Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4173: Taozhishan


Countless strong men murmured and shouted frantically.

Some giants with powerful cultivation bases and realms above the seventh realm couldn't help but shake their hearts when they saw this scene.

"This demon girl's cultivation is even more terrifying, I'm afraid she is about to break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm!"

A quasi-Heavenly Venerable powerhouse is a direct assertion.

Fairy Bailian's power of charm is the manifestation of the Tao of Seven Emotions that she has practiced. The stronger the power of charm, the stronger the Tao of Seven Emotions she has practiced.

Originally, although Fairy White Lotus' charm was powerful, it was far less powerful than it is now, and even the giants of the seventh realm could influence her.

"Fairy White Lotus is coming to the underworld, and she is rude and rude!"

At this moment, a sound could sound from Xuanyou City, which instantly covered a million miles of void outside Xuanyou City.

This voice is not high, but it affects all living beings who hear it.

Countless creatures who were immersed in the charm of the white lotus fairy woke up in an instant, their faces pale.

If it is this voice, they may never be able to wake up from the power of charm.


At the same time, a figure stepped out of Xuanyou City.

Wearing a black black robe, his eyes are indifferent, and the infinite ghostly aura lingers around him, like the master of the underworld.

Xuanyou Daojun, the founder of Xuanyouzong, is also an existence who has long broken through the peak of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

In terms of pure cultivation, Daojun Xuanyou is not inferior to Fairy Bailian.

But if he really wanted to fight, Daojun Xuanyou might not be able to beat Fairy Bailian.

After all, Fairy Bai Lian is the direct disciple of Demon Venerable Seven Emotions, and a powerhouse trained by Demon Venerable Seven Emotions.

"Daojun is joking, it's Bai Lian who is rude, and there is such a mess as soon as you come."

Fairy Bailian smiled, like a hundred flowers in full bloom.

For a time, everyone who had just escaped the influence of the power of charm was in a trance, and it seemed that they would sink under the charm of Fairy White Lotus again.

"Fairy White Lotus, why don't you come in and talk, please."

Fortunately, Daojun Xuanyou spoke in time to suppress the influence of Fairy White Lotus.

"As it should be."

Fairy Bailian nodded slightly, took one step, and entered Xuanyou City with Daojun Xuanyou.

The arrival of Fairy White Lotus was like a signal, and a series of messengers from the first-level forces of the Gods Dynasty came one after another.

The messenger of the True Dragon Clan, the messenger of the Taihuang Shenzong, the messenger of the Chifeng Divine Dynasty...

A powerful presence came one after another, pushing the atmosphere of the opening ceremony to its peak.

Under everyone's attention, the opening ceremony of the underworld finally arrived.


With the sound of a morning bell and a twilight drum, the entire Xuanyou Great World rang out.

Everyone knew that the opening ceremony of the underworld had officially begun.

In Xuanyou City, a group of messengers from various forces stepped out one after another and looked up at the sky.

Here, there is a pitch-black mountain that stretches across the void, falling down one after another with divine brilliance, shrouding Xuanyou City.

Nether air and death air pervade, it seems to form an ancient vision of gods and demons, white bone demon gods, ancient ghosts, ghosts and gods of the ghosts... Each vision is lifelike, and every gesture is full of supreme power.

All the villages that saw this black mountain, the name of this mountain appeared in their minds in an instant.


"The quasi-celestial device of the peak, or the Celestial device?"

"Looking at this power, I am afraid it is a Heavenly Venerate Artifact!"

"Just after proving the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate, you have already cast your own Heavenly Venerable Artifact, such a background."

A messenger from various forces could not help but look sideways and have different thoughts.

The casting of a Heavenly Venerate Artifact is not a simple matter.

Even if it is Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, it takes a lot of time and energy to cast a Heavenly Venerate Artifact.

Not to mention other things, it will take an unknown amount of time to collect all kinds of immortal materials for refining the Heavenly Venerate Artifact.

You must know that every kind of immortal material that can be used to refine a Celestial Venerable Artifact is at least a quasi-celestial treasure of heaven and earth. epoch, and more.

Not to mention, it takes a lot of time to refine a Heavenly Venerate Artifact.

Cai Yulei just made a piece of Heavenly Venerate Artifact just after proving the Tao, how to not shock everyone.


Taozhishan trembled lightly, falling down countless Daohua belts, falling into various places in Xuanyouzong, and falling in front of a group of messengers from other forces.

Whether it is a strong man who shows his own traces or a strong man who has never shown his own traces, there is a flower belt hanging down in front of him.


A group of powerhouses who hid their traces and came to Xuanyou City looked embarrassed.

They hide their traces, not just to avoid being discovered by the underworld powerhouses. As a result, they exhausted their means, but in the end they found that their own traces were always under the surveillance of the underworld powerhouses.

This is embarrassing.


Fairy Bai Lian glanced at the embarrassed looking powerhouses and set foot on the Chinese belt first.

"Seven Love Demon Sect, Fairy White Lotus is here!"

Soon, the sound of singing promises came from the void.

"True Dragon Clan, Daojun Canglong is here!"

"The Great Desolate Sect, the Daoist Nine Luck is here!"

"Chifeng Divine Dynasty..."

A strong man stepped on the Chinese belt one after another, entered the hall of the headmaster of the underworld, and presented treasures as a congratulatory gift to congratulate the opening of the underworld.

With the arrival of a strong person, the atmosphere of the opening ceremony became more and more enthusiastic.

"How can the powerhouses who do not fall into the emperor's dynasty open up forces, how can I be missing from the Myriad Dao dynasty?"

At this moment, a light laughter suddenly sounded, instantly suppressing the sound of singing promises in the void.

The mighty voice swept across the four directions like a rolling wave, blasting the entire Xuanyou world, and the expressions of everyone who heard this voice could not help but change.

"Sure enough, the Divine Dynasty of Wandao will not easily let the underworld be established!"

"This voice is the grand marshal of the soldiers and horses of the Ten Thousand Taoist Dynasty, Daojun Tingxing."

"The visitor is not good!"

A messenger from other forces opened their mouths one after another.

Cai Yulei's identity has long been known to many powerhouses, but he is a powerhouse from the Buluodi Dynasty, and there is always an enmity between the Buluodi Dynasty and the Wandao Dynasty.

Cai Yulei created the underworld, and it was impossible for the Divine Dynasty to sit idly by.

At least it won't allow the underworld to be established so easily. Even before the opening ceremony of the underworld, everyone had guessed.

Sure enough, Wan Dao Shen Dynasty still shot.


A dark space crack suddenly appeared in the void, and it shattered in an instant, and figures came out one after another.

In addition to the Taoist Stepping Star who spoke before, there are also terrifying auras, and the stalwart existence of endless divine brilliance is lingering all over his body.

The aura of each existence is extremely terrifying, and with just a few gestures, it can destroy the void and recreate the world.

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