Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4238: return to azure city

Originally, with Chu Tianlong's cultivation at the peak of the fifth realm, killing Zhou He in the fourth realm was a sure thing.

Otherwise, many strong people in the Chu family would not be relieved, and let Chu Tianlong go after Zhou He alone.

Even if Zhou He had the Enlightenment futon in his hand, he would not be Chu Tianlong's opponent. After all, the Enlightenment futon had no effect on combat power.

However, Chu Tianlong died at the hands of Zhou He.

This made the elders of the Chu family and others have to suspect that Zhou He had other treasures in his hands.

"I don't know, but Long'er died at the hands of this person, and I must let him pay the debt with blood!"

Chu Daoming's expression was gloomy, and there was a fierce killing intent in his eyes.

Chu Tianlong was the most gifted among his digital sons, and he was also the most gifted among the younger generation of the Chu family.

According to Chu Daoming's ideas, with Chu Tianlong's talent, as long as the Chu family vigorously cultivates for a period of time, although Chu Tianlong has no possibility of breaking through the marquis-level power in the future, he is very sure to break through the eighth realm of emperors and become Chu Another top performer in the family.

At that time, whether it is to hand over the position of the Chu family's patriarch to Chu Tianlong, or to make other arrangements, his position in the Chu family will be more stable.

As the first family in Tianqing County, the Chu family has a huge power, and the clan is naturally divided into many factions, and each faction fights with each other.

The faction that Chu Daoming belongs to is the largest faction of the Chu family today, and it is the direct line of the Chu family, but it does not mean that Chu Daoming can sit back and relax.

The Chu family has many branches, all coveting the position of the Chu family's direct line.

If they can win the position of the Chu family's direct line, these branches of the Chu family will never miss this opportunity to drive the line of Chu Daoming from the throne of the Chu family's direct line.

For such aristocratic families as the Chu family, which lineage is the strongest, then this lineage is the direct line of the Chu family.

If Chu Tianlong breaks through the eighth realm of the emperor and becomes the top power, then the position of Chu Daoming's lineage will be as stable as Mount Tai.

With the two top powers in charge, even if the other branches of the Chu family coveted the position of the Chu family's direct line, they would not be able to shake the position of Chu Daoming's lineage.

But all this became empty talk with the fall of Chu Tianlong.

How could he not hate Zhou He?


As soon as Chu Daoming said this, many Chu family experts looked at their noses and noses, and no one said anything.

These Chu family powerhouses are all powerhouses from the Chu family. For them, the fall of Chu Tianlong is a good thing for them.

If Chu Tianlong is made to become the top power, where will they have the opportunity to take charge of the Chu family in the future?


Chu Daoming also saw the thoughts of the strong Chu family, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

"In any case, Tianlong represents my Chu family. He fell into the hands of Zhou He's little beast. My Chu family can't help but say that this son must be killed to justify the majesty of my Chu family.

Moreover, in order to understand the Dao futon, we have been painstakingly laying it out for so long, and we must get it. "

At this time, the Chu family elder sighed softly, making Chu Daoming have to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Yes, Great Elder."

As soon as the first elder of the Chu family opened his mouth, all the strong people of the Chu family looked solemn and said yes.

The elder of the Chu family is not only the strongest person who has practiced for the longest time in the Chu family, but also the first strong person of the Chu family, the top powerhouse at the peak of the eighth realm, and he is only one step away from the powerhouse of the Marquis realm.

If it can break through, the entire Chu family can jump into the top family of the Great Li Imperial Court.

Therefore, as soon as the first elder of the Chu family opened his mouth, all the strong people of the Chu family could only suppress the open and secret struggle between them.

"The third elder, the fifth elder, this matter will be handed over to you, and you must take this son back to the Chu family."

The first elder of the Chu family said solemnly.

"No, I'm already here!"

Before the two elders of the Chu family could speak, a voice suddenly came.


A group of Chu family powerhouses were suddenly startled, and immediately looked at the place where the voice came from.

I saw a group of three people striding into the void, crossing the many formations in Tianqing City, and walking towards the Chu family mansion.

The people who walk in the front are familiar with many powerhouses in Tianqing City.

"Zhou He?"

"He just killed Chu Tianlong, and if he doesn't run for his life, he still dares to appear in Tianqing City?"

"Who are the two people behind Zhou He?"

All the powerhouses in Tianqing City immediately recognized the identity of the leader.

"Little beast, kill my son, and dare to appear in front of this seat, courting death!"

When he saw Zhou He, Chu Daoming's eyes suddenly turned red.


The next moment, go straight.

The monstrous blood energy rose into the sky, and the mighty fist intent filled the air, shrouding Zhou He.

Under the anger, Chu Daoming did not hold back any hands, this punch was to kill Zhou He on the spot!


Just when this punch was about to land on Zhou He, Zhou He suddenly burst out with a tyrannical aura.

A red light burst out suddenly, like a big sun suddenly bursting, dyeing the sky of thousands of miles into red.

The red is dense, and there are thousands of visions.

In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth seemed to turn into a red starry sky,

Huge stars twinkled, intertwined into galaxies across the sky.


Straws of dazzling starlight fell down, turned into a long spear of stars, and met Chu Daoming's punch.

The two forces collided in an instant, and a strong wave erupted, sweeping away towards the surroundings, shaking the entire Tianqing City.

In the void, many formations emerged, suppressing the aftermath of the collision between the two.


Suddenly, a group of Tianqing City powerhouses screamed in surprise.

The power that erupted from Zhou He actually blocked Chu Daoming's punch. With Chu Daoming's cultivation, he couldn't break through this power for a while.

You must know that although Chu Daoming is not a powerful existence in Tianqing City, he is also a top power who has broken through the eighth realm of the emperor, and his strength far exceeds that of Zhou He in the fourth realm.

The emperor of the fourth realm, in front of the top powers of the eighth realm, is not like an ant, but it is not far behind, the top powers of the eighth realm can easily kill the fourth realm emperor.

However, Zhou He blocked Chu Daoming's punch.

Of course, with Zhou He's own strength, it was impossible to block Chu Daoming's punch, and the source of the power that erupted from Zhou He was a red spear that suddenly appeared in Zhou He's hand.

"This long gun?"

The eyes of all the experts in Tianqing City fell on the red spear, and their eyes were condensed.

Everyone could feel the terrifying power contained in the red spear, and if it exploded completely, it would be earth-shattering.

"High-level imperial weapons, no, it is definitely not only high-level imperial weapons, is it a monarch-level imperial weapon?"

Some strong people guessed.

As soon as these words came out, the minds of the experts in Tianqing City swayed, and they looked at the red spear in Zhou He's hand with fiery eyes.

Many of the powerhouses present had good eyesight, and naturally they could see that the red spear in Zhou He's hand, even if it wasn't a Fenghou-level imperial weapon, was the top high-level imperial weapon.

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