Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4197: Western plain color cloud border flag


Lu Dongbin took one step forward, came to Qin Yi and the others, and bowed to Qin Yi.

"Get up."

Qin Yi waved his hand and motioned for Lu Dongbin to get up.

"Disciple Lu Dongbin, I have seen Master Qingniu and Master Qingxu."

After Lü Dongbin got up, he gave a bow like the two of them, the True Monarch Qingxu Daode.

Dao Qingniu, as Lao Tzu's mount, can be regarded as the second-generation disciple of the People's Education, while Lu Dongbin is the third-generation disciple of the People's Education, so naturally he should call Dao Qingniu the uncle.

In the same way, the True Monarch Qingxu Daode was a second-generation disciple of Chanjiao, and he could also be regarded as Lu Dongbin's uncle.

"The cultivation base has grown well. It seems that after you came to this world, you did not waste your cultivation."

Dao Qingniu's eyes fell on Lu Dongbin, and there was a hint of approval in his eyes.

"Master Qingniu praised it."

Lu Dongbin smiled modestly.

He knew very well how insignificant his own strength was in the eyes of Dao Qingniu. In front of Dao Qingniu, he was just an ant.

Even if he proves the Tao, the Immortal Heavenly Venerate is vulnerable in front of the Dao Qingniu.

After all, Dao Qingniu, who owns the diamond bracelet, has the peak combat power of the virtual fairyland. Looking at the entire five realms, he is also a small group of the most top-notch characters.

The gap between the Heavenly Venerate in the early stage of the virtual fairyland and the peak Tianzun in the virtual fairyland is even greater than the strength gap between the gods in the early stage of the virtual fairyland and the giants of the seventh realm.

"Hahaha, your kid is still so humble, I'm not that stubborn old master of yours, so I don't need to be so humble."

Dao Qingniu laughed and patted Lu Dongbin on the shoulder.

"Uncle Qingniu, stop joking with me."

Lu Dongbin glanced at his shoulder, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Dao Qingniu just patted him on the shoulder so casually, he only felt that the pure Yang sword body that he had created seemed to be falling apart.

You must know that in order to create this pure Yang sword body, he has spent a lot of effort, and most of the cultivation resources he has exchanged for contribution points over the years have been invested in it.

Simply speaking of the strength of the pure Yang sword body, even if it is a full-strength attack against the giants of the seventh realm, there is not much problem.

But under Dao Qingniu's subordinates, he seemed so vulnerable.

"Okay, Qingniu, stop joking with Lu Dongbin."

At this time, Qin Yi also spoke.

"Yes, the emperor."

Hearing the words, Dao Qingniu's expression immediately became positive, and he should be respectful.

In front of Lu Dongbin, he can have no formality, but in front of Qin Yi, he does not dare to be too casual.

"Lu Dongbin, your two uncles, I'll leave it to you to arrange."

Qin Yi smiled slightly and said to Lu Dongbin.

As for the many factions within the Buluodi Dynasty, he naturally knew very well that Lu Dongbin was a strong man of the Human Religion, and Dao Qingniu was also a strong man of the Human Religion, so he called Lu Dongbin to the Secret Realm of Enlightenment. Let him take the Dao Qingniu to get acquainted with the Emperor Dynasty.

As for the True Monarch of Qingxu Morality, he was a strong person in the chanting sect, and Yang Jian, a disciple of chanting, should have received the arrangement.

However, Yang Jian has been staying in the borderlands of the Eastern Borders recently, fighting against the powerful Daoists such as the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty in order to seek a breakthrough.

For five hundred years, Yang Jian has broken through the quasi-tianzun realm, and his cultivation has even reached the late stage of the quasi-tianzun realm, but he has encountered a bottleneck and has not been able to break through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Therefore, these days, Yang Jian has been staying in the borderlands of the Eastern Border Territory, and wants to use the pressure of the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other powerful forces to let himself break through.

According to Yang Jian, as long as you can break through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, you can quickly break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and then prove the Taoist immortal Tianzun.

However, the relationship between Humanism and Interpretation is similar, and in the Buluodi Dynasty, they were also sympathetic to each other. Lu Dongbin received the Qingxu Moral True Monarch, and there was not much difference.

"Yes, the emperor."

Lu Dongbin bowed as he should, and then looked at the two of them: "Two uncles, please!"

The two of them, the True Monarch Qingxu Daode, nodded slightly, and left the secret realm of enlightenment with Lu Dongbin.

"This time the ten consecutive draws, I am lucky, you say yes, the ancient tree of enlightenment."

Seeing the backs of the three people leaving, Qin Yi sipped the spirit tea in the tea cup and felt very comfortable.


The ancient tree of enlightenment shook its branches and leaves gently, as if responding to Qin Yi.

This time Qin Yi completed another system quest, obtained several system summoning opportunities again, and accumulated ten system summoning opportunities, and he came for another ten consecutive draws.

This time the ten consecutive draws, Qin Yi's harvest can be said to be rich.

Some things that are not very useful will not be listed for the time being. This time, he has recruited two virtual immortals, who are Dao Qingniu and Qingxu Daodezhen.

A **** in the late stage of the virtual fairyland, and a **** in the middle stage of the virtual fairyland.

and a real fairy.


Qin Yi flipped his hand over, and a plain-colored flag appeared in his hand, and a strange fragrance came to his nostrils instantly, and for a while, the entire secret realm of enlightenment was filled with this strange fragrance.

Relaxed and happy.

A wisp of immortal light fell from the plain-colored flag, illuminating the sky of all ages, and it trembled at will, and the countless avenues in the void also trembled.

The plain-colored divine brilliance shrouded it, and if you look closely, you can see many traces of the Great Dao engraved on the flag.

Western plain color cloud border flag.

"Weapon: Western Plain Cloud Flag (Juxian Flag);

Rank: top-grade congenital spiritual treasure (high-grade true fairy weapon);

Explanation: The strange images are dense, the heaven and the earth are all clear, all evils evade, and all laws do not invade.

Note: one of the five innate flags. "

The Innate Wufang Flag is divided into five flags, each of which is a superb innate spiritual treasure, divided into the Eastern Qinglianbao-colored flag, the central Wuji Xinghuang flag, the southern Lidi Yanguang flag, the northern Xuanyuan water-controlled flag, and The four-sided plain-colored cloud border flag.

These five flags are transformed from the five lotus leaves of the Creation Green Lotus, with unimaginable power.

The five flags are unified, and the five elements of the creation array are set up, which can even trap the saints for a short time.

A random flag has power unmatched by ordinary congenital spiritual treasures, and it is incredibly powerful.

For example, this western plain-colored cloud world flag has a quality comparable to a high-level true fairy weapon. That is to say, if the western plain-colored cloud world flag explodes with all its power, it is enough to burst out the power comparable to that of the late stage of the true fairyland.

Although Qin Yi's current cultivation realm is still unable to make the western plain-colored cloud world flag burst into full power.

However, with the western plain-colored cloud world flag protecting his body, the attacks under the Nine Heavens True Wonderland would not hurt Qin Yi in the slightest, and even the attacks that existed in the early days of the true fairyland could not break the independence of the western plain-colored cloud world flag. The ability to protect the body is invincible.

It can be said that the western plain-colored cloud world flag has become the strongest protective treasure on Qin Yi's body, even the ancient map of Wan Yaomang can't compare.

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