Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4100: Chaos Alchemy


Lihe Danzun felt the fluctuations in the void, and when he heard the words of the Dan clan chief elder and others, he nodded in satisfaction.

When things have developed to this point, the Dan Clan can only continue to pass on the possibility if they surrender and hold Qin Changsheng as their master.

Otherwise, the danger of the annihilation of the Dan clan is only in sight.

"Emperor Changsheng, please take a step forward, and I will hand over the inheritance of Dan Zun to you."

Danzun Lihe looked at Qin Changsheng again and said aloud.

Hearing this, Qin Changsheng didn't hesitate and took a step forward.


Dan Zun Lihe looked straight and pointed at Qin Changsheng's eyebrows.


Qin Changsheng only felt that his mind exploded, and the whole person was in a trance, as if he was in a vast chaos, and he seemed to be in an ancient wilderness.

Looking up, I saw an ancient and stalwart existence, standing in the chaos, overlooking the billions of miles of empty universe.

If you look closely, you can see that this stalwart face is the same as Lihe Danzun.

However, different from the remnant soul of the Lihe Danzun in the trial tower, this Lihe Danzun was arrogant and stunned the heavens like an ancient **** king.

When you raise your hands, everything moves!

"The methods of alchemy in the world are like the number of horizontal sands, alchemy with fire, alchemy with water, alchemy with wind... There are countless methods of alchemy.

I have an alchemy method, which ranks above many alchemy methods. It is called "Chaos Alchemy Technique". With chaos as the furnace and ten thousand ways as salary, I can refine the supreme elixir! "

Lihe Danzun's voice shook the world, shaking the universe.


When the voice of the Lihe Pill Venerable came, Qin Changsheng immediately fell down and sat down.

This "Chaos Alchemy Technique" has a very high intention and great potential.

In Lihe Danzun's vision, "Chaos Alchemy Technique" can eventually reach the point where the entire chaos is used as the alchemy furnace, and the ten thousand Taos are used as the fuel to refine the medicinal pills.

Of course, these are just the visions of the Lihe Danzun, and they are far from being achieved.

After all, to be able to concoct alchemy with the entire chaos, at least one must have a cultivation level above the Nine Heavens True Immortal Realm to be able to do this.

Even so, this "Chaos Alchemy Technique" is extremely good, enough to support Qin Changsheng's cultivation to the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Similarly, it is also a resource for Qin Changsheng to advance to the virtual fairyland.

Inside the trial tower,

Lihe Dan Zun looked at Qin Changsheng who was comprehending the Dan Zun inheritance, and his aura was constantly improving, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

After the deity of Lihe Danzun died, he left behind this remnant soul for two purposes.

One is to allow the Dan family to continue to inherit and provide shelter for the elixir souls in the five realms, and the other is to find a successor to pass on everything about themselves.

Now that these two goals have been achieved, He also died without regret.

"Forget it, I have lived for thousands of epochs, the inheritance has been left, and the Dan family can continue to inherit it, so I should leave."

Danzun Lihe smiled, and as he spoke, his figure became more and more blurred, as if it would dissipate between heaven and earth at any time.

This remnant soul of Lihe Dan Zun barely exists in the world by relying on the power in Dan Zun's inheritance.

At this moment, the inheritance of the Dan Zun has fallen into Qin Changsheng's body, and the remnant soul of the Lihe Dan Zun has naturally lost the power to support its existence.

"Dan Zun, don't you want to see the future of the Dan Clan with your own eyes?"

At this moment, a voice sounded in the ear of Lihe Danzun.

Lihe Dan Zun turned his head to look, and the person who spoke was Qin Yi.

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