Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4267: Help you enter the emperor level today

Mysterious Soldier Realm.

For many powerful people of the Divine Soldier Clan, this is the place where they practice and hide, and it is also the area where they have lived for countless years.

For hundreds of epochs, many strong people of the Divine Soldier Clan have been staying in the Divine Soldier Secret Realm, never leaving, and no outside power has ever entered the Divine Soldier Secret Realm.

But today, a strong man broke into the mysterious realm of the divine soldier, shaking the entire divine soldier family.

In fact, most of the Shenbing clan did not care about the invading powerhouses. After all, with the background of the Shenbing clan, they were not afraid of basically all challenges in the Dali Imperial Court.

Even if an emperor-level power shot, the Divine Soldier Clan would not necessarily be defeated.

Unless the emperor-level experts from the Dali Emperor Clan attacked the Divine Soldier Clan at the same time.


The next developments were completely beyond the expectations of the members of the Divine Soldier Clan.

One of the two powerhouses who invaded the mystical realm of the gods, one of them took a step forward, and the vast aura fell down. For a moment, the powerhouses of the entire godsmen froze in place, unable to move.

At this time, the clansmen of the Divine Soldiers found that something was wrong.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

To be precise, for the members of the Divine Soldier Clan, the development of the situation has been out of their expectations from the very beginning.

When the Heavenly Spear Daoist appeared, the members of the Divine Armament tribe still had a glimmer of hope. After all, the Heavenly Spear Daoist was the first powerhouse of the Divine Armament Race, standing at the pinnacle of the king level.

In this mysterious realm of divine soldiers, if they can get the blessings of many divine soldiers, Taoist Heavenly Spear can even fight against the emperor-level almighty.

This is also the reason why all the Divine Soldiers are not afraid of any challenge.

However, in the incomprehensible eyes of the people of the Divine Armament clan, the Taoist Heavenly Spear not only did not take action against Qin Yi, but chose to surrender to Qin Yi and make an oath of heaven.

After the Tiandao oath is fulfilled, it means that the entire Shenbing clan will become Qin Yi's subordinates, and all the Shenbing clan will serve Qin Yi.

"Alas, why should we submit to a human?"

Many Shenbing clansmen were unwilling and dissatisfied complaining.

Not only one Divine Soldier clan has this kind of thought, but many Divine Soldier clan members have it. If this kind of emotion continues to accumulate, it is very likely that the entire Divine Soldier clan will fall apart.

However, Kang Jinlong and other experts from the Divine Soldier Clan quickly took action to suppress this undeserved emotion.

Although Kang Jinlong and other Shenbing clan powerhouses were also dissatisfied at the beginning, after they calmed down, Kang Jinlong and other Shenbing clan powerhouses also instantly woke up.

If it is not a last resort, how could the Daoist of the Sky Spear surrender to Qin Yi and the two?

That is to say, Qin Yi's cultivation is far more simple than what they see on the surface.

'Even if it is an ordinary emperor-level power, the elders may not be able to fight against it. In this way, the existence of the Dao Zun named Yimu is far more powerful than the ordinary emperor-level power.

Even the other person is an emperor-level power. ’

Thinking of this, Kang Jinlong also understood why the Taoist Tianlian surrendered to Qin Yi and the two.

In the face of absolute strength, if you don't want to die, you have only one option to surrender.

Two emperor-level powers, the Divine Soldiers are not opponents at all, so they can only submit to each other.

Not to mention, now that the Divine Soldier Clan has surrendered to the other side, this matter has become a foregone conclusion, and the Heavenly Spear Taoist has also made an oath of Heavenly Dao with the luck of the Divine Soldier Clan.

If the oath of heaven is violated, the entire Divine Soldier Clan will suffer disaster.

The backlash of the Heavenly Dao oath was enough to destroy the entire Divine Soldier Clan.

Therefore, Kang Jinlong and other Divine Soldier Clan strongmen took decisive action to suppress the dissatisfaction in the clan, communicated with Divine Soldier Clan people, and resolved their unwillingness.

Now that they have surrendered, they can only do their duty and serve Qin Yi well.

Of course, Qin Yi didn't pay too much attention to these things. After the Taoist Heavenly Spear made the oath, he brought Daozun Yimu and Taoist Heavenly Spear into the patriarch's hall of the Shenbing Clan.

The patriarch's hall.

Qin Yi sat high on the main seat, with Daozun Yimu standing behind him, and Daoist Tianlian standing in front of Qin Yi respectfully.

'An existence that is not inferior to the Lord of the World is so respectful to a king-level power, what is the identity of this Lord Qin? ’

Heavenly Spear Taoist looks at his nose and his nose at his heart. He looks calm on the surface, but his heart is ups and downs.

On the way back to the patriarch's hall, he noticed Daozun Yimu's respectful attitude towards Qin Yi, which made him think about Qin Yi's identity.

Judging from the breath emanating from Qin Yi's body, Qin Yi and him are in the same realm, which is the highest level of the king-level.

It did not break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm, and achieved the emperor-level power, let alone the level of the master of the world.

Although he felt a deadly threat from Qin Yi, if they fought, he would probably not be Qin Yi's opponent.

But from the perspective of realm, Qin Yi is in the same realm as him.

The Taoist Heavenly Spear does not have a deep understanding of the situation in the five realms, but if the situation in the Immortal Burial Territory is used as an analogy, the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate in the five realms should be like the Lord of the World in the Immortal Burial Territory, standing among countless living beings. On the top, overlooking all living beings.

In front of the Lord of the World, the creatures under the Lord of the World are all ants.

Even an emperor-level power is only a slightly larger ant in front of the Lord of the World. As long as the Lord of the World is willing, he can easily crush it to death.

And the existence of Yimu Daozun is willing to subdue to Qin Yi, how can this not shock the people of Tianlian Daoist?

In addition, Qin Yi dared to say that he could help him break through the emperor-level power, which made Taoist Tianlance have a bold guess about Qin Yi's identity.

'Perhaps the one in front of him is just a clone of Master Qin, whose deity is also a powerful world lord. ’

Heavenly Spear Taoist guessed.

In a sense, Taoist Tianlian did not guess wrong, Qin Yi in front of him was indeed just a clone of Qin Yi.

However, Qin Yi's deity has not yet broken through the virtual fairyland, but his combat power is not inferior to the virtual fairy god.

Thinking of this, the Taoist Heavenly Spear became more and more respectful to Qin Yi's attitude, and surrendering to a world master was not a bad thing, but a good thing for the entire Divine Soldier Clan.

"Tianjian, how long has it been since you broke through to the peak of the king level?"

At this time, Qin Yi in the main seat suddenly asked.

"The time is a bit long, about three hundred epochs."

The Taoist Heavenly Spear was stunned for a moment, and his expression was a little lonely.

The Divine Soldier Clan is uniquely endowed by nature, and has possessed power that is unattainable by ordinary people since its birth. Even, many Divine Soldier Clan people have the power of the seventh realm since their birth, transcending the long river of time.

This is the case with the Heavenly Spear Taoist. Since the birth of his life, he has already possessed a combat power comparable to the seventh realm of the emperor, not inferior to the power.

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