Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4143: Gorefiend Daojun


The sea of ​​blood rolled, tumbling forward.

This sea of ​​​​blood carries a blood-colored palace, heading forward, and wherever it passes, many Buddhist powerhouses avoid it.

This area is the edge of the Western Heaven Realm. The number of strong Buddhists is not large, and most of them are Arhat Bodhisattvas in the realm of saints and quasi-emperors.

Naturally, it is impossible to compete with this sea of ​​blood, and it can only be avoided far away.

Fa Hai didn't stop the Xue Hai from moving forward, but closed his eyes slightly, as if he was sensing something.

The sea of ​​​​blood continued to move forward until it stopped in front of the Great Thousand World in the most fringe area of ​​the Western Sky Territory.

This Daqian world is extremely peculiar. It is located at the junction of the Western Heaven Realm and the Northern Desolate Realm. To be precise, half of this Daqian World is within the Western Heaven Realm, and half is within the Western Desolate Realm.

Therefore, not all of this great thousand worlds were shrouded in the sound of the Buddha in the Western Heaven Realm.

"Something interesting."

Fa Hai's expression changed, his eyes fell, and he instantly had a panoramic view of the scene in this big thousand world.

Although half of this Great Thousand World is within the Western Heaven Territory, the half within the Western Heaven Territory is a barren land without any living beings.

That is to say, the living beings in this great world do not practice Buddhism, but practice other than Buddhism.

Moreover, there are many great formations shrouded in this Great Thousand World, and these great formations are pushing this Great Thousand World to move to the Northern Wilderness Realm.


The arrival of the sea of ​​​​blood also alarmed the powerhouses in this big thousand world.

A strong man in battle armor rushed into the chaotic void, each of them had a cultivation base above the emperor realm, and the breath shook thousands of miles.

And the most powerful beings are the few people standing in front of the crowd, either wearing Taoist robes, or looking indifferent, or fighting with high spirits.

The only thing in common is that these people are bathed in divine radiance, and their breath is unbelievably tyrannical, like a big sun hanging in the sky for nine days.

Each of these people has a cultivation base above the seventh realm, and they are the giants of the heavens on one side.

"Daojun Gorefiend, what are you doing when you come to my Double Flame World?"

One of the old men in Taoist robes stepped forward and shouted loudly at the sea of ​​blood.


The sound was like thunder, and it burst into countless thunderbolts.

The mighty sound waves shook the entire sea of ​​​​blood, and set off huge waves, like curtains covering the sky, slamming into the palace in the center of the sea of ​​​​blood.


The many demons around the palace suddenly showed anger, and they all let out a roar, trying to shatter the swept waves.

However, many demons are not strong enough, they can only shatter several waves, and they are still unable to face the rolling waves that come one after another.


Seeing that the tide was about to fall on the palace, a chuckle suddenly resounded through the sea of ​​blood.


With the palace as the center, within the scope of the entire blood sea, the void is frozen, and the waves are also frozen in the air, everything seems to be turned into a picture scroll.


An invisible wave came out, and the entire sea of ​​blood resumed its flow again. The rolling wave lost its forward force and fell into the sea of ​​blood instantly.


At the same time, the gate of the palace slammed open.

In an instant, the monstrous demonic energy rose up, covering the sky and the sun, as if to cover the entire chaos.


The crisp footsteps came from the palace, low like a drum, and fell into the ears of many strong people in the world of double flames. They only felt that their blood was boiling, and a sense of dryness rushed into my heart, and their eyes couldn't help but turn red.


The sound of footsteps suddenly stopped, and the strong men were caught off guard.

Some powerhouses who were not strong were even passed out directly.

All this happened very fast, even the old man in Taoist robe and others had no time to stop it.

When everyone returned to look at the gate of the palace, they saw a man in a blood robe with a seductive face walking out of the palace.

"Blood Demon Daojun."

Seeing the man, the old man in Taoist robe and other giants in the world of double flames, their expressions condensed, and a flash of fear flashed in their eyes.

This Gorefiend Daojun is a well-known devil in the Western Heaven Realm. It is said that he was originally a strong man who practiced the Demon Dao in the Northern Wilderness Realm.

However, once the Gorefiend Daojun wanted to refine one of the thousands of worlds, he happened to bump into a Buddha in the Dahanshan Temple. He was immediately suppressed by the Buddha and brought back to the Dahanshan Temple to save it.

Later, something happened to Dahanshan Temple, and Gorefiend Daojun took the opportunity to escape from Dahanshan Temple.

Originally, this matter ended here. Everyone thought that after the Gorefiend Daojun escaped from the Dahanshan Temple, he would leave the Western Heaven Realm and return to the Northern Wilderness Realm to cause chaos.

Who would have thought that after disappearing for several epochs, the Gorefiend Daojun would reappear in the Western Heaven Realm, making waves everywhere, and taking pleasure in hunting down Buddhist disciples.

Dahanshan Temple and many other Buddhist powerhouses also took action, wanting to suppress it again.

However, the Gorefiend Daojun cultivated a life-saving supernatural power in several silent epochs, and his life-saving ability increased greatly.

Moreover, the Gorefiend Daojun is generally active at the border of the Western Heaven Realm. If something goes wrong, he will flee into the Northern Wilderness Realm or the Nanming Realm.

Even the Buddha in the quasi-tianzun realm shot, but failed to catch the Gorefiend Daojun.

And the Gorefiend Daojun is only the overlord of the heavens in the ninth realm, and it is impossible for the Buddhas in Buddhism to surrender their status and take action against the Gorefiend Daojun.

Therefore, Gorefiend Daojun has lived until now.

"This seat has heard that there are two treasures in the Great World of Twin Flames, or in other words, two kinds of extremely powerful heaven and earth fires, the black flame of the lunar sun and the essence of the sun.

I don't know how many of you, can you give me a view? "

Gorefiend Daojun smiled slightly and said slowly.

His voice is quite magnetic, and when he opens his mouth, everyone will be attracted by it without realizing it.

However, when his voice fell, the complexion of the Taoist-robed old man and others changed drastically, and they categorically refused: "No!"

How important are the dark flames of the lunar sun and the essence of the sun?

This is the cornerstone of the construction of the Double Flame Great World. If you lose these two types of divine fire, the entire Double Flame Great World will collapse along with it. How can you easily show it?


The Gorefiend Daojun raised his brows, and did not intend to be angry, "I just want to see the true appearance of the dark black flame of the Taiyin and the essence of the sun, why should you care too much?"

"I also ask Daojun to forgive me. The black flame of the yin and the sun's essence are too important. Forgive me, I can't let Daojun take a look."

The old man in Taoist robe did not hesitate and still refused.

The Gorefiend Daojun said that it was just a glimpse, but everyone knew that if the Taiyin Black Flame and the Sun Jinghuo got into the Gorefiend Daojun's hands, it would be impossible to get them back.

Just like the meat buns to beat the dog, there is no return, this is a truth.

How could the old man in the robe and other powerhouses in the world of double flames hand over the black flames of the yin and the sun to the Gorefiend Daojun?

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