Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4199: Making a fortune in silence is king

In fact, for Qin Yi, with his current cultivation base, he has been able to knock on the gate of Tianzun, trigger the great calamity of Tianzun, and even prove the Dao Xunxian Tianzun.

Not to mention other things, just a plain western flag of the cloud world is enough for Qin Yi to survive the Heavenly Venerate catastrophe safely.

The appearance of Dao Qingniu and the two people once again added two imaginary fairyland combat power to the Buluodi Dynasty. Whether it is the Heavenly Venerate Thunder Tribulation, the Heavenly Venerate Heart Demon Tribulation, or the Heavenly Venerate Human Tribulation, it is impossible for Qin Yizhao to be too much of a threat.

Why is everything invincible?

As long as the attack intensity of the others did not exceed the tolerance limit of the western plain-colored cloud flag, Qin Yi could not be hurt in the slightest.

Whether it is boxing, swordsmanship, or other magical powers, this is the case.

Even the Heavenly Venerate Thunder Tribulation will be blocked by the Western plain-colored Cloud Realm Flag.

And the western plain-colored cloud flag is a high-level true fairy weapon, even if Qin Yi did not activate it, but only motivated it independently, it could stop all attacks in the true fairyland.

Although Tianzun's catastrophe is terrifying, it has not reached the level of true fairyland, and naturally it cannot hurt Qin Yi.

Therefore, for others, the Heavenly Venerate catastrophe, which is extremely difficult for others, can be easily overcome by Qin Yi.

Moreover, even if Qin Yi did not survive the Great Tribulation of Heavenly Venerate, Qin Yi, who held the Western Plain-colored Cloud Realm Flag and the Heavenly Primordial Ominous Sword, was already firmly at the top of the five realms.

Therefore, Qin Yi can be said to be making a lot of money this time. Not only Qin Yi's strength has skyrocketed, but the background of the Emperor's Dynasty has also skyrocketed.

Not to mention other things, the appearance of Dao Qingniu and the two people once again added two virtual fairyland combat power to the Buluo Emperor Dynasty.

Among them, Dao Qingniu has the combat power of the peak of the virtual fairyland, that is to say, counting Qin Yi, the current Buluodi Dynasty has the combat power of the two peaks of the virtual fairyland.

You must know that among the many forces in the five realms, there is only one False Immortal Heavenly Venerate in name. If one of the forces has a second False Immortal Heavenly Venerate, the second False Immortal Heavenly Venerate will break away from the original force and create a new one.

But even if all the forces in the five realms integrate all the forces, the Heavenly Venerate that originally belonged to one force belongs to one party.

The most powerful Western Heaven Buddhism, I am afraid that it is only on par with Buluodi Dynasty.

After all, in today's Western Heaven Buddhism, there are only two peaks in the virtual fairyland.

As for the number of Xuxian Tianzun, it is much better than that of the emperor, but in terms of quality, it is inferior to the emperor.

The two phases are offset, and the strength of the entire Western Heaven Buddhist Sect and the Buluodi Dynasty should only be between equals.

However, there is one difference between the Buluodi Dynasty and the Western Buddhism. The Buluodi Dynasty is not divided into many branches like the Western Buddhism.

Although there are many factions in the Buluo Dynasty, the existence of these factions has always been under Qin Yi's control.

As long as Qin Yi has a thought, these factions will disappear.

Unlike many factions in Western Buddhism, there is a battle of ideas among many factions in Western Buddhism.

With the development of the years, a lot of hatred has accumulated between the various factions, and there is no possibility of reconciliation.

As for the other forces in the five realms, such as the ancient forces such as the True Dragon Clan, there is only one Heavenly Venerate at the peak of the virtual fairyland.

In other words, the current Buluodi Dynasty is the other forces in the five realms.

Of course, Qin Yi did not have the idea of ​​exposing the strength of the Unfallen Dynasty and occupying the first power in the five realms.

Although occupying the name of the first force in the five realms, it can make the Buluo Emperor gather a lot of luck, just like the original Western Heaven Buddhism.

The reason why the strength of Xitian Buddhism increased so fast at the beginning was because it occupied the name of the first force in the five realms.


being targeted.

Xitian Buddhism occupies the name of the first force in the five realms, and controls the entire Western realm, which attracts the fear of all forces in the five realms.

As a result, various forces overtly or secretly calculated the Western Heavenly Buddhism, so that the Western Heavenly Buddhism was split into many branches, and there was no longer the power that used to oppress the five realms.

If you don't expose your own strength in the imperial dynasty, you will inevitably end up in the same situation as the Buddhist sect of the Western Heaven, and will be targeted by many forces in the five realms.

Although he did not fall into the current power of the Emperor Dynasty, he was not afraid of the challenges of many forces in the five realms.

However, if many forces in the five realms join forces to calculate that the dynasty will not fall, the development momentum of the dynasty will inevitably be greatly affected.

After all, the Wan Dao Divine Dynasty and other first-level forces in the six heavens and gods have joined forces to target the Buluo Dynasty, which has also caused a considerable impact on the Buluo Dynasty and slowed down the development of the Buluo Dynasty.

If many forces in the five realms really join forces to target the Unfallen Dynasty, the development momentum of the Unfallen Dynasty will be affected even more.

Therefore, Qin Yi did not have the idea of ​​revealing the strength of the imperial dynasty.

Making a fortune in silence is the kingly way.

Just like that, in the first five hundred years, Buluodi Dynasty has flourished, and its strength has increased unimaginably.

But the people who know the changes of the Buluodi Dynasty are only the strong inside the Buluodi Dynasty, and no one from the outside world knows the changes of the Buluodi Dynasty.

In the eyes of many outside forces, in five hundred years, the strength of the Buluodi Dynasty may have improved to some extent, but it is unlikely to improve much.

After all, only five hundred years, for some emperors, it takes more than five hundred years to retreat once.

In such a short period of time, how much can the strength of the Unfallen Dynasty change?

Even the most vigilant against the Buluodi Dynasty, the Wandao Dynasty and other forces that blocked the eastern border, did not think that the strength of the Buluodi Dynasty would change much.


In the eyes of many forces in the five realms, the strength of the Unfallen Dynasty, compared with five hundred years ago, the biggest difference is the difference in the combat power at the bottom.

In the past five hundred years, although there have been many arrogances in the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, there are more ordinary arrogances.

Now the fastest growing Buluotianjiao has just broken through the emperor realm at most.

As for the stronger existence, it is still the few who do not fall into the strong.

For five hundred years, the Buluo Emperor Dynasty was only able to catch up with the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces in the combat power of the emperors of the lower three realms.

The powerhouses above the ninth realm should only have a few more in the Buluo Dynasty.

Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, and Bull Demon King, these three.


Under Qin Yi's suggestion, only the three of them, Sun Wukong, did not hide their rapidly improving strength after their cultivation was improved.

The cultivation bases of other powerhouses who did not fall into the imperial dynasty were more or less hidden.

The Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces have no doubts, or, in their eyes, only the three people of Sun Wukong have rapidly improved their cultivation, which is normal.

In the eyes of the Wan Dao Shen Dynasty and other forces, even if the Emperor Dynasty does not occupy the Eastern Border, and is blessed by countless luck in the Eastern Border, its luck can at most make the cultivation of the three of Sun Wukong advance by leaps and bounds.

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