Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4256: Kill one after another

Generally speaking, if the gods of the imperial army can get rid of the imperial soldiers, they can rely on heaven and earth, condense their fleshly bodies with Dao and laws, and turn them into real creatures.

At that time, the imperial warrior gods can practice.

According to the system, the Divine Soldier Clan is a true creature born from Divine Soldier, a creature that can practice independently.

The gods are the body, and the gods are the spirit!

"Interesting, there are such creatures in this great world of good fortune?"

Qin Yi said with great interest that he was very interested in the Divine Soldier Clan.

In the five realms, although the power of various imperial soldiers is tyrannical, the gods of the imperial soldiers cannot cultivate independently, and can only rely on the cultivation of practitioners to slowly increase their power.

And if the gods of the imperial army want to be transformed into living beings, they must be baptized by thunder tribulation and cast into the flesh before they can be counted as real living beings.

"It should be the difference in the laws of heaven and earth. There is no Great Dao in the Immortal Burial Realm, and the laws are also different from the five realms. This is why such strange races are born."

Qin Yi's eyes moved, and at his current level, many things can be approximated with just some information.

Similarly, Qin Yi was very satisfied with the plan to enhance Tingfengwei's combat power.

The Divine Soldier Clan is a force within the Great Fortune World. Regardless of whether it is hidden from the world or not, all forces in the Great Fortune World will have relevant records.

As long as the Divine Soldier Clan is subdued and brought to the front of the stage, it can not only fill the lack of Tingfengwei's high-end combat power, but also completely hide Qin Yi and the two behind the scenes, with no danger of exposure.

The moment he saw the Divine Soldier Clan, Qin Yi thought about his future arrangements.

From the perspective of the various forces in the Dali Imperial Court, there is a mysterious force behind Tingfeng Guard, and this force has at least one king-level power in charge.

In fact, there are only two Qin Yi behind Ting Fengwei.

According to the development of the situation, Shenxiao Zong will take action on Tingfengwei. If Qin Yi and the two do not take action, Tingfengwei will only be destroyed.

But if Qin Yi and the two made a move, they would most likely be noticed by the powerhouses in the imperial court.

Qin Yi and the two came from the five realms, and the laws they practiced were slightly different from those in the great world of creation.

Once he makes a move, it is very likely that he will be found out by the powerhouses who have left the imperial court, which will lead to the exposure of his own identity.

At that time, Qin Yi and the two may face the pursuit of all the powerhouses in the Great Fortune World, and even the powerhouses in the entire Immortal Burial World.

However, with the Divine Soldier Clan, Qin Yi and the two did not need to take action.

Pushing the Shenbing Clan to the front of the stage and becoming the mysterious force that supports Tingfengwei, this can save Qin Yi and the two of them from exposing the crisis.

Of course, the birth of the Divine Soldier Clan will also attract the hatred of other forces. At least the Dali Imperial Clan cannot sit idly by, but it is better than attracting the pursuit of all the powerhouses in the Great World and Immortal Burial World.

When Qin Yi thought about it, the red moon spear in the sky didn't mean to stop, it pierced through time and space and pointed directly at Elder Wang's eyebrows.

"No, this elder has practiced for dozens of epochs, transcending the long river of time, and there are endless years to live, how could I fall here!"

Elder Wang roared, and decisively burned his own path to Heavenly Venerate.

By this time, he no longer dared to hold back any hands.

In just an instant, his breath skyrocketed, and he quickly climbed up, breaking through several levels, and directly rising to the pinnacle of the ninth realm.

The road to burning Tianzun is the last means of fighting for the power above the seventh realm. Once it starts, its combat power is enough to skyrocket thousands of times.

Similarly, the price is extremely terrifying. After this battle is over, even if Elder Wang can survive, his realm will probably fall to the ninth realm.

Moreover, after the road to Tianzun is burned, there is basically no possibility of continuation in the future, unless there is a shocking opportunity.

But for Elder Wang, these are all things that will be considered in the future. If you can't survive this catastrophe and die, you will have nothing.


At this moment, the Chiyue Spear made a slight trembling sound.

This trembling sound is not harsh, but it fell into Elder Wang's ears, but it seemed like there were countless thunderous explosions that sounded in his mind.

In an instant, Elder Wang's mind went blank, his consciousness disappeared, and the whole person froze in place.


Then, the Scarlet Moon Spear slid through the void and pierced Elder Wang's body.

The next moment, Elder Wang followed in the footsteps of Chu Jingtian, turned into nothingness, and could not die any longer.

"Dead, dead?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, whether it was a powerhouse from Tianqing City, a powerhouse from another county, or a powerhouse from Dingwu Prefecture, all of them were horrified at this time.

This is the Divine Son and Elder of Divine Soaring Sect, and he just fell like this?

Die to the point where there are no scum left!

"A big disaster, a big disaster!"

A white-haired old man exclaimed with a trembling voice.

The power of the Divine Soaring Sect is beyond the imagination of ordinary practitioners who are far away from the imperial court, and even some young powerhouses with great powers do not understand it.

After all, under the deliberate suppression of the Great Li Imperial Court, the Divine Soaring Sect is now not well-known, and there are very few forces that know its true strength.

But the reputation is not obvious, but it will not change the strength of Shen Xiaozong. This is a big force that can compete with Beiyue Wangfu, far from being comparable to other forces.

It was precisely because he knew that the white-haired old man was so frightened.

The Divine Sky Sect's son and an elder fell in Tianqing City. It is absolutely impossible for the Shenxiao Sect to let it go. Not only will Fengwei be in big trouble, but Tianqing City will also be in big trouble.

With the domineering style of Shen Xiaozong, the white-haired old man has already guessed what will happen next.

After Shen Xiaozong got the news, in a rage, he sent a large army to besiege Tingfengwei, and then defeated Tingfengwei with thunder.

Then, the God Xiaozong slaughtered hundreds of millions of souls in Tianqing City, showing the majesty of the God Xiaozong.

This kind of thing is not without precedent. In the past, a faction accidentally killed a disciple of Shenxiaozong. As a result, Shenxiaozong was furious, not only slaughtering this party, but also slaughtering several cities near this party. .

According to Divine Soaring Sect, that is, only blood can wash away the humiliation suffered by Divine Soaring Sect.

Of course, compared with that side, Ting Fengwei was stronger, and the two powerhouses behind Zhou He were not good people.

Among them, it is very likely that there is a king-level power, not necessarily weaker than Shenxiaozong.

However, no matter what, a big war is inevitable, and a battle of king-level powers may even break out.

Under such circumstances, Tianqing City was no longer safe, and for a while, the white-haired old man had the idea of ​​leaving Tianqing City.

Not only the white-haired old man, but also some of the older generation's powerhouses also have the idea of ​​​​leaving the Sky Blue City with their forces.

Can't be provoked, can't you hide?

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