the Dan clan changed the subject, with strong confidence in his words.

This is the confidence that Dan Yuanzi can win the inheritance of Dan Zun, and the confidence brought by Jiuzhuan Dan spirit body.

"As it should be."

When the third elder of the Dan tribe heard the words, he couldn't help laughing.

"Excuse me, how can I give the things of my Dan clan to outsiders?"

Not only him, but many other Dan clan powerhouses also spoke.

Dan Yuanzi has a nine-turn pill spirit body, and they naturally saw it.

Because of the nine-turn Dan spirit body, it can be said that Dan Yuanzi's aptitude has become the first person of the Dan family, and this kind of qualification is entirely possible to inherit the inheritance of Dan Zun.

Then, the second elder of the Dan clan and a group of people came towards the elder's hall with arrogance.

"Elder, what should we do now?"

Dan Qingzi's expression tightened, and he looked at the Dan clan's chief elder at a loss.

"It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. Don't mess around. Since the second elder wants to discuss the Tao with the old man, the old man should do it."

The Dan clan elder sighed softly.

Immediately, he pleaded guilty to Qin Yi: "Let the emperor laugh."

"No problem."

Qin Yi waved his hand indifferently. He didn't care much about this farce.

No matter how the second elder of the Dan clan and others struggled, the ownership of the Dan Zun inheritance was already doomed, or in other words, when Qin Yi responded to Dan Qingzi's request, it was already doomed.

He gave up his cultivation time and brought Qin Changsheng to the Dan Clan in person. How could he return without success?

Not to mention, the matter of Dan Zun's inheritance is related to two system tasks, as well as Qin Changsheng's future cultivation path, how could Qin Yi surrender.

Furthermore, after coming to the Dan family, Qin Yi wanted Qin Changsheng to obtain the inheritance of Dan Zun, and then control the entire Dan family, and then turn the Dan family into a vassal of the Emperor Dynasty, which became more and more intense.

Most of the Dan people are elixir creatures, and there are not many others, but the most alchemists.

Perhaps in terms of the number of powerhouses and their power, the Dan clan cannot compare with other forces, but in terms of alchemy, few forces can compare with the Dan clan.

Even in some holy places of alchemy, the alchemy clan is not different from them.

Buluodi Dynasty was lacking in this regard, not to mention compared with the alchemy clan, even compared with some second-rate alchemy forces.

Even if the emperor did not absorb many alchemists from the Qilin family, it was the same. Compared with alchemy, the Qilin family was better at refining weapons.

The existence of Tusita Palace gave Buluodi Dynasty the potential to become a holy place for alchemy, but the potential is only potential. To grow into a holy place for alchemy, Buluodi Dynasty still needs a long accumulation.

For example, there is only one alchemy master above the seventh realm, and it is still from the Qilin family.

Among the alchemists that Buluodichao cultivated, Hao Yilian has gone the farthest in alchemy.

Relying on the inheritance of Dan Tao in the Tusita Palace, Hao Yilian has made great progress in alchemy, but until now, she can only refine middle-level imperial elixir.

Hao Yilian still has a long way to go to become an alchemy master who can refine high-level imperial elixir. After all, alchemy requires a lot of experience compared to martial arts.

But it would be different if the Dan people were taken for their own use.

If Buluodi Dynasty can control the entire Dan family, then Buluodi Dynasty can become a holy place for alchemy.

Under such circumstances, how could Qin Yi let go of this opportunity to take the Dan clan for his own use?

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