Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4269: The arrival of King Kitadake

For the Heavenly Spear Daoist who has broken through the Emperor Feng and has the essence of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, if he does not care about the life and death of the Divine Soldier Clan.

And if he is willing to pay a certain price, the Taoist of the Heavenly Spear can completely betray Qin Yi.

Of course, Qin Yi would not allow this to happen. He left behind in advance, that is, while helping the Taoist Heavenly Spear to make up for the origin of life, he left a mark on the origin of life of the Taoist Heavenly Spear.

As long as Qin Yi's thoughts move, it can destroy the imprint of the origin of life of the Taoist spear.

For this, Qin Yi spent 200 million killing points.

Therefore, this time, Qin Yi spent a total of 2.2 billion killing points.

However, the exchange of 2.2 billion killing points for an emperor-level power who will not betray is a very good deal.

After Heavenly Spear Daoist's life source is compensated, if he leaves the Immortal Burial Realm, knocks on the gate of Tianzun, and passes through the Thunder Tribulation of Tianzun, he can prove the Taoist Immortal Tianzun.

Moreover, the Heavenly Spear Taoist has already broken through the emperor level, and his probability of proving the Taoist Immortal Heavenly Venerate is far greater than that of ordinary practitioners.

In a sense, Qin Yi exchanged 2.2 billion killing points for a virtual immortal.

Of course, after entering the five realms, the Taoist Heavenly Spear must first go through the thunder tribulation baptism of the All-Heaven Avenue, which is extremely terrifying.

Generally speaking, the higher the cultivation level of the creatures entering the five realms from the Immortal Burial Realm, the more terrifying the baptism of thunder tribulation they face.

With the current cultivation level of the Heavenