Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4128: Many strong men come one after another

Although the Heavenly Venerate Heart Demon Tribulation is not a fist-to-fight fight, its mental depletion to the robbers is far greater than the fight.

The consumption of mind and spirit is not comparable to the consumption of one's own source power, and it is extremely slow to recover.

Unless there is a specific magic power, or a specific medicinal pill, heaven and earth treasures, it is possible to quickly restore the mental and spiritual wear and tear of the body.

Generally speaking, in order to deal with the Heavenly Venerate Heart Demon Tribulation, the robberies will prepare elixir to restore the mind, or heaven and earth treasures.

In the same way, after the robbery has passed the Heavenly Venerate Heart Demon Tribulation, the mental loss will be extremely serious, not like Cai Yulei's normal person.

This kind of feeling is as if Cai Yulei did not survive the calamity.

No matter what, the Heavenly Venerate Heart Demon Tribulation is over, Cai Yulei has survived the Heavenly Venerate Heart Demon Tribulation, and the next is the Third Heavenly Venerate Tribulation, Human Tribulation.


A huge wave suddenly spread, reaching the infinite depths.

In an instant, the Northern Desolate Realm, the Eastern Realm Realm... Countless worlds in the five realms, all the chaos and chaos, were covered by this wave of fluctuations.

All living beings can clearly perceive the fluctuations originating from the Dao, especially many experts who practice the Dao of Death Qi.

In the barren and dead world, an existence shrouded in death and ghostly aura slowly woke up from a deep sleep.

"The fluctuation of the Death Qi Dao? Some people want to use the Death Qi Dao to prove the Dao Xianxian Tianzun, Jie Jie, it is a bit too whimsical!"

The hoarse voice echoed in the void, with a bleak murderous intent.


next moment.

This world completely collapsed, and a black light ran through the chaos and went straight to the Northern Wilderness Realm.

A mysterious place, pitch black as ink, surging like mercury death energy, covering the entire area, forming a huge lake.

The poisonous gas pervades the air, a miasma that is enough to corrode everything, covering all directions.

The endless yin suffocation is rolling, as if gathering all the yin suffocation in the world.

This is a forbidden place for living beings.

Any creature that steps in it will be corroded in an instant, turning into an inconspicuous white corpse in the lake.


Suddenly, green bubbles appeared one after another in the lake, and I saw a toad with a green body, slowly sticking its head out from the bottom of the lake.

This toad is as green as glass, and in this most yin and evil lake water, it does not touch the slightest filth, but instead has a pure and holy charm.

"If you want to prove the Dao Xunxian Tianzun, have you asked this ancestor?"

There was a hint of coldness in Toad's long and narrow eyes.


One mouth, like a whale swallowing the world, endless yin and evil energy, the lake water transformed by the rolling death energy, instantly poured into its mouth, and all were swallowed up by it.

As soon as the toad moved, it disappeared in place, leaving only an empty shell world with nothing left.

"If you want to prove the Dao Xunxian Tianzun, you have to ask Ye Yun if you don't allow it!"

"Battle of the Great Road!"

"This seat does not allow anyone to occupy the source of Death Qi Avenue before this seat."

At the same time, strong men from all over the five realms awakened, broke through the barriers, and headed for the Northern Wilderness Realm under the influence of the fluctuations of the Great Dao.

Of course, there are also strong people who feel the fluctuations of the Dao but turn a deaf ear. However, there are very few such strong people, and most of them are strong people who are unwilling to give up hope of proving the Dao.

If the source of the Death Qi Dao is occupied, the possibility of them proving the Dao Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate will basically be completely cut off.

The battle of the road, how can we let it go?

In the area where the Heavenly Desolate Continent was originally located, Cai Yulei stood in the chaotic void, quietly waiting for the arrival of the powerhouse who practiced the Death Qi Dao.

The so-called human catastrophe is the catastrophe formed by many strong people who practice the same Dao.

Tribulation transcendence needs to defeat many powerhouses who practice the same Dao, or let these powerhouses who practice the same Dao recognize their status, and then they can survive the calamity.

The difficulty of human calamity is related to the number of strong people who practice this avenue.

The more powerhouses who practice the same avenue, the more difficult it will be to survive human calamity.

In the same way, the fewer the powerhouses who practice the same avenue, the less difficult it will be to survive the calamity.

But as time goes by, there are more and more powerhouses in the five realms, and the number of powerhouses who practice the same avenue is also increasing.

This also makes it more and more difficult to survive the calamity.


Suddenly, Cai Yulei's expression changed, and he looked at the chaotic void in the distance.

"You are the one who knocks on the gate of Tianzun, and wants to prove the Taoist fairyland with the avenue of death?"

At this moment, an evil and tyrannical will shook the universe, and a figure suddenly descended into this chaotic void.

The Heavenly Venerate catastrophe did not block the arrival of the figure, but allowed it to enter the scope of the catastrophe.

"This is a very evil monarch!"

A strong man immediately recognized the identity of the figure, it was an ancient figure who became enlightened more than a thousand epochs ago.

It is said that after breaking through the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm, he disappeared, and he did not know where to cultivate in the five realms, and no one could find his trace.

Now because Cai Yulei wants to use the Dao of Death Qi to prove the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate, the extremely evil Yin Jun can't sit still.

Moreover, what surprised everyone the most was that the extremely evil Yinjun had already broken through the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm and became the most powerful existence under the Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

With the advent of the extremely evil yin monarch, it was like a prelude, and a series of powerful men came one after another.

There are the overlords of the heavens in the ninth realm, there are powerful existences in the quasi-tianzun realm, and there are ancient existences that break through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm!

These powerhouses have one feature in common, that is, they all practice the Dao of Death Qi.


A group of powerhouses who practiced the Great Dao of Death Qi appeared together, and the infinite Death Qi spread out in an instant, sweeping the world.

The empty space in the radius of hundreds of millions of miles is filled with death energy, and there is nothing else.

If at this time, there are still worlds or creatures in this void, I am afraid that they will be annihilated countless times in the first place.

The strong men looked at it and couldn't help but tremble with fear.

Among these powerhouses who practice the Death Qi Dao, there is no need to say more about the overlords of the ninth realm, and even some of the powerhouses in the quasi-celestial realm, everyone has never cared.

Because, among these powerhouses who practice the Death Qi Dao, the overlords of the ninth realm and those who have just entered the quasi-celestial realm are already inconspicuous.

What really attracted everyone's attention was the few quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses standing at the forefront.

"Extremely evil Yinjun, Wanku Daojun, evil bone Daoist..."

Every time they spit out a name, the expressions of the strong men changed slightly.

Each of these powerhouses is the arrogance of an era, an undefeated powerful being in the five realms, and all of them have cultivated to the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Any strong person is qualified to support a first-class top power.

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