Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4164: The most handy weapon


in the void.

A red divine sword floated quietly, a wisp of breath fell, and the void collapsed.

It seems that everything will be annihilated into nothingness, and all things will sink because of this!

It was as if anything placed before this red divine sword would be directly torn into countless tiny pieces.

Fortunately, a golden golden light wrapped the red divine sword to prevent its aura from leaking out, which did not cause more terrible consequences.

Otherwise, the aura of the Scarlet Divine Sword escaped, and this secret realm world, even Buluodi, might be agitated by the aura of the Scarlet Divine Sword.

Even, with the passage of time, under the restoration of the power of the golden divine brilliance, the breath of the red divine sword became more and more terrifying, wiping away the dust of the previous years and returning to its peak.


The Tianyuan Ominous Sword erupted with extreme sharpness, and the divine pattern engraved on it radiated a dazzling light, illuminating the vastness of the ages.

An indescribable killing suffocation lingered around his sword body.

This is the killing evil spirit that can shatter thousands of thousands of worlds, and one after another terrifying vision evolved from the killing evil spirit.

Qin Yi glanced at it, and through killing the evil spirit, he seemed to see the scene of the fall of the heavens and the world.

The land sinks, the landslides and tsunamis, the stars fall, the world collapses, and countless worlds are shattered under the mighty force of killing evil spirits.

Many creatures also fell under this power, whether it was an emperor, a quasi-tianzun strong, or a virtual immortal.

Even the Nine Heavens True Immortal, who is aloof, fell from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, fell into the rolling red dust, and returned to death.


A hazy will awakened from the Heavenly Primordial Sword.

This is under the power of the system, the gods in the new sword of the Tianyuan evil sword are being recast.

Also because of the recasting of the gods in the sword, the imposing manner of the Tianyuan Ominous Sword has become stronger and stronger.

From the low-level Celestial Artifact, to the middle-level Celestial Exalted Artifact, to the high-level Celestial Exalted Artifact, the Tianyuan Ominous Sword stopped its soaring momentum.


At the same time, a figure appeared on the Tianyuan Fierce Sword.

is a child.

This child is carved with pink and jade, with fair and clean skin, wearing a red apron, and looks no more than five or six years old.

This child is the **** in the sword of Tian Yuan's fierce sword.


The golden divine brilliance gradually disappeared, the aura of the Heavenly Primordial Ominous Sword no longer soared, and then slowly fell silent.

At this time, the **** in the sword of Tian Yuan's fierce sword slowly opened his eyes.

The Heavenly Primordial Sword trembled, and a more terrifying killing aura erupted than before. At this moment, the souls of Tianyao Continent felt a chill in their hearts again.

However, this time, this feeling went faster, and soon, it was suppressed by the **** in the sword of the Tianyuan evil sword.

"Thank you Emperor for repairing me."

The **** in the sword of the Tianyuan Vicious Sword bowed and said with a serious face.

"No problem."

While speaking, Qin Yi stretched out his right hand.

The **** in the sword of Tianyuan Ominous Sword immediately understood, and the body of Tianyuan Ominous Sword flew into Qin Yi's hands automatically.


Qin Yi gently waved the Heavenly Primordial Sword, and a red sword light instantly ripped apart the void universe, crossed countless chaotic paths, passed through the Tianyao Continent, and fell into chaos.

With just one breath, an endless chaotic storm was set off, which seemed to destroy the sky and the earth.

This blow, even a quasi-tianzun powerhouse, may not be able to block it!

"What a sword of Heavenly Primordial Evil!"

Qin Yi's eyes lit up, and he was extremely satisfied with the power of the Tianyuan Ominous Sword.

With just a wave of his hand, there is the power of seriously injuring the quasi-Tianzun powerhouse. If he is fully motivated, the power will probably skyrocket.

Holding the Heavenly Primordial Sword, Qin Yi can fight against the Immortal Heavenly Venerate without using other Heavenly Venerate weapons and the power of the Heavenly Dao clone.

