Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4232: Chased again


One after another, the essence of heaven and earth is like a long dragon, roaring in the sky, and from time to time, a roar of earth-shattering roar is emitted.

The dense essence of heaven and earth converges into water droplets, which fall like heavy rain, nourishing the entire world of good fortune.

The energy concentration of these heaven and earth essences is no worse than that of chaotic essences, and the gathered water droplets contain infinite energy.

A drop of water from the essence of heaven and earth is enough for an ordinary creature to cultivate from nothing to the ascension realm.

And such droplets of essence can be seen everywhere in the great world of creation.

With such a high concentration of spiritual energy, it is conceivable how many strong people are in the great world of good fortune.


One after another tyrannical divine will filled the world, collided, and made the sound of the avenue, resounding through the sky, as if someone was blowing the conch.

This is the manifestation of the law, and practitioners in the ascension realm and saint realm can understand the mystery and break through by looking at it by analogy.

Cultivation in such a practice environment is more effective with half the effort.


Qin Yi took a deep breath, and the essence of heaven and earth in the void gathered, was sucked into his mouth, and was instantly refined into the power of the source.

In just a moment, Qin Yi's cultivation level has a little bit of diligence. Of course, corresponding to it, the spiritual energy within a million miles has been plundered.

At the level of Qin Yi, every bit of progress requires a lot of resources as support, just as the deity breaks through the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, relying on a ray of innate chaotic essence.

"This great world of good fortune is really a holy place for cultivation."

Qin Yi couldn't help sighing.

If you can practice for a few years in the great world of good fortune, you may be able to push your cultivation to the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm. As long as you have enough understanding of the Dao, you can break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

If the quasi-tianzun powerhouses in the five realms are made aware of the existence of the Great Fortune World, I am afraid that they will rush to the Great Fortune World as soon as possible.

This is an opportunity related to the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm!

Even, it can be said that it is related to the chance of them proving the Dao Xunxian Tianzun!

Among the five realms, for countless years, there are very few existences that break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and which one is not a trend-setter of an era.

And every existence that breaks the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, in the end, has basically proved the Taoist immortal Tianzun.

It can be said that breaking the shackles of the peak of the quasi-celestial realm has already gotten the ticket to advance to the virtual fairyland. As long as you knock on the gate of Tianzun and trigger the catastrophe of Tianzun, it is basically a sure thing to prove the Tao.

In this case, how could the quasi-tianzun powerhouses of the five realms not be crazy.

Of course, it is not difficult for the quasi-tianzun powerhouses of the five realms to enter the great world of good fortune.

Not to mention the many great formations outside the Great Fortune World, it is extremely difficult to find the Great Fortune World.

After all, the boundary sea is so huge and there is no guidance from the Fortune Token. It is not difficult to find the area where the Great Fortune World is located.

Not to mention, there are dangers in the boundary sea, and the boundary sea waves and the boundary sea giant beasts are all deadly threats.

Even Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate may fall because of this. Besides, there are also Immortal Burial Realm powerhouses who do not like the powerhouses of the five realms.

Of course, these are not problems for Qin Yi, after all, he has entered the great world of creation.


Qin Yi's spiritual sense spread out, and he had a panoramic view of the situation in the area of ​​a million miles. At this moment, his expression changed, and he noticed that there was a wave of battle not far away.

This wave of battle is rapidly approaching the area where Qin Yi and the two are.

Then, I saw two figures flying in tandem.

The leader was a young man wearing a gray robe, with a pale complexion, long hair stained with blood, and one hand drooping down weakly.

The gray-robed youth fled in a hurry, dodging the attacks of those behind him from time to time.

And behind the gray-robed youth, there is a man in silver armor, holding a silver spear, with a tyrannical breath.

"Zhou He, if you can't escape, hand over that treasure obediently, and I can spare your life!"

The silver-armored man's eyes were indifferent, and with a wave of his hand, the silver rays of light turned into chains, shrouding the gray-robed youth.

"Chu Tianlong, neither you nor the Chu family should die!"

Zhou He burned his own source power to avoid the attack of the silver armored man, and cursed at the same time, his eyes were full of killing intent and hatred.

Because of a treasure he got, it brought disaster to himself and his family. His parents and all his relatives died in the hands of the strong Chu family.

The endless pain bit his heart like a poisonous snake, making him want to die now.

But he can't die!

He hasn't avenged his parents and relatives, let alone destroying the culprit of the Chu family. How could he die?

He wants the Chu family to repay the blood debt!

"Speak wildly, you **** it!"

Hearing Zhou He's words, Chu Tianlong snorted coldly, a strong murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and the attack in his hands became more and more severe.


Zhou He's face changed, he didn't dare to hesitate, he burned his own origin world and rushed forward.

Just now, he felt a powerful wave from a million miles away, like a treasure was born, and it seemed like a strong man was fighting.

No matter which one it is, there is bound to be a strong person millions of miles away.

Only with the help of others can he have a chance at life!


Zhou He fled frantically, and soon crossed the void of millions of miles. When he came to the place where the fluctuations came before, he saw two figures standing in the void.

One person is dressed in white, and has a noble temperament.

Just a glance, Zhou He couldn't help but tremble. In his eyes, the two people in front of him were like two immortal mountains that could not be crossed.

Even when Zhou He saw the first figure, he couldn't help but feel the urge to kneel in front of him.

Many thoughts flashed through Zhou He's mind in an instant, but he soon realized that the two people in front of him might be the source of his vitality.


Zhou He took a step forward and came to the front of the two of them. The next moment, he fell directly to the ground.

"I also ask the two adults to save the villain's life. The villain is willing to dedicate the supreme treasure Wudao futon to the two adults to repay the life-saving grace."

Zhou He said loudly.

"You dare!"

Behind him, Chu Tianlong, who was chasing after him, was furious.

The Enlightenment futon is a must for the Chu family. If it is exposed, it is likely to attract the coveting of other forces and cause great trouble to the Chu family.


Chu Tianlong no longer had any intention of playing tricks in his heart. He stabbed the spear forward in his hand, and the extreme edge burst out in an instant, penetrating the endless void and running through the universe.

If a living being looks up, they can feel the terrifying power contained in this spear, the tyrannical power that is enough to tear apart the soul!

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