Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4102: Mutation

For the elites of the Dan tribe, the Lihe Dan Zun is a god-like existence, admired by countless elixir creatures.

Any orders from the Lihe Dan Zun, the Dan clan elders and other Dan clan powerhouses will unconditionally abide by them.

Just before that, Dan Zun Lihe opened his mouth to let the Dan clan respect Qin Changsheng as the main force, and the Dan clan chief elder and other Dan clan powerhouses agreed without hesitation.

Even the second elder of the Dan clan and others who had been opposed to them resolutely surrendered after hearing the order of the Lihe Dan Zun.

From this, we can see the status of Lihe Dan Zun in the hearts of Dan people.

But now, Lihe Dan Zun is half a step behind Qin Changsheng. In the eyes of the Dan clan chief elder and others, how incredible this is!

You know, this is Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate!

Looking at the five realms, Void Immortal Tianzun is the supreme existence standing firmly on the top of the heavens, overlooking thousands of red dust.

Moreover, Qin Changsheng inherited the inheritance of Dan Zun, and logically speaking, he was regarded as a disciple of Li River Dan Zun.

But now, where does Qin Changsheng look like a disciple of Lihe Danzun, those who don't know think that Lihe Danzun is a disciple of Qin Changsheng.

"Don't fall into the imperial dynasty..."

The second elder of the Dan clan was awe-inspiring, and he was keenly aware of the reason in an instant.

Before Qin Changsheng came out, the first elder of the Dan clan also took the initiative to inform the second elder of the Dan clan and others about the identities of Qin Yi and others.

When they heard the identities of Qin Yi and others, the faces of the second Dan elders and other Dan powerhouses turned green.

During the three days waiting for the trial to start, the news about the battle in the Forbidden Land of Bone Bone had also spread to the Dan Clan.

However, at that time, the second elder of the Dan clan and the others were all focused on the Pill Venerable Trial, and did not pay too much attention to it.

Moreover, there is no intersection between the Dan clan and the Buluo Emperor Dynasty. After hearing the news, the second elder of the Dan clan and others were shocked and put it aside.

As a result, the second elder of the Dan clan and others never thought that Qin Yi and others would be members of the Fudi Dynasty.

Even Qin Changsheng, who competed with Dan Yuanzi, was not the emperor.

When learning the identity of Qin Changshen, the second elder of the Dan clan almost broke out in a cold sweat.

The second elder of the Dan clan didn't think about taking action against Qin Changsheng before. After all, in his view before, no matter how little Qin Changsheng acted as a threat to Dan Yuanzi, he might still pose a threat to Dan Yuanzi.

If you can kill it, you can also save a trouble.

But later, because he did not want to anger the first elder of the Dan clan, and at the same time, he also had confidence in Dan Yuanzi, the second elder of the Dan clan gave up this plan.

The second elder of the Dan clan looked back at this time, and was extremely grateful that he had not made an impulsive decision before.

If he had shot Qin Changsheng before, what would have happened?

The second elder of the Dan clan dare not imagine that if it attracts revenge from the Unfallen Dynasty, I am afraid that the Dan clan will be in big trouble!

If the previous dynasty did not fall, the Dan people would not be afraid.

After all, with the Myriad Dao Dynasty staring at him, the powerhouses who do not fall into the Emperor Dynasty may not dare to step out of the Eastern Border, and it is impossible to take action against the Dan Clan.

But the current Buluo Dynasty is different.

With Xuxian Tianzun in charge of the Buluodi Dynasty, he is not afraid of the threat of the Wandao Dynasty, and the strong people who do not fall into the emperor's Dynasty can step out of the eastern border.

If the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate behind the Emperor Dynasty does not make a move, the Dan Clan will be able to stop the opponent, and I am afraid they will pay a heavy price.

Even, it may be destroyed!

The current Dan clan is no longer the heyday of the past, and it is not even a top-notch power.

After all, the Dan Clan does not have the repression background of the Heavenly Venerate Tool.

However, fortunately, the Dan people now have a backer.

'This Emperor Buluo has become the master of our Dan family and is in charge of the Dan family. If other forces want to deal with the Dan family in the future, they must also be carefully weighed. ’

The second elder of the Dan clan sighed in his heart. Although he was helpless, he also understood that such a result was extremely good for the Dan clan.

The Dan family can also avoid a lot of trouble by relying on the emperor's dynasty.

Not to mention other, the imminent threat of the Dan tribe, the Tianhe Sword Sect, must not dare to conflict with the Dan tribe again.

If the Dan Clan takes refuge in the Emperor Dynasty without falling, the Tianhe Sword Sect will attack the Dan Clan again, that is, they are hitting the face of the Emperor Dynasty without falling.

Thinking of this, the second elder of the Dan clan had the last trace of unwillingness in his heart, and then dissipated.


Qin Changsheng stepped out, came to Qin Yi, and bowed.

Hearing Qin Changsheng's words, the second elder of the Dan clan and the others were startled, and a huge wave was instantly set off in their hearts.

They never thought that Emperor Buluo would actually go to the Dan Clan.

However, after thinking about it, all the elites of the Dan family suddenly realized that Qin Changsheng, the Fuluo emperor, had already arrived in the Dan family, and it was not surprising that the Emperor Fuluo appeared in the Dan family.

"It turns out that everything is in your calculations."

The second elder of the Dan clan glanced at the first elder of the Dan clan and sighed in his heart.

At this time, how could he not understand that the battle between him and the chief elder of the Dan clan had ended from the very beginning.

Emperor Buluo came to the Dan Clan in person and wanted to obtain the inheritance of the Dan Zun, how dare the Dan Clan not give it?

Even if Dan Yuanzi was able to pass the nine trials of the trial tower and obtain the inheritance of Dan Zun, he could only give it to Qin Changsheng in the end.

That is to say, the Emperor Wuluo deliberately trained the Emperor Wuluo, so that Qin Changsheng did not reveal his identity.

Otherwise, this competition will end from the beginning.

Of course, it was an indisputable fact that Qin Changsheng won the Dan Zun inheritance by his own strength.


Just when Qin Yi was about to say something to Qin Changsheng, he suddenly frowned.

Lihe Danzun and the others also seemed to feel it, and raised their eyes to look at Qiongtian.


The vast fluctuations fell from the top of the nine heavens, as if the Tianhe was rolling backwards, covering the nine heavens and ten places.

In just an instant, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the tens of thousands of miles of void near Lihe City shattered and turned into chaos.

Some Dan clan creatures who were too late to avoid were directly crushed into powder by this breath and fell on the spot.


Lihe City and many other cities vibrated, bursting out with a faint divine brilliance, linking with the great formation inscribed between heaven and earth, to compete with this momentum.


The divine sword split into the air, and the boiling spiritual energy swept away in all directions, and streams of light pierced through the sky, illuminating the sun and the moon.

Above each divine sword, there is a figure standing on it.

Their faces were indifferent, and every breath swept the whole world, and with just a few gestures, they could crush the eternity, and they were the giants of the heavens above the seventh realm.

And the number of these powerhouses is actually thirty-eight.

Thirty-eight giants of the heavens above the seventh realm, what is this concept?

Some first-class forces have exhausted their background, but they can't come up with so many giants of the heavens, such as the Dan clan.

Now that the Dan family is declining day by day, there are only twelve giants of the heavens above the seventh realm in the entire Dan family.

Thirty-eight giants of the heavens, that is, more than three times the number of giants of the entire Danzun heavens!

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