Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4250: Zhou He get out and die

"What the elder said, I don't know how shocking the sky, but if I wait for a moment, the thief is likely to escape, I can't wait anymore!"

Chu Jingtian's brows were sullen, and he couldn't hold back the killing intent in his heart.

Right now, there is only one thought left in his mind, and that is to avenge his sister.

"Presumptuous, do you know how much the sect has spent in order to condense the Taihuang Thunder Dao Body. If your Dao body collapses, the sect's expenditure on you will be in vain."

Elder Wang hated that iron could not become steel and said, "Furthermore, if your Dao body collapses, don't say that you will become a king-level power in the future. Even if you achieve a marquis-level power, it will be extremely difficult."

The Taihuang Thunder Dao Physique, this is the physique created by the founder of the Shenxiao Sect.

As long as the Taihuang Thunder Dao Body can be condensed, the probability of breaking through the king-level power in the future will also increase by 20 to 30%. In order to allow Chu Jingtian to condense the Taihuang Thunder Dao Body, Shenxiao Sect devoted a lot of resources.

He would never allow Chu Jingtian to act recklessly and let his body collapse.

"Chu Jingtian, think about it, don't lose the big because of the small."

Elder Wang spoke earnestly and persuaded with a heartfelt heart.


Hearing this, Chu Jingtian couldn't help being silent.

How could he not be aware of the dangers involved? If the Dao body collapses, not to mention breaking through to a higher realm in the future, he may fall into the eighth realm, and his cultivation path will be cut off in the future.

"However, my heart is on fire, and if I can't take revenge, I'm afraid that there will be a demon barrier."

After a long time, Chu Jingtian sighed.

As for the state of his own body, he is most aware of how domineering the Taihuang Thunder Dao Body is. He just reluctantly cast it, but his state of mind is unstable because of the Tai Huang Thunder Dao Body.

If there is no Chu family incident, he can naturally rest in peace and stabilize his mentality, but because of the Chu family incident, his mood is greatly affected, and he can hardly control himself.

And now, let alone let him stabilize his realm, he can't even calm down his state of mind.

The demon has been born and has to be removed.

For Chu Jingtian, if he can't get rid of his inner demons now, no matter whether he goes down the mountain or not, there is a possibility that the Taoist body will collapse.

This is also the reason why he insisted on going down the mountain, not only to avenge his sister, but also to clear his body and mind from demons.


Elder Wang suddenly hesitated. He knew very well how much influence the demons had on the people who practiced the Thunder Dao Body.

In the past, there was also a disciple in the Shenxiao sect who cultivated the Taihuang Thunder Taoist body, but because of his broken state of mind, he went into trouble, and the cholera Shenxiao sect was finally killed on the Shenxiao Mountain.

If it really allowed Chu Jingtian to breed demons, it would be troublesome.

"Let him go."

At this moment, a vast and distant voice, as if drifting from infinite years ago, suddenly sounded in the secret world:

"However, please also invite Elder Wang to go with Jingtian to protect Jingtian."

"Abide by the command of the headmaster!"

Hearing this voice, Elder Wang looked solemn and bowed.

At this moment, as long as the disciples of the Emperor Xiaozong heard this voice, they all bowed and saluted.

The owner of this voice is the supreme headmaster of the Shenxiao Sect. He is known as the first person to be named a marquis in the Great Li Imperial Court, and he oppresses the current world, Chen Xuanming.

"Thank you, Headmaster."

Chu Jingtian also bowed and bowed.

After speaking, he no longer waited, and walked out of the secret world first, and Elder Wang followed closely and left with him.


Looking at the backs of Chu Jingtian and the two, Wu Qianqiu suddenly felt a sense of unease in his heart, as if Chu Jingtian would never be able to come back after he left this time.

"No, it's impossible, Elder Wang is a marquis-level power, and he has defeated the powerhouses of the same realm several times, even among the marquis-level powers.

No matter what happens, Elder Wang can bring his senior brother back. "

Wu Qianqiu shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Chu Jingtian and the two had already left, at this time, she could only wait quietly.

Azure City.


Two streams of light pierced through the sky and landed in front of Tianqing City, revealing the figures of Chu Jingtian and Elder Wang.

"Tianqingcheng, I'm back again."

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar city in front of him, Chu Jingtian looked complicated.

Without stopping too much, Chu Jingtian went straight to the Zhou family mansion, which is where Tingfengwei is now.

On the way back to Tianqing City, Chu Jingtian also went to Tianji Cave to inquire about the news about the madmen who slaughtered the Chu family.

Everyone in the Tianji Cave Tianmen practiced the secret technique of Tianji, and it was the largest intelligence organization in the Dali Imperial Court by calculating the world.

Generally speaking, as long as you pay enough price, no matter what kind of information, you can buy it from Tianjidongtian.

Chu Jingtian also bought news about Zhou He from Tianji Dongtian, but Tianji Dongtian didn't know any information about the two mysterious powerhouses behind Zhou He.

All I know is that the two mysterious powerhouses behind Zhou He seem to be both marquis-level powers.

However, Chu Jingtian didn't care, he had only one enemy, and that was Zhou He alone.

He has no intention of becoming enemies with the two mysterious powerhouses behind Zhou He. In his opinion, as long as he shows his identity, those two mysterious powerhouses will inevitably give in.

After all, Shenxiao Sect is the first sect in Beiyue Prefecture, and it is also the top power in the entire Dali Imperial Court, second only to the Dali Imperial Clan.


Entering Tianqing City, Chu Jingtian stepped out in one step, lightning flashed all over his body, qi and blood spurted out like a tide, and his killing intent was hot:

"Zhou He get out and die!"

The sound exploded like a thousand thunders, shaking the void of the universe.

this moment.

The entire Tianqing City seemed to be shaken by this sound, and it was trembling.

The eyes of countless powerhouses were instantly attracted away.

"Where is this powerhouse?"

A group of Tianqing City powerhouses looked at Chu Jingtian and the two.

These days, a lot of powerhouses have come to trouble Zhou He, but there are no such arrogant powerhouses as Chu Jingtian.

"Who are you, dare to listen to Fengwei's riot?"

A strong man rose from the Zhou family's mansion, and tacitly surrounded Chu Jingtian and the two in the center, and the breath locked them firmly.

These are the powerhouses that Zhou He recruited, all of them are emperors of the middle three realms, and there are also a number of great powers in the seventh realm.


In the face of many strong Tingfengwei who pressed forward, Chu Jingtian just spit out a word.


One word fell, like the sky collapsed!

The unimaginable terrifying aura instantly swept across the four directions, knocking out many of the Fengfengwei powerhouses into the void, smashed them to the ground, and passed out.

This is still under the circumstance that Chu Jingtian keeps his hand, otherwise, with his cultivation at the peak of the eighth realm, a single sentence is enough to kill all the strong listening to the wind and guards present.

He didn't want to offend the two powerhouses behind Zhou He, so naturally he wouldn't kill the many powerhouses who listened to the wind and guarded the wind.

If they kill all these strong men of Tingfengwei, they will undoubtedly have revenge with the two mysterious strong men behind Zhou He.

Chu Jingtian naturally wouldn't do this.

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