Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4136: Five consecutive draws restart


Brahma flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and the purple energy traversed the chaos of billions of miles.

The vast vision lasted for a stick of incense, and then Cai Yulei disappeared into the void, slowly fell silent, and the chaotic void also returned to calm.

Everything seems to have passed.

But the torrent hidden in the dark has the meaning of intensifying.

The appearance of a Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is enough to change the existing pattern of the five realms. As long as this Void Immortal Celestial Venerable is intentional, it can establish a power at the level of the Gods of the Heavens and the Holy Land of Eternity at any time.

Not to mention, this is a virtual immortal who no one knows his identity or origin.

From the perspective of various forces, Cai Yulei is likely to be a strong man who has existed since the ancient times, even when the five realms first opened.

It's just that Cai Yulei has been cultivating, so his reputation is not obvious, and it is because of this that he can break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-celestial realm, and then prove the Tao.

And a strong man who may come from the ancient times may have a different style of behavior from the current strong man, for example, Cai Yulei and Dongfang Ghost Emperor are honored.

Under such circumstances, Cai Yulei's next actions are even more unpredictable.

Therefore, all forces are paying attention to Cai Yulei's next actions.

"Send someone to search for the trace of this person and find out the origin of this person."

A strong man was sent to investigate news about Cai Yulei.

In particular, the Northern Wilderness Realm, where Cai Yulei appeared and disappeared, attracted the most attention from all parties, and the Eastern Border Realm also received attention.

However, contrary to the expectations of many forces, Cai Yulei disappeared after proving the Dao, without any intention of showing up.

Not to mention the meeting with the representatives sent by the various forces, it is his trace, and no one knows.

As time went by, the disturbance caused by Cai Yulei gradually subsided.

As long as Cai Yulei does not have the idea of ​​creating an influence and changing the pattern of the five realms, the forces of all parties will not care too much about Cai Yulei.

After all, in the five realms, there is no shortage of those who are alone, cultivating hardships alone, or those who only bring a few apprentices.

This type of False Immortal Heavenly Venerate is the least likely to be disturbed by others. If they are disturbed too much, they will anger these False Immortal Heavenly Venerates.

In the eyes of many forces, Cai Yulei should belong to this type of powerhouse.

Therefore, except for some forces with other goals, most of the powerhouses also stopped looking for the trace of Cai Yulei.

While many forces were searching for Cai Yulei's traces, Qin Yi had already brought Cai Yulei and Dongqing Daojun to return to the Emperor's Dynasty.

After returning to the Buluo Imperial Capital, Cai Yulei retreated to stabilize his state.

Dongqing Daojun and Zhang Daoxuan were also arranged by Qin Yi to practice in the worship hall after they made the oath of the Dao of All Heavens.


The oath of the avenues of the heavens.

When Qin Yi asked the two to make the oath of the Dao of the Heavens, the two of Dongqing Daojun were still very surprised, but at Qin Yi's request, the two could only do so.

After all, Zhang Daoxuan has the potential to prove the Dao Xianxian Tianzun. The Dao oath is not safe. Only the Zhutian Dao oath can restrain the Xuxian Tianzun.

Of course, after Zhang Daoxuan and the two made the oath of the Dao of All Heavens, Qin Yi also gave them enough preferential treatment, especially Zhang Daoxuan, who had all the resources for practice, exercises, and magical powers.

As long as Zhang Daoxuan can prove Dao Xianxian Tianzun, Qin Yi's current investment will lose money.

After doing this, Qin Yi did not choose to retreat, but entered the system space. After all, Qin Yi had completed two system tasks before and obtained five system summoning opportunities.

In other words, Qin Yi was able to draw five in a row.

In the system space, eternal darkness shrouded the square, only the central system disc exudes a faint light.

Every time he stepped into the system space, Qin Yi could feel the ancient atmosphere originating from the system disc and filling the entire space.

Even now, as long as Qin Yi sees the system disc, countless insights into the Dao of the Heavens will flood into his heart.

The comprehension of various avenues such as boxing, kendo, thunder road, emperor road, etc. instantly filled his mind.

However, Qin Yi did not come to learn the Dao, but to draw five in a row.

"System, start calling!"

Qin Yi stood in front of the system disc and ordered in a deep voice.


The system disc trembled and turned.

One after another, the silver divine light like thunder, beating around the system disc, burst out with the breath of the ancient and vast.

The divine patterns on the system disc light up one after another, bursting with dazzling divine brilliance, like a big sun hanging high.


Then, countless silver divine lights converged and turned into a dazzling divine pillar that penetrated the system space.

A silver Tianhe that does not know where to start and where it ends hangs above the sky in the system space.

Countless phantoms of the world like stars float up and down in the Tianhe.

The Milky Way Galaxy was raging, and finally poured back into the system disc, and the system disc turned into a silver mirror in an instant.

In the mirror, countless pictures flashed across.

A phantom of a stalwart existence flashed across the mirror, as if it could step out of the mirror at any time.

The ancient Buddha sitting cross-legged on the Lingshan Mountain, the giant who supports the sky and the ground, the Taoist who is in charge of the Book of Heaven... Each of them is a powerful existence above the virtual fairyland.


The system disc trembled and stopped slowly.

The mirror in the center of the disc suddenly shattered, turning into a deep passage that stretched to nowhere.

One after another, if there is or not, it seems ancient, like an ethereal aura, floating out from the passage.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing five system summons, one weapon summoning opportunity, one medicinal pill summoning opportunity, and three squire summoning opportunities."

The cold mechanical sound of the system rang out.

Three squire summoning opportunities?

Qin Yi's spirit was shocked, five chances to summon the system can get three chances to summon squires, this probability is not too high.

You must know that in the last ten draws, Qin Yi only got four squire summoning chances, but this time, he got three squire summoning chances in the five draws. In terms of probability, it is obviously higher this time.

Moreover, the chances of summoning a squire three times, and the chance of recruiting a powerful squire, will also be greatly improved.

It seems that this time the system summons, my luck is not bad.

'If you can recruit another strong man of the Jumang Ancestral Witch level, you will be able to improve the foundation of the emperor's dynasty again. ’

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's weapon summoning opportunity to link to the mythical world of the White Snake."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the chance to summon the medicinal pill, linking to the world of prehistoric mythology."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host Husong for summoning the opportunity to link to the mythical world of White Snake, the mythical world of Journey to the West, and the mythical world of the Great Wilderness."

The system prompts sounded one after another, Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and a look of joy flashed on his face.

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