Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4265: Divine Soldiers surrender

If Daozun Yimu hadn't obeyed Qin Yi's intentions and deliberately restrained his breath, I'm afraid that at this time, Kang Jinlong and other powerful warriors from the Divine Soldier Clan would have already fallen under Daozun Yimu's breath.

Under Heavenly Venerate, they are all ants.

This is not a joke!

The breath of Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate is enough to make all creatures under Heavenly Venerate lose their resistance, and their consciousness sinks into sinking.

And now, although Kang Jinlong and other powerful warriors of the Divine Armament are still completely motionless, their consciousness can still turn, which is why Daozun Yimu kept his hand.

However, to Kang Jinlong and other Divine Soldier Clan powerhouses, it doesn't make much difference whether Yimu Daozun is a Fengdi-level power or an existence above the Fengdi-level, both are existences that the Divine Soldier Clan cannot resist.

"The two distinguished guests, why bother with the juniors of our clan?"

Just then, a sigh sounded.


Then, I saw a figure suddenly appear in front of Kang Jinlong and other powerful warriors.

This is a white-haired and white-browed man with a stooped figure and fading aura. At first glance, he looks like an old man on the verge of death.

The great elder of the Divine Soldier Clan, the Taoist of the Heavenly Spear.

"Hey, interesting."

Seeing the Taoist Heavenly Spear appearing, Qin Yi suddenly became interested.

The Taoist Heavenly Spear in front of him did not really appear in his body, but was just a clone of divine sense, but this also surprised Qin Yi.

You must know that although Dao Zun Yimu intends to restrain his breath, the breath he exudes now exceeds that of any existence that breaks the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Such as Kang Jinlong, the powerful warriors of the Divine Soldier family, under the breath of Dao Zun Yimu, they were unable to move half a point.

However, Taoist Tianjian can condense his avatar in the breath of Daoist Yimu, and Qin Yi can't help but look at him with such strength.

'It seems that I underestimated the talent of this great elder of the Divine Weapon Clan, and despite the lack of the source of life, I still let him walk a plausible path. ’

Qin Yi lowered his eyes to look at this mountain in the sky again, the power of the source was running in his eyes, and he couldn't help but raise his brows and exclaimed in admiration.

He originally thought that the Great Elder of the Divine Soldier Clan had been sleeping for many years, but it was just useless, but he did not expect that he underestimated the Chief Elder of the Divine Soldier Clan.

With the help of the baptism of the power of the powerful warriors of the Divine Soldier, the body of the Taoist Heavenly Spear, that is, this long spear like a mountain, is slowly transforming towards a higher level.

This approach is somewhat similar to the transformation method of the emperor soldiers in the five realms. In the five realms, the transformation of emperor soldiers mostly relies on the cultivation of practitioners with the power of qi and blood, the power of the source, or the power of the soul.

On the other hand, the Taoist Heavenly Spear relies on the strength of many Divine Soldier Clan powerhouses to nurture them. The reason for both is the same.

But the Daoist of the Heavenly Spear is ultimately deficient in its origin. It takes a very long time to truly complete the transformation, break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and become an emperor-level power.

Roughly estimated, it takes at least hundreds of epochs, or even thousands of epochs, to complete the transformation.

This is ideal, but even so, it's amazing.

After all, the Taoist Heavenly Spear is deficient in its origin, and being able to continue his own path is already enough to be amazing and brilliant. For a while, Qin Yi has a love for talent.

"Heavenly Spear Taoist, my son's name is Qin Yi. If you are willing to lead the Divine Soldier Clan to surrender to my son, this son can help you break through the emperor-level power."

Qin Yi said concisely and spoke directly.


As soon as these words came out, Daoist Tianlian's expression changed, and he wanted to open his mouth to question Qin Yi.

You must know that in order to break through the emperor-level power, he did not know how much effort he had spent, and even he did not hesitate to let the entire Divine Soldier Clan hide from the world.

Although he has already embarked on the journey of transformation, he is very clear that he wants to complete the transformation, and his hope is extremely slim, and he does not know how long it will take.


However, the eyes of Dao Zun Yimu on the side flowed, and his eyes fell on Daoist Tianlian.


The Heavenly Spear Taoist immediately kept his mouth shut, and his heart was filled with unspeakable shock.

Faced with Daozun Yimu's gaze, Daoist Tianjian suddenly felt that he could be erased at any time. Under such circumstances, how could he dare to question Qin Yi?

'This person is definitely more than the emperor level, is it a world master? ’

Heavenly Spear Taoist's thoughts turned sharply.

As a king-level expert at the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, it is not that he has not dealt with emperor-level experts, and even the emperor Dali has dealt with him.

But the emperor-level powers, such as the Emperor Dali, put the pressure on the Taoist Heavenly Spear, far less than the pressure brought on him by the one in front of him.

In other words, the strong man in front of him must be an existence above the emperor level.

and many more.

'The aura on this person seems to be incompatible with the Great World of Creation, no, it should be said that it is somewhat incompatible with the entire Immortal Burial Domain. These two people are from outside the Immortal Burial Domain. ’

The Taoist Heavenly Spear suddenly noticed that something was wrong, and a thought flashed in his mind.

The Taoist Heavenly Spear also knows something about the great world of creation, or outside the world of buried immortals, and he knows about the existence of the five realms.

When he calmly checked, he found the difference between Qin Yi and the two.

"Master Qin, are you from outside the Immortal Burial Domain?"

As soon as he thought about it, the Taoist Tianlian immediately questioned Qin Yi and the two with his divine sense.

The Immortal Burial Realm in his mouth is the Immortal Burial Realm that many experts in the five realms call it.

In a sense, the Immortal Burial World is indeed composed of countless worlds, and it is more reasonable to call it the Immortal Burial Domain.


Qin Yi didn't mean to cover up, and said frankly.


A flash of clarity flashed in the eyes of the Taoist Spear, which confirmed his own guess.

But when he understands the past, there is a wry smile on the corner of his mouth. He doesn't know the situation of the powerhouses in the five realms in the Immortal Burial Domain.

If exposed, it is likely to attract the pursuit of the entire Immortal Burial Domain powerhouse.

In this case, he learned the identity of the other party, and there are only two options left, one is to surrender to the other party, the other is to die.

This choice is naturally extremely simple, and everyone knows how to choose.

"Master Qin, if I lead the Divine Soldier Clan to surrender to you, can you really help me break through to the Emperor Feng Emperor level?"

The Taoist Heavenly Spear asked.


Qin Yi nodded.

"If that's the case, my Divine Soldier Clan is willing to submit to Lord Qin and serve you."

After receiving Qin Yi's reply, the Taoist Heavenly Spear said decisively without any hesitation.

In this kind of situation where you have to die if you don't agree, and you can still get benefits if you agree, the Taoist Heavenly Spear naturally knows how to choose.

As for whether Qin Yi was deceiving him, he had no room for refusal.

"The way of heaven is above, my Heavenly Spear and Shenbing Clan have 39,600 people, I wish to respect Lord Qin Yi as the master and never betray. "

After making a decision, the Taoist Heavenly Spear no longer hesitated, and immediately aroused the luck of the Heavenly Soldier Clan and swore an oath.

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