Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4132: horrified crowd


In the void, it was terribly quiet.

After a long time, there was a sound of gasping for breath.

Whether it was the many powerhouses watching, or Daojun Wanku who besieged Cai Yulei and others, they all stared at everything in front of them in astonishment.

Daoist Evil Bone was slapped to death by a slap and fell on the spot.

This is a quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse!

Looking at the entire five realms, no matter which power it is, a quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse is an undisputed big man.

The status is only under the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate. In the case that the Void Immortal Celestial Venerable does not make a move, the quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouse can be swept invincible.

But such a strong man was slapped to death by Cai Yulei!

"It's too terrifying, this one must have broken the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm!"

Some strong people exclaimed, at this time, how could they not understand that Cai Yulei's strength has surpassed the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Only by breaking the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, can the evil bone Taoist be killed.

"Master Cai broke the shackles of the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm. It turns out that this is the confidence that Master Cai dared to provoke the Great Calamity of Heavenly Venerate in the Northern Wilderness Realm."

The elders of the Dan clan and other experts who did not know Cai Yulei's strength suddenly realized at this time.

Before that, they also understood why Cai Yulei chose to trigger the Great Calamity of Heavenly Venerate in Tianpu Continent, and did not even make any arrangements to deal with the calamity of Heavenly Venerate.

With Cai Yulei's strength to break the shackles of the quasi-tianzun realm peak, why should you care about this?

"That is to say, as long as Mr. Cai survives the great calamity of Heavenly Venerate and proves the Tao, there will be two Heavenly Venerates of Xuxian who will sit in the throne if he does not fall into the emperor's dynasty!

One door and two days honor, such strength..."

The Dan clan chief elder and others even looked at each other, the excitement in their eyes undisguised.

One faction has two Immortal Heavenly Venerates in charge. Although it is not a precedent in the five realms, it should be the only one in the five realms today.

In today's five realms, there is no one faction that has two virtual immortals.

In terms of the number of Xuxian Tianzun alone, Buluodi Dynasty is the number one force in the five realms.

Of course, this is only based on the number of Immortal Venerable Heavenly Venerates. It really has to be based on the power background, and it is still not comparable to some ancient powers without falling to the Emperor Dynasty.

For example, some forces that have the peak of the Imaginary Immortal Realm Heavenly Venerate, their power background is still more than that of the Unfallen Dynasty.

Although there are two immortal gods in the Emperor's Dynasty, there is no **** at the peak of the imaginary fairyland.

But no matter what, there are two immortal gods in the Buluodi Dynasty, and they are not afraid of the threat of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty and the annihilation of the Buddhist sect.

Even if the Divine Dynasty of Wandao joins forces with the Nimie Buddhist Sect, the Divine Master of Wandao and the Great Nirvana Buddha will act together, and there is no need to be afraid if they do not fall into the Di Dynasty.

Moreover, for the powerhouses of the Dan family and the powerhouses of the Qilin family, the stronger the Unfallen Emperor Dynasty, the harder their backers and the more confident they are.

"It now seems that surrendering to the emperor's dynasty is the best choice for the Dan people."

The elders of the Dan clan and other powerhouses sighed in their hearts, and the last trace of unwillingness in their hearts finally dissipated.

Although the elders of the Dan clan and other powerhouses obeyed Lihe Danzun's orders and surrendered to the Buluodi Dynasty, in fact, it was impossible for them to have no complaints in their hearts.

But now, the Dan clan chief elder and others no longer have any complaints in their hearts, and they seem to have returned to the dynasty.

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