Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4147: The dragon is coming

In the mythical world of the White Snake, the Buddhahood is not only a proof of one's own cultivation, but also a proof of the Dharma in one's heart.

In the past years, Shakyamuni went through many hardships when he realized the Dao. He cut flesh to feed the eagle, and the demons blocked the Dao for ten days. After that, he spent countless years in meditation under the Bodhi tree. Only then did he clearly prove his heart and attain the status of Buddhahood.

And Fahai learned from Zen Master Huiming's memory that in Western Heaven Buddhism, if you want to attain Buddhahood, you only need to break through the quasi-celestial realm.

You don't need to go through hardships, and you don't need to prove the Buddha's heart.

This has also led to the so-called Buddhas of Western Buddhism, which are mixed, divided into many factions, and there are countless Buddhas who follow various rules of conduct.

"The Buddhist sect in this world is different from the mythical world of the White Snake. It is too large and bloated, and the strong ones are mixed."

Fa Hai's expression was condensed, and light flashed in his eyes.

The heavens and the worlds are vast, like the number of worlds in the sand, and there are countless creatures in each world.

In terms of the size of the territory and the number of living beings, a Western Heaven Territory is enough to be comparable to the entire mythical world of Journey to the West.

This also means that the Western Heavenly Buddhist Gate dominates the entire Western Heavenly Realm, and in the mythical world of Journey to the West, it is equivalent to the unification of Buddhism in the mythical world of Journey to the West.

In addition, Western Buddhism, or the entire five realms, is only based on cultivation, which naturally leads to the confusion of Western Buddhism.

"The monster kills, it should be killed, and the Buddhist moth should also be killed!"

A cold light flashed in Fa Hai's eyes, and he looked at the location of the Dahanshan Temple.

Either way.

So let the poor monk come to clean up the door for the Western Heaven Buddhist Sect, and kill the Buddhist Sect assholes!


As soon as he thought about it, Fahai didn't stop there anymore, and when he moved, he disappeared with Chan Master Huiming in place.

Only the Sanyuan Sanren and other Shuangyan Great World powerhouses who were not far away were left blank.

Dahanshan Temple.

The first-class forces in the Western Heaven Realm occupy the Jialan Great World, and there are many strong people in the temple, and they are quite famous in the Western Heaven Realm.

"Praise the Great Compassionate Buddha!"

"Praise Yunle Buddha!"

"Praise Moonlight Bodhisattva!"

As soon as you step into the great world of Jialan, you can hear countless beings reciting Buddhist scriptures and praising the voices of many Buddhas.

The sound of endless chanting roars in the sky, washing away all distracting thoughts, leaving only good thoughts in my heart, willing to take refuge in Buddhism.

The Buddha's light shines, and the Buddha's sound is magnificent!

In the great world of Jialan, there are Buddhist temples everywhere, bhikkhunis walk in the four directions, Arhats preach in the temples, and Dharma protectors guard the four directions.

And the most magnificent place is undoubtedly the towering mountain in the center of the Jialan Great World.

The mountain is hundreds of millions of feet high, straight into the blue sky, like an ancient divine pillar that supports the entire Jialan Great World.

The dense Buddha light shrouded the entire sacred mountain, and the majestic treasures were hidden in it.


From time to time, golden rays of light fall from the sky and fall into the treasure temple, as if a small flower is falling.

Golden lotus blossoms are also blooming all over Foshan.


At this moment, the sky shook, and the sound of thunder seemed to cover the sound of Zen singing.

"This is…"

Countless believers looked up at the sky, and saw that the Buddha's light that filled the sky did not know when it dimmed.

Many phantoms of Buddhas, Dharma images of Bodhisattvas, and visions of Arhats have all disappeared.

In the originally blue sky, there was a pitch-black crack, as if a long hole had been torn open by someone.

Before the creatures in the great world of Jialan recovered from the shock, they saw a dragon with a body spanning hundreds of millions of miles, leaning out of the crack.

As if the city-sized dazzling scale armor reflects the dazzling brilliance, it seems that countless divine patterns are engraved on it, and the ancient and vast aura hangs down.


Long travel nine days, natural induction.

At the moment Tianlong appeared, countless clouds and smoke gathered, hiding Tianlong's huge body in it.

"How is this going?"

"A monster invaded the Holy Land?"

"My Buddha is merciful, may my Buddha protect us through this calamity!"

All the creatures of the Jialan Great World were panicked, furious, or kneeling on the ground and praying.

"Where is the evildoer, dare to intrude on the Dahanshan Temple?"

The sound of the Buddha's anger roared in the sky, and a tall and mighty Dharma protector roared angrily, jumped up, and shot at the dragons in the sky.

The sound of the Buddha vibrated, the divine might was vast, and one big hand covering the sky grabbed the dragon.


Tianlong's eyes that were like the sun and the moon only glanced slightly, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. The next moment, he suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

The vast sound wave swept out in an instant, like a cloud hanging from the sky, sweeping the Quartet.

A Zun Dharma Protector only felt that his body was hit by a sledgehammer, and all of them were knocked upside down and flew out.

It fell into the sky in an instant, causing countless casualties.

When the dragon roars, all the diamonds are defeated!

"My God, is this demon so powerful?"

"Lord Dharma Protector King Kong has all been defeated!"

"Peerless great monster, this is a peerless great monster!"

This scene fell into the eyes of many Buddhist believers in the Jialan Great World, and they couldn't help but turn pale with fear.

For a time, the eyes of everyone in the entire Jialan world were attracted by this sudden dragon.

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