Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4225: Steal Power Avenue


Daganhou shot again and again, trying to suppress Qin Yi.

However, no matter how he improved his own strength, he couldn't suppress Qin Yi.

Every time he raises his own strength, Qin Yi can quickly raise his strength to the same level as him.

No more, no less, no difference!

After repeating this dozens of times, how could Daganhou not know that Qin Yi was playing with him, using him as a whetstone to hone himself.

'Damn, dare to use this Marquis as a stepping stone, **** you! ’

Daganhou's eyes were about to split.

As the sixth divine son of the immeasurable divine dynasty, He has been smooth sailing on the road of cultivation. How could He ever suffer such humiliation?

Only He took others as stepping stones, and no one ever dared to take Him as a stepping stone.

"Immeasurable Heaven's Extreme Art!"

Daganhou shouted angrily, activating the secret technique, his aura soared, and the entire Xingyue Great World was shaking.

Just the aura that erupted from Daganhou seemed to destroy the Xingyue Great World.

All the powerhouses who sensed the vision of the Xingyue Great World and wanted to come to the Xingyue Great World to check the situation felt this breath and immediately turned around and left.

The breath of Daganhou is comparable to the late stage powerhouses of the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm. How can these powerhouses fight in the Xingyue Great World?

"This aura seems to be the aura of the Sixth Divine Son of the Infinite Divine Dynasty, Daganhou!"

There are even strong people who recognize the owner of this breath.

The Marquis of Dagan is not small in the central realm, especially in the vicinity of the Xingyue Great World, where the Marquis of Dagan is the most famous.

When the Boundless Divine Dynasty destroyed the Xingyue Emperor Dynasty, Daganhou once suppressed all the powerful Xingyue Emperor Dynasty except the Xingyue Emperor.

Its strength has shocked countless strong people.

There are quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses who personally admit that even if he makes a personal shot, if he wants to defeat Daganhou, he will have to do it after ten moves.

You must know that this is the peak powerhouse of the quasi-tianzun realm, and the Daganhou only has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the quasi-tianzun realm.

When a cultivator reaches the quasi-tianzun realm, every gap will be infinitely enlarged, not to mention the gap between the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm and the middle stage of the quasi-tianzun realm.

An existence at the pinnacle of the quasi-tianzun realm, if you want to defeat a powerhouse in the middle stage of the quasi-tianzun realm, there is no way to do it.

However, there are quasi-tianzun realm peak powerhouses who personally admit that it takes at least ten moves to defeat Daganhou.

One can imagine how powerful Daganhou is?

Likewise, this also made Daganhou famous in the central realm.

"The Xingyue Emperor Dynasty has already been destroyed by the Infinite Divine Dynasty, why did the Daganhou come to the Xingyue Great World again?

Could it be that, as the experts guessed, the Xingyue Emperor has mastered a secret that even the Infinite Divine Dynasty coveted, so it was destroyed in the hands of the Infinite Divine Dynasty, and this secret has not been obtained by the Infinite Divine Dynasty? "

There are also strong minds, guessing.

After all, the Boundless Divine Dynasty made a move against the Xingyue Emperor Dynasty without any warning.

In addition, now, Daganhou appeared in the world of Xingyue again, how to prevent the suspicion of the powerhouses.

But what if everyone guessed it?

The powerhouses whose strength is lower than the quasi-tianzun realm are afraid of the strength of Daganhou and dare not take action.

The powerhouses whose strength is above the quasi-tianzun realm, and who are afraid of the immeasurable gods behind Daganhou, also dare not make a move.

In this case, naturally no one dared to enter the Xingyue Great World, but just watched from the outside of the Xingyue Great World.

"Who is this strong man who fought against Daganhou?"

Of course, there are also strong people who have noticed Qin Yi who is fighting with Daganhou.

Qin Yi was able to fight hundreds of strokes with Daganhou without falling behind. He was obviously a powerhouse at the same level as Daganhou.

But no one recognized Qin Yi's identity.

"Could it be a powerhouse from another realm?"

Some strong people guessed.

It is impossible for a strong man with the combat power of the late stage of the quasi-tianzun realm to be unknown.

The powerhouses in the central realm present did not know Qin Yi's identity, so Qin Yi could only come from other realms.

"Death to Ben Hou!"

Just when everyone in the outside world was guessing Qin Yi's identity, the big Ganhou who used the secret method had made another move.


The Daganhou punched out, and the violent force penetrated the sun and the moon, drowning Qin Yi.


However, Qin Yi just raised his hand and easily took the punch of Da Ganhou.

The punch of Da Qianhou, which was enough to destroy this broken world, was like a mud ox into the sea, without causing any waves.

"I do not believe!"

Daganhou's expression changed slightly, and he shouted angrily.

After using him to activate the secret technique, Qin Yi easily took over the combat power comparable to the powerhouses in the late stage of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Qin Yi can do this, which undoubtedly shows that Qin Yi's strength has surpassed the late stage of the quasi-tianzun realm and reached the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

He doesn't believe it!

He didn't believe that Qin Yi's strength would be so strong!


Daganhou attacked Qin Yi like a madman, punching punch after punch.

However, all his attacks were stopped by Qin Yi.

In the feeling of Daganhou, Qin Yi was like a bottomless abyss that swallowed all his attacks.


After dozens of tricks, Qin Yi suddenly threw a punch, blasting Daganhou tens of millions of miles away, like the white-haired old man before, smashing through countless layers of void.

Qin Yi stood with his hands behind his back, and the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

Hundreds of tricks to fight, let him find out the details of Daganhou, and learned most of Daganhou's understanding of the Dao of Strength.

That is to say, if Qin Yi is now cultivating the Dao of Power, it won't be long before he can break through the quasi-tianzun realm with the Dao of Strength alone.

If other people know about it, I am afraid they will be horrified.

You must know that it took dozens of epochs to break through the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm with the Great Way of Power.

This is equivalent to Qin Yi just fighting Daganhou, and stealing all the hard work of Daganhou for dozens of epochs.

How terrifying is this?

Of course, Qin Yi was able to do this with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao clone.

With the passage of time, the power of the Heavenly Dao avatar becomes more and more tyrannical, and even in the central realm, the eternal avatar can borrow the power of the Heavenly Dao avatar.

It is with the blessing of the power of the avatar of the Heavenly Dao, the realm above the imaginary fairyland, and the high house, which can be used to steal all of the Daganhou's dozens of epochs within a few hundred strokes.

For the existence of the virtual fairyland, it is a simple thing to comprehend the power road to the level of the quasi-celestial realm.

Not to mention, with such a ginseng as Daganhou, Qin Yi's speed in comprehending the Dao of Power is naturally faster.

Of course, if Qin Yi wants to comprehend the Dao of Power to a higher realm, he must spend more energy to study the Dao of Strength.

However, for Qin Yi, the power avenue of the quasi-Tianzun level is enough.

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