Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4123: The mighty Cai Yulei


Thunder surging, running through the universe.

In the blink of an eye, the thunderbolts crossed the barriers of countless void dimensions, and the aura of destroying the sky and the earth permeated the sky.

"Is this the power of Tianzun Thunder Tribulation?"

A group of strong people couldn't help being startled, and they were shocked by the power of Lei Jie.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of thunder calamity it is, the first wave of thunder is often the weakest, but the power of this first wave of thunder is not inferior to that of a quasi-tianzun powerhouse.

The first wave of thunder was so terrifying, and if it followed the conventions of thunder tribulations, the subsequent thunder tribulations would only become more and more terrifying.


However, in the face of the falling thunder, Cai Yulei had no intention of evading, and let the thunder strike him.


The next moment, Cai Yulei's body seemed to have a great road resonating, and invisible fluctuations escaped. When the power of thunder fell on Cai Yulei, the power of destruction contained in it instantly disintegrated and turned into pure energy.

Then, Cai Yulei's body was like a gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous gluttonous glutton, swallowing all the energy transformed by the thunder.

One after another thunder fell, all of which were absorbed into energy by Cai Yulei.

For a time, his whole person burst into a dazzling light, and every body was swallowing and spitting the power of thunder.


As a result, Cai Yulei's aura became more tyrannical and more complete.

Cai Yulei practiced the Dao of Death Qi, which was the Dao of the Ultimate Yin.

As the saying goes, solitary yin does not grow long, and solitary yang does not grow.

Yin and yang complement each other and cannot be separated from each other. Cai Yulei was baptized by thunder tribulation, which breeds the qi of ultimate yang, but instead makes his body attain the meaning of perfection.

At the same time, He also tempered the flesh with the help of the thunder.


The tiny impurities turned into wisps of black smoke, wafting out of Cai Yulei's body.

Cai Yulei's body glowed brighter and brighter, and the exposed body of white bones was like a piece of crystal clear white jade.

"This... Does this person also practice body training?"

Seeing this scene, all the strong people were stunned.

Generally speaking, the strong people who practice the Death Qi Dao do not pay attention to the tempering of the physical body, and the physical body is far weaker than the strong people of the same realm.

Not to mention, compared with the powerhouses of the same realm who practiced body refinement together.

But Cai Yulei's performance subverted their imagination.

At this moment, Cai Yulei acted like a quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse who practiced body training, and was allowed to be baptized by Tianlei.

Even, without using other means, directly use the physical body to resist.

Although the Heavenly Venerate Thunder Tribulation is only the first calamity of the Heavenly Venerate Three Tribulations, it does not mean that the Heavenly Venerate Thunder Tribulation is the simplest calamity in the Heavenly Venerate Three Tribulations.

You must know that in the distant immemorial era, the Heavenly Venerate Thunder Tribulation was the one with the largest number of people who fell among the Three Heavenly Venerate Tribulations.

It is rumored that even many Heavenly Venerates who have already proven the Taoist Immortal Realm are cautious when facing the Thunder Tribulation of Heavenly Venerate.

Open many magic circles, or use many secret treasures and magical powers, in order to survive the Thunder Tribulation.

If it is not the power of the virtual fairyland level, it cannot appear in the Tianzun catastrophe. Otherwise, many strong people will take out the Tianzun tool when they are robbing to ensure that they can safely survive the Tianzun catastrophe.

It is precisely because of this that many strong people who want to prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate do not dare to take it lightly when facing the Heavenly Venerate Thunder Tribulation.

Such as Cai Yulei, who can resist the Thunder Tribulation of the Heavenly Venerate with physical body, only the powerhouses who practice the one way of body refinement.

However, Cai Yulei clearly wanted to use the Dao of Death Qi to prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

How can this not surprise the strong people?

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