Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4223: Inner Demon Avenue


Qin Yi stood in front of Song Ding, pointed out, and shattered the hanging star's big hand.

Seeing this scene, Song Ding couldn't help shaking his heart, and was shocked by Qin Yi's strength.

At this time, how could he not know that he underestimated Qin Yi!

Originally, in his opinion, Qin Yi was just a strong man with a cultivation base similar to his. Now, looking at it, Qin Yi's strength is probably thousands of times stronger than he imagined.

This move of the white-haired old man brought him an unimaginable sense of threat. If he fell, I am afraid that he would only be severely injured and suppressed.

But Qin Yi broke the attack of the white-haired old man so easily, and his strength must be above the quasi-tianzun realm.

After all, the white-haired old man had already broken through the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Qin Yi's hand made the white-haired old man's expression involuntarily dignified, and even Daganhou looked sideways slightly, but that was all.

Just a quasi-celestial.

He is most aware of the strength of the white-haired old man. Although he relies on the quasi-tianzun-level divine pill to become a quasi-tianzun realm powerhouse, his combat power can only be regarded as one of the weakest ranks in the quasi-tianzun realm.

Any strong person who can independently cultivate into the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm can defeat the white-haired old man.

But on the side of the Infinite Divine Dynasty, there is not only one Quasi-Heavenly Venerable powerhouse.

"Elder Xuan, go and suppress this unknown person."

Da Qianhou waved his hand.

"Yes, Lord Hou."

Another old man in a mysterious robe stepped out of the void.

This black-robed old man is also a quasi-tianzun powerhouse, and he is also a powerhouse who has independently cultivated into the quasi-heavenly respected realm, and his strength is far stronger than the white-haired old man.

In the view of Daganhou, the old man in Xuanpao is enough to suppress Qin Yi.

Although Qin Yi smashed the attack of the white-haired old man with a single finger, the power he showed did not exceed the initial stage of the quasi-tianzun realm.

And although the Xuanpao old man is only a cultivation base of the early stage of the quasi-tianzun realm, he has broken through the early stage of the quasi-tianzun realm for dozens of epochs, and his cultivation base has already reached the peak of the early stage of the quasi-tianzun realm.

In addition, the Xuanpao old man practiced the supreme cultivation technique of the Boundless Emperor Dynasty. In terms of strength, he could be ranked first under Daganhou, second only to Daganhou.

It is not easy for the old man in Xuanpao to suppress a powerhouse in the early stage of the quasi-tianzun realm who appeared out of nowhere.


As soon as the Xuanpao old man appeared, behind him appeared a demon **** with a height of 3,000 meters, a hideous face, and countless eyes all over his body.


Countless demon eyes opened at the same time, their eyes were evil and resentful, and endless demonic energy gushed out in an instant, rushing towards Qin Yi and the two of them with invisible spiritual power.

As if to drown Qin Yi and the two in the demonic energy, refining the two into an unconscious puppet.

"A heart demon?"

Qin Yi's expression changed, and he instantly recognized the avenue that the black-robed old man practiced.

The so-called inner demons originate from the obsession, resentment, and terrifying power derived from various emotions in the hearts of many practitioners.

The thing that every practitioner is most afraid of is the inner demon.

Even if he is high above, standing on the top of the five realms, overlooking the thousands of red dust, the immortal Tianzun is also afraid of the inner demons like a tiger.


Cultivating the inner demon is not easy. If you are not careful, you may completely sink into the inner demon.

Qin Yi had never seen a strong man who practiced the Dao of Inner Demons before, and this black-robed old man was the first strong man he had seen to practice Dao of Inner Demons.

"No, no."

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed and he saw something wrong.

Although this move of the black-robed old man is tyrannical and has the effect of attracting the cultivator's inner demon, it is more of a majestic power, not a real inner demon.

The real power of inner demon is invisible and intangible, and it can invade silently, fall into the minds of practitioners, and arouse the inner demons of practitioners.

In the face of the powerhouses who practice the Dao of Inner Demons, in the same realm, unless they have the treasure of protecting the mind, or have a flawless Dao Heart, and there is no Inner Demon in their hearts, they will not be afraid of the influence of the Dao of Inner Demons.

But if the Dao's mind is unstable and there is no treasure to protect the body, the moment when the power of the inner demon invades, it may go into flames and fall on the spot.

However, the power of inner demons used by the old man in Xuanpao did not have this characteristic. Instead, it was on the bright side.

The black-robed old man had at most some way of comprehending the Dao of Inner Demons, which made his own strength bear the shadow of Dao of Inner Demons.

"Unfortunately, it is not a pure Inner Demon Dao cultivator."

A trace of regret flashed in Qin Yi's eyes.

He had never really seen the Dao of Inner Demons, and he could still see the magic of Dao of Inner Demons.

Unfortunately, the Xuanpao old man disappointed him.


Qin Yi was a little disillusioned for a while, and when he stroked his sleeve, a huge torrent of power rolled out backwards, shattering the influx of demonic energy.

This power also enveloped the black-robed old man and directly knocked him into the air.

The Xuanpao old man flew out tens of millions of miles upside down, smashing one space crack after another, and the emperor's blood poured out for nine days.


When the white-haired old man saw this scene, his heart shuddered, and the cold sweat immediately came down.

With one blow from Qin Yi, the black-robed old man was blown away tens of millions of miles. Even the black-robed old man was like this. If this blow fell on him, I am afraid that he would fall for the first time.

"The strength of this brother Qin!"

Song Ding was also shocked by the power displayed by Qin Yi. He couldn't help but smile bitterly at the thought that he had been guarding Qin Yi before.

Such an existence, if he wants to attack him, no matter how he guards it, it is useless, and he can be suppressed at will.

"It turns out that there are some tricks, no wonder you dare to challenge Ben Hou!"

If Song Ding and others were shocked, then Da Ganhou was angry.

"Go away, Song Ding, I'll save it."

Qin Yi looked at Qiongtian, looked at Daganhou and others calmly, and said lightly.

If the old man in Xuanpao was practicing the Dao of the Heart Demon, he would also be interested in playing against the old man in Xuanpao and others to experience the peculiarities of the Dao of Inner Demon.

But the old man in Xuanpao did not practice the Dao of Inner Demons, so Qin Yi naturally lost the idea of ​​entanglement with Daganhou and others.


Hearing this, the Daganhou was furious, and Ling Ran's killing intent burst into his eyes.

As the sixth divine son of the Infinite Divine Dynasty, he was even given the title of the Marquis of the Infinite Divine Dynasty. Why was he so despised by others?

Moreover, it is still the ants in his eyes!


Da Qianhou's eyes were indifferent, and he slowly raised his right hand.

Numerous chaotic essences and stars gathered together, turned into a big hand, clenched his five fingers tightly, and punched Qin Yi with one punch.

This punch, wrapped in unimaginable power, fell with a bang.

Layers of void shattered instantly in front of this punch, as if to penetrate the entire Xingyue Great World.

This power caused Qin Yi's eyes to fluctuate slightly.

Avenue of Power!

This great Ganhou, who practiced the Great Way of Strength.

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