Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4247: Reconstruction of the wind

Azure City.

The impact of the collapse of the Chu family has not yet subsided, and the city is once again turbulent.

As Zhou He left the customs, he announced the rebuilding of the Zhou family, no, it should be said to be a force named Tingfengwei.


Zhou He did not rebuild the Zhou family, but integrated most of the forces of the Chu family on the basis of the original forces of the Zhou family to create Tingfengwei.

In fact, Zhou He did not get Qin Yi's signal to do this, but he took the initiative to ask Qin Yi to give up the name of the Zhou family.

According to Qin Yi's original thoughts, it doesn't matter what the name of the power Zhou He rebuilds, as long as he can find out about the Dali Imperial Court for him.

However, Zhou He had a heart, so Qin Yi gave Zhou He a chance to set up a force in the name of Tingfengwei.

Ting Fengwei was the largest intelligence organization in the Buluo Dynasty, founded by Qin Yi himself.

If Zhou He can develop Tingfengwei to the point of controlling the entire world of good fortune, Qin Yi will give Zhou He a chance to join the Emperor Dynasty.

Even, it is not necessarily that Zhou He will not be given the opportunity to break through to a higher realm.

And the establishment of Tingfeng Guard made countless powerhouses in Tianqing County come to hear the wind, and all forces in Tianqing County also turned their attention to Tingfeng Guard.

Even many forces in Dingwu Prefecture turned their attention to Tingfengwei.

After all, even among the top powers in Dingwu Prefecture, not every power has a titled imperial weapon.

Looking at the entire Dali Imperial Court, Fenghou-level imperial artifacts are also treasures that are sought after by countless people.

For a time, the powerhouses of various forces came one after another, and the city of Tianqing was very lively.

Of course, at the center of all this, the Zhou family's mansion was even more crowded. One after another strong man came to visit Zhou He.

Or to inquire about news, or to join Ting Fengwei, or to test Zhou He's power.

During this period of time, Zhou He has been so busy that he has no time to rest. Whether it is the visit of various forces or the temptation of various forces, Zhou He has to deal with it.

Even in the temptation of some powerful people, Zhou He once took action.

With a strong stance, he defeated the top powers of the eighth realm. At this time, the powerhouses of various forces discovered that Zhou He had broken through the late seventh realm. With the Red Moon Spear in his hand, his combat power was not inferior. The top power at the peak of the eighth realm.

In this case, the forces of all parties can only stop the temptation.

At the beginning, the purpose of all parties to test Ting Fengwei was more to test the strength and identity of Qin Yi and the two.

But Zhou He himself has the fighting strength of the eighth realm peak, unless the Fenghou level above the ninth realm can make a move, it is impossible to defeat Zhou He and let Qin Yi and the two make a move.

And the powers of the Fenghou-level powers in Dingwuzhou also belong to the town clan, and they should not be taken lightly.

If it is shot, it is likely to set off a life-and-death battle between the two forces. Therefore, the forces of all parties can only stop the temptation of Tingfengwei.

Because of this, Zhou Hefang was able to spend more time on setting up Tingfengwei.

At the beginning, although there were a large number of practitioners who wanted to join Tingfengwei, there were not many practitioners with strong cultivation bases. Most of them were emperors of the lower three realms, the middle three realms, and one above the seventh realm. no power.

After all, for the powers above the seventh realm, Ting Fengwei's power is too weak, except for the two mysterious powerhouses hidden behind Zhou He, only Zhou He is the seventh realm power.

However, the news of Zhou He's continuous defeat of several top experts in the eighth realm came out, and the number of powerhouses who wanted to join Tingfengwei suddenly increased.

There are not a few great powers in the seventh realm, and there is even a top-level power in the eighth realm named Lu Qingshan.

Of course, among these powerhouses, there are also spies from other forces, and their souls are even banned from being affected by the oath of heaven.

If it is an ordinary force, I am afraid that even if it is detected, it can only be left unchecked.

But for Qin Yi, it is not a hassle to remove these restrictions. It only takes a few killing points to remove the restrictions in the souls of these powerhouses.

Therefore, the undercover agents sent by the various forces could only make an oath of heaven and truly become a member of Tingfengwei.

Thanks to this, Tingfengwei has grown rapidly, becoming a huge force that is not inferior to the original Chu family, and completely controls the forces left by the Chu family.

Then, according to Qin Yi's will, Zhou He sent these powerhouses out to collect news from other major states in the Dali Imperial Court.

Ting Fengwei then fell silent, and the various forces in Tianqing City also found that the appearance of Ting Fengwei was not too different from the previous time when the Chu family was still there.

Even, Ting Fengwei took the initiative to give up some benefits, and let out all the gambling houses, medicinal materials and other businesses that the Chu family originally controlled, and vigorously developed restaurants and intelligence-related forces.

In the process, some forces gained a lot of benefits, and their vigilance against Ting Fengwei was greatly reduced.

In particular, Zhou He opened his mouth and declared that Tingfengwei would be permanently neutral, not interfering in any battles between forces, and only doing intelligence transactions, which made all forces no longer wary of Tingfengwei, at least on the surface.

Although the various forces were puzzled by the purpose of the two mysterious powerhouses behind Zhou He, they would not be too specific to Ting Fengwei until Ting Fengwei did not show too much ambition.


The various forces in Tianqing County are no longer targeting Tingfengwei, but the influence of Zhou He's destruction of the Chu family has not completely disappeared.

God Xiaozong.

The number one force in Beiyue Prefecture controls several large counties, and even the King Beiyue, who guards Beiyue Prefecture, has to betray the Shenxiao Sect.

In other words, the reason why King Beiyue is guarding here is because he wants to guard against the Emperor Xiaozong.

Although the powerhouse of the Divine Sky Sect on the bright side has only one marquis-level power, the forces in Beiyue Prefecture know that there may be more than one marquis-level power of the Shenxiao School.

Even, there is a king-level power in the Shenxiao sect sitting in it.

Even if the Beiyue Palace came out in full force, it might not be able to defeat the Divine Sky Sect.


In a secret world in the Divine Sky Sect, endless thunder filled the world, turning into a boundless sea of ​​thunder, and all the thunder was thunder.

All kinds of thunder are wrapped in the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, penetrating the void, giving people a sense of irresistibility.

If ordinary emperors are in it, I am afraid that they will fall under the thunder in the first time.

And in the ocean of thunder, there is a figure standing in the void.

One after another terrifying thunder fell, scouring his body like countless sharp swords, washing away the impurities in his body.

If you look closely, you can see that this person's muscles are knotted, blood is surging, and the whole person is like a fierce beast that came out of the ancient wilderness.

As the sea of ​​thunder washed away, layers of blackened skin fell off, and a new body appeared, glittering and glittering, like a fairy jade.

next moment.

There were thunder patterns formed by thunder on this person, and his aura broke through to a higher level.

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