Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4115: Handling the Xuanhuang Tianjian

After all, Xuanhuang Tianjian is Xuanhuang Tianzun's treasure of enlightenment, and a sword tool that Tianzun at the peak of the virtual fairyland relies on to traverse the heavens, how can it be simple?

Qin Yi can conclude that the Xuanhuang Tianjian is at least a quasi-immortal-level sword, ranking at the top of the Tianzun.

If it weren't for the heavy damage and the destruction of the spirit, the Xuanhuang Tianjian might be able to kill the Tianzun who had just entered the virtual fairyland.

Like imperial soldiers, celestial weapons are also divided into four levels.

Beginner-level Celestial Artifacts, Intermediate-level Celestial Artifacts, High-Order Celestial Artifacts, and Quasi Immortal Artifacts.

Each level corresponds to the cultivation realm of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and the power also corresponds to it.

For example, if the first-level Heavenly Venerate weapon is fully awakened, it can erupt with power comparable to that of the Heavenly Venerate in the early stage of the virtual fairyland.

The quasi-immortal weapon is capable of bursting out the power comparable to the peak of the virtual fairyland, and it can be said to be powerful.

It's a pity that the Xuanhuang Tianjian was broken so badly that it almost fell to the level of the Heavenly Venerate.

However, the sharpness contained in the Xuanhuang Tianjian was not greatly weakened by the shattering of the Xuanhuang Tianjian.

The edge contained in it completely broke out, and it could even kill a Heavenly Venerate who had just entered the virtual fairyland and even the early stage of the virtual fairyland.

If you just want to activate the power in the Xuanhuang Tianjian, you must first endure the backlash of the Xuanhuang Tianjian.

Injuring others first hurts oneself, this is the current Xuanhuang Tianjian.

If they can't bear the backlash of Xuanhuang Tianjian, I am afraid that the first time that Xuanhuang Tianjian is motivated will fall.

The Chiyue Swordsman fell into the hands of the Xuanhuang Tianjian rather than the Lihe Danzun.

The many backlashes of the Xuanhuang Tianjian caused the Chiyue Sword Venerable to be seriously injured, and the source had been injured, so it was easily killed by the Lihe Dan Venerable.

Qin Yi mobilized the power of Wan Yaomang Gutu to bless Lihe Danzun, and even helped Lihe Danzun block the last sword of Chiyue Swordsman.

In fact, after cutting out that sword, Sword Sovereign Chiyue was left with only an empty shell.

Even without the blessing of Wan Yaomang Gutu's power, Lihe Dan Zun could easily kill Chiyue Sword Lord.

This is the horror of the Xuanhuang Tianjian's backlash!

Of course, this is not a problem for Qin Yi.

For him, the Xuanhuang Tianjian's role is more as a resource to nourish the Emperor Dragon Sword and promote the Emperor Dragon Sword.

"However, the sharpness contained in the Xuanhuang Tianjian is not easy to handle."

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

The edge contained in the Xuanhuang Tianjian is extremely tyrannical, and it can even hurt the Immortal Heavenly Venerate. If the Emperor Dragon Sword is directly refined, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

Even, it may cause losses to the Emperor Dragon Sword, but the gains outweigh the losses. We must find a way to deal with the sharpness contained in the Xuanhuang Tianjian.

"The Immortal Slashing Gourd should be a good solution to this problem."

Soon, Qin Yi thought of an excellent solution.

Although the sharpness contained in the Xuanhuang Tianjian was terrifying, it was nothing compared to the evil spirit contained in the Immortal Slaying Gourd.

He can completely let the Immortal Slaying Gourd devour the sharpness contained in the Xuanhuang Tianjian, which can be regarded as nourishing the Immortal Slaying Gourd.


After making up his mind, Qin Yi flipped his hand, put away the Xuanhuang Tianjian, and looked at Qiongtian.

After Chiyue Tianzun was killed and Tianhe Sword Master was suppressed, the situation on the battlefield reversed in an instant, and the whole fell to the Dan tribe.

