Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4258: Shenxiao Zhongming


God Xiaozong.

The sea of ​​​​clouds is surrounded by the buildings of the Immortal Palace.

The vast chaotic essence fell like a waterfall, hanging on the Shenxiao Mountain, and it was like a white ribbon, which made people look at it.

The dazzling purple light rose from the ground, shrouding the Divine Soaring Sect, and the entire Divine Soaring Sect looked like a fairyland.


At this time, a heavy and magnificent bell rang through the Shenxiao Sect, awakening many of the powerhouses in the Shenxiao sect who had retreated and practiced.

All the powerhouses who heard the sound of the bell raised their eyes and looked at the place where the sound of the bell came from, the top of Shenxiao Mountain, and the Shenxiao Hall surrounded by clouds.

This is the sound of the bell of the Shenxiao bell. When there is a crisis in the non-Shenxiao sect, it should not be struck.

And the bell ringer was the headmaster of the Shenxiao Sect, the first person of the marquis level in the Dali court, Chen Xuanming.




As the Shenxiao bell was struck again and again, the expressions of the powerful people of the Shenxiao sect changed drastically.

The more times the Shenxiao bell rings, the greater the crisis that the Shenxiao sect is facing. From one to nine times, the bell ringing nine times means that the Shenxiaozong will face a crisis of destruction.

Of course, since the establishment of the Divine Sky Sect, the Divine Sky Bell has sounded nine times in a row, and it has happened once. The Divine Soaring Sect was facing the siege of the three major forces at that time, but fortunately, it survived the crisis in the end.

And this time.

Although the Shenxiao Bell did not ring nine times, it also ringed seven times in succession.

Zhong Ming seven times, which means that there are big figures in the sect who have fallen, and at least big figures at the elder level have fallen, second only to Zhong Ming eight times.

Apart from the sect extinction crisis, the eighth bell ringing is the highest number of times the Shenxiao bell rings, and there is only one case for the eighth bell ringing, and that is the fall of the headmaster of the Shenxiaozong!

"Zhong Ming eight times, has a big person in the sect fallen?"

When he heard the sound of the bell, Wu Qianqiu's face changed suddenly, and a bad premonition suddenly came to his heart.

When Chu Jingtian and Elder Wang left, she was worried and worried all the time. At this moment, the bell of the gods was tolling eight times, how could Wu Qianqiu not be associated with it.


Not daring to neglect, Wu Qianqiu instantly turned into a streamer and went straight to the Shenxiao Hall on the top of Shenxiao Mountain.

At the same time, all over the Shenxiao Mountain, streamers rose into the sky and headed towards the Shenxiao Hall.

Wu Qianqiu soon entered the Shenxiao Hall. At this time, Chen Xuanming and the elders of the Shenxiao Sect had already arrived, sitting cross-legged on the futon with a gloomy expression.

Seeing the expressions of Chen Xuanming and others, Wu Qianqiu's heart suddenly froze.

"Wu Qianqiu, I have seen the Supreme Headmaster and the elders."

Wu Qianqiu gave Yingying a bow.

"Get up."

An elder waved his hand and motioned Wu Qianqiu to get up.

But Wu Qianqiu didn't mean to get up, but looked at the elder with burning eyes:

"Elder Xun Yi, can you tell me what happened? Did something happen to Brother Chu and Elder Wang?"

This elder was the one who rescued Chu Jingtian and let him worship the Emperor Xiaozong, of course, the first elder.


Elder Xun Yi glanced at Wu Qianqiu, whose eyes were persistent, and sighed softly.

As soon as this statement came out, it exploded in the Shenxiao Hall like a thunder, and many of the strong people of Shenxiao Sect who had just arrived in the Shenxiao Hall all changed their expressions.

What kind of identity is Chu Jingtian, this generation of God Son of God Xiaozong is also known as the first God Son of God Xiaozong for nearly a hundred epochs.