Moreover, the most important thing is that although the Heavenly Primordial Ominous Sword still has a backlash, the pressure he bears is far less than the pressure he had when urging the Immortal Slaying Gourd.

When using the Immortal Slashing Gourd, Qin Yi has always been cautious and did not dare to use the power of the Immortal Slashing Gourd too much.

This is still the artifact of the Immortal Slashing Gourd. If he consciously cooperates with Qin Yi, otherwise, Qin Yi would not be able to urge the Immortal Slaying Gourd.

It may even be injured by the Immortal Slashing Gourd the moment it touches the Immortal Slashing Gourd.

After all, the rank of the Immortal Slaying Gourd is too high, even surpassing some real Immortal Artifacts. When using the Immortal Slashing Gourd, it is naturally eroded by the breath of the Immortal Slaying Gourd.

Just like the eternal clone used the Immortal Slashing Gourd several times, it was also hurt by the breath of the Immortal Slashing Gourd. This is still when the Eternal clone used it carefully and did not dare to use the power of the Immortal Slashing Gourd too much, and it was also killed by the Immortal Slashing Gourd. injured.

This was the reason why the Eternal Clone was later reluctant to use the Immortal Slaying Gourd, but instead used the Myriad Demon Mang Ancient Map.

With the use of the Heavenly Primordial Sword, the hidden dangers in this respect are smaller.

It doesn't mean that if you use the Tianyuan Ominous Sword, you will not receive backlash, but if you use the Tianyuan Ominous Sword, you will receive less backlash.

After all, the Tianyuan Ominous Sword is not at its peak. One billion killing points is only to restore the Tianyuan Ominous Sword to the level of a high-level Heavenly Venerate weapon, which is still two levels away from its former peak.

In this case, Qin Yi's backlash against the Tianyuan Ominous Sword was naturally smaller.

It can be said that the Tianyuan Ominous Sword has suddenly become Qin Yi's most handy weapon at this stage, even the Emperor Dragon Sword can't compare.

After all, the Emperor Dragon Sword has not yet been promoted to a Heavenly Venerate weapon, and its power is still incomparable to an ordinary Void Immortal Weapon, let alone compared to the Heavenly Primordial Vicious Sword.

Of course, this does not mean that Qin Yi will abandon the Emperor Dragon Sword. After all, the Emperor Dragon Sword is made by systematically extracting the origin of the Emperor Avenue, and its potential is amazing.

In terms of potential, the Emperor Dragon Sword is far superior to the Tianyuan Dragon Sword, and it is possible to be promoted to the top-level True Immortal Weapon, which is a stronger level.

Even if the Heavenly Primordial Sword was restored to its peak, it was only a low-level True Immortal weapon, how could it be compared with the Emperor Dragon Sword.

Moreover, the Emperor Dragon Sword is still Qin Yi's original imperial weapon, how could Qin Yi abandon it?

However, it is also a fact that the Emperor Dragon Sword at this stage is not as good as the Heavenly Primordial Sword.

As for the other Heavenly Venerate weapons Qin Yi owns, there is no Heavenly Primordial Sword that is easy to use.

Several Heavenly Venerate artifacts, such as the Seven Prison Hall and Zhentianzhu, are either inferior to the Heavenly Primordial Ominous Sword, or they are not Killing Heavenly Venerate Artifacts.

The only ancient map of Wan Yaomang that can be compared with the Tianyuan Ominous Sword, but it is not a sword-shaped Tianzun weapon. Qin Yi is far less comfortable with the Tianyuan Ominous Sword.

And the rank of the Immortal Slaying Gourd is too high to be used at will.

In this case, the Tianyuan Ominous Sword has naturally become Qin Yi's most handy weapon at this stage.

In any case, for Qin Yi, the exchange of one billion killing points for a high-level Heavenly Venerate Artifact was a sure-fire business.

Moreover, as long as you accumulate enough killing points, the Tianyuan Ominous Sword can even restore the essence of a true fairy weapon.

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