Although the number of giants of the Tianhe Sword Sect is more than that of the Dan tribe.

However, in terms of high-end combat power, the Dan Clan should outperform the Tianhe Sword Sect.

Daojun Shenshu alone has formed a crush on Tianhe Sword Sect. As a quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse, there is no strong person of the same level to stop him. The giants of Tianhe Sword Sect are not the opponents of Daojun Shenshu at all.

Even if all the giants of the Tianhe Sword Sect shot together, they could not be the opponents of Daojun Shenshu.

This is the boundary gap.

Of course, many giants of the Tianhe Sword Sect wanted to leave, but Daojun Shenshu might not be able to stop them.

However, with the help of the great formation outside the city gate of Li River and the help of many powerful Dan people, it was able to hold back the giants of the Tianhe Sword Sect.

Daojun Shenshu took the opportunity to kill them one by one, and even Lihe Dan Zun had already taken action, refining many giants of the Tianhe Sword Sect into flesh-and-blood elixir.

Qin Yi just glanced at the flesh-and-blood elixir refined by Lihe Danzun and lost interest.

This flesh-and-blood elixir looks good, but to Qin Yi, it's like a chicken rib.

The Great Pill of Flesh and Flesh is an elixir made by Lihe Danzun with the flesh and blood of the enemy, the soul, and the power of the source.

Said to be an elixir, to be precise, but it was a mixed bag, and could not be called an elixir.

There are still a lot of will, resentment, hatred, etc. of the original owner in the Flesh Great Pill, which will affect the medicinal power of the Flesh Great Pill.

Likewise, if the Flesh Great Pill is swallowed directly, it may contaminate one's own body, spirit, and soul. Therefore, the will and resentment in the Flesh Great Pill must be expelled before swallowing.

The effect on Qin Yi is far less direct than the essence of innate chaos.

And for the eternal clone, the flesh and blood elixir, which enhances the power of flesh and blood, is not very useful.

Although it can be used as an energy source to open up the world, it takes a lot of time to expel the will and resentment in it, which is far inferior to other pills of the same level.

However, for the elixir creatures of the Dan clan, these elixir pills are extremely useful, because of the special body structure of elixir creatures, they can quickly absorb the medicinal power of the flesh and blood elixir.

As for the will, resentment, and hatred in the flesh and blood elixir, they will be abandoned by the elixir spirits.

Therefore, Qin Yi did not intend to compete for the flesh-and-blood Dan, and let the Dan clansmen devour it to make the most of it.

Soon, after the Lihe Dan Zun refined the begging Dan Chenzi into a flesh-and-blood elixir, the battle ended with the Dan clan's victory.

Correspondingly, the Dan Clan obtained more than thirty flesh and blood pills, as well as the collection of more than thirty giants of the heavens.

If you can digest the income, the foundation of the Dan family will definitely be improved.

Of course, this does not mean that the matter is completely over, the Tianhe Sword Sect has come out in full force, and many giants have fallen, but the Tianhe Sword Sect is still there.

The Dan people also need to completely destroy the Tianhe Sword Sect to eradicate future troubles, and receive many cultivation resources left by the Tianhe Sword Sect.

Therefore, the Dan clan elders and other Dan clan giants quickly rushed to the Tianhe Sword Sect, and were caught off guard when they wanted to hit the remaining strong people of the Tianhe Sword Sect.

However, these have nothing to do with Qin Yi.

After the war, Qin Yi took Cai Yulei to leave the Dan clan, while Qin Changsheng and Lihe Dan clan stayed in the Dan clan.

According to Qin Changsheng's words, staying in Lihe City, with sufficient wood attribute aura, and the teachings of Lihe Danzun, he can practice more quickly.

Qin Yi naturally agreed, but left Wanlingzhen Yuzhong as the treasure of Qin Changsheng's Taoist protection.

Since Qin Yi obtained Wanling Zhenyu Bell from the Qilin Clan, Qin Yi never used Wanling Zhenyu Bell again, and it was handed over to Qin Changsheng to use it.

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