Now that Chu Jingtian has fallen, to the Divine Firmament Sect, it is an earth-shattering event.

Chu Jingtian was cultivated by the Emperor Xiaozong according to the specifications of the king-level almighty. It is said that he has already cultivated the Taihuang Thunder Dao Body after leaving the customs, and there is great hope to be promoted to the king-level almighty in the future.

In other words, if Chu Jingtian breaks through the king-level power, the Shenxiao Sect will have two king-level powers in charge. At that time, why should the Shenxiao sect be so aggrieved.

Even if it occupies the entire Beiyue Prefecture, there is no problem.

In the face of the two king-level powers, Beiyue Wangfu had to give in. Therefore, the entire Shenxiao Sect had been waiting for Chu Jingtian to break through the king-level power.

However, now that Chu Jingtian has fallen, all expectations have come to nothing.


Hearing Elder Xun Yi's answer, Wu Qianqiu's face suddenly turned pale, and his breath suddenly became unstable, as if there was a risk of going crazy.


An elder of Shenxiaozong suddenly changed his expression, and immediately took action to help Wu Qianqiu stabilize his state of mind.

This Shenxiaozong elder is Wu Qianqiu's master, Tianming elder.

"Sect Master, can you tell me how Senior Brother Chu died? Will the sect take revenge for Senior Brother?"

After a long while, Wu Qianqiu stabilized his mood, but when he woke up, he looked at Chen Xuanming for the first time.

"Qianqiu, don't talk too much."

The elder Tianming's expression changed slightly, and he quickly scolded Wu Qianqiu, and then looked at Chen Xuanming: "Headmaster Supreme, Qianqiu's mood is turbulent, so he can't speak in a panic, and please teach the Supreme Master to forgive his sins."

Chen Xuanming is the first marquis-level powerhouse in the Dali Imperial Court, and he is very majestic in the Divine Firmament Sect.

"No problem."

Chen Xuanming didn't care, he just waved his hand casually.

"As you thought, Chu Jingtian and Elder Wang fell in Tianqing County, Dingwu Prefecture, and were killed by a man named Zhou He."

Chen Xuanming's voice was quiet, and he said slowly.


A flash of hatred flashed in Wu Qianqiu's eyes, just as she thought, Brother Chu died in the hands of the Zhou family.

If she had known this earlier, she would never let her senior brother seek revenge.

"As for whether the sect will avenge Chu Jingtian and the two, this is the reason why this seat is ringing the bell."

While talking, Chen Xuanming looked at the many experts from the Divine Firmament Sect present: "What do you think?"

"Send the strong, at all costs, to kill all those who offend my Divine Soaring Sect!"

Immediately, there was a strong person from the Divine Soaring Sect.

As soon as this statement came out, it was supported by many Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses.

In their opinion, anyone who dares to offend the Divine Soaring Sect should be damned!

"I don't know if the Sect Master knows the existence of killing the Son of God and Elder Wang. What is the cultivation base?"

Of course, there are also sensible Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses.

Elder Wang is a marquis-level power, and he is also a middle-level ninth-level great power. Those who can kill Elder Wang are definitely not weak.

"The person who killed Chu Jingtian and the two of them only had the cultivation level of the late seventh realm, and he held an emperor-level imperial weapon, and it was with this imperial weapon that he could kill Chu Jingtian and Chu Jingtian. Elder Wang."

Chen Xuanming said so.

"The Seventh Realm Great Master? Relying on an imperial weapon of the feudal marquis level, he killed the Son of God and Elder Wang?"

Hearing this, all the experts from the Divine Soaring Sect looked astonished.

Some radical Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses were even more indignant, clamoring to capture Zhou He into Divine Soaring Sect, extract his soul, and burn for dozens of epochs.

A seventh-level power, dare to offend the God Xiaozong?

When to kill!

"There is a king-level power behind this person."

When Chen Xuanming said these words, the expressions of these radical Divine Firmament Sect experts suddenly froze.

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