Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4234: The situation of the great world

A marquis-level power, such a big man, even if he is a big man from the imperial court, he is a big man who can see the head but not the tail of the dragon.

Such an existence, stomping one's feet, the entire Great Li Imperial Court will tremble three times.

Even the Chu family, the No. 1 family in Tianqing County, are just ants. As long as they are willing to pay a certain price, they are enough to subvert the entire Chu family.

Therefore, Chu Tianlong's threat before his death was extraordinarily ridiculous.

However, Zhou He was not in the mood to laugh at the dead Chu Tianlong. What he had to do now was to find a way to extinguish the anger in the hearts of these two beings.

In any case, he used these two existences to achieve the purpose of protecting himself.

"The villain has thanked the two adults for saving their lives. This is the gift of thanks from the villain. The enlightenment futon is also requested by the two adults to accept it."

Zhou He kowtowed to the ground again, and while speaking, he took out something from his arms and held it above his head.

This is a flawless white jade futon. It doesn't look much different from ordinary futons, except that some mysterious patterns are engraved on the surface of the futon.


Qin Yi didn't care about what the two emperors in the fourth and fifth realms were fighting for.

However, when Zhou He took out the white jade futon, the fortune token suddenly jumped, which immediately caught his attention.


As soon as Qin Yi raised his hand, the enlightenment futon automatically flew up and fell into his hands.

He carefully looked at the Enlightenment futon in his hand, except for the complicated patterns, in the center of the futon, two words, 'good luck' could be vaguely seen.

These two words are exactly the same as the two words on the token of good fortune, and they are obviously from the true immortals of good fortune, or their disciples.


Qin Yi tentatively injected the power of the source into the Enlightenment futon, and the Enlightenment futon burst into a ray of light, covering him.

The next moment, Qin Yi only felt that Lingtai was extremely clear and bright, and countless insights into creating a world came to his mind one after another.

Like the fortune token, the enlightenment futon has a great blessing for practitioners to understand the law and the avenue.

However, the Enlightenment futon is also only useful to the creatures under the Heavenly Venerate Realm, and is useless to the existences like Qin Yi who have broken through the Quasi-Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Of course, such treasures as the Enlightened Dao futon are a supreme treasure for the beings under the quasi-heavenly respect such as Zhou He.

The Chu family will take action and destroy the Zhou family, wanting to take the Enlightenment futon as their own.

"Yes, your thank you, I have accepted it, get up."

Qin Yi flipped his hand and put away the Enlightenment futon.

For example, the enlightenment futon is obviously related to the creation of a true immortal, and he still has a lot of interest.

"Thank you sir."

Seeing Qin Yi accept the Enlightenment futon, Zhou He breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Yi accepted the Enlightenment futon, which meant that he no longer cared about him attracting Chu Tianlong.

As Zhou He got up, he quietly glanced at Qin Yi and the two of them, and the more he looked at him, the more surprised he became.

In his respect, at least he was a marquis-level almighty Daoist Yimu, who was extremely humble in front of Qin Yi.

No matter if he shot against Chu Tianlong before, or now, it is a gesture of respecting Qin Yi.

This is a marquis-level, or even more powerful, but he is so respectful to Qin Yi.

‘Could it be that this person is a big man from the Dali imperial clan, or a big man from a top family or sect in Dali, or even a big man from another imperial clan? ’

Zhou He's mind was lively, and he thought of several possibilities in an instant.

"I want to ask you something, please answer truthfully."

At this moment, Qin Yi suddenly asked.

"Lord, ask me, the villain must know everything and say everything."

Zhou He said quickly.

"My son and the two had an accident while riding in the teleportation formation, and lost their way for a while. Can you tell this son where this is?"

Qin Yi asked.

'Sure enough, these two people came from outside the Dali Imperial Court, and they were the powerhouses of other Imperial Courts. ’

Hearing this, a gleam of light flashed in Zhou He's eyes.

From the very beginning, Zhou He had some doubts about the identities of Qin Yi and the two, and when he heard Qin Yi's question, he was determined at once.

Although Zhou He is only the direct son of a small family, because of his personality, he has a certain understanding of the major forces and powerhouses of the Great Li Imperial Court.

In particular, he pays special attention to the monarch-level powers above the ninth realm of the emperor.

As long as it is a marquis-level almighty of the Dali Imperial Court, he knows it all.

However, when he reviewed the great powers above the marquis level of the Dali Emperor Court that he knew, none of them could match the Dao Zun Yimu, and Zhou He had some doubts that Qin Yi and Qin Yi were from outside the Dali Emperor Court.

Qin Yi's question just verified his conjecture.

"If you go back to your lord, this is the Dali Imperial Court, Dingwu Prefecture, and Tianqing County."

Zhou He's thoughts turned in his heart, but he said respectfully on the surface.

"Da Li Imperial Court?"

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, this is the top force in the great world of good fortune?

Next, Qin Yi asked Zhou He some other questions, and he learned basic information about the great world of good fortune.

According to Zhou He, the most powerful force in the great world of good fortune is the immortal court of good fortune that occupies the center of the great world of good fortune.

The second is the Dali Imperial Court and many other imperial courts, as well as some top sects, and many powerful demon clans.

The Dali Emperor Court is located in the northern area of ​​the Great Fortune World. Among them, there are one emperor-level power, three king-level powers, and twelve marquis-level powers.

Among the many imperial courts, the power background of the Dali Imperial Court can also be ranked in the top three, and it is the hegemon of the great world of creation.

"The emperor-level power? The king-level power? The marquis-level power?"

Qin Yi listened to Zhou He's words, combined with a lot of information to confirm, and roughly analyzed the division of the strong in the great world of creation.

In the great world of good fortune, the creatures under the seventh realm of the emperor, the realm division is generally the same as the five realms.

After reaching the seventh realm, the five realms are called giants of the heavens, and the powerhouses in the great world of creation are called great powers.

The emperor of the eighth realm is called the top power, the emperor of the ninth realm is called the emperor-level power, and the quasi-tianzun realm is called the king-level power.

As for the emperor-level power, that is to break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

"Every emperor of the imperial court, the head of the top sects, and the patriarchs of the major demon clans are all powerful emperors, which means that there are at least ten people in the world of good fortune who have broken the shackles of the peak of the quasi-celestial realm."

Thinking of this, even if Qin Yi expected it, he couldn't help shaking his heart.

Although Qin Yi entered the Great Fortune World, he had some guesses about the number of powerhouses in the Great Fortune World, but this still shocked Qin Yi.

More than ten existences who have broken the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, if they are placed in the five realms, they are the proper seeds of Tianzun, and they have basically obtained the entrance ticket of Tianzun.

As long as the great calamity of Tianzun is motivated, one can prove the power of the Taoist immortal Tianzun.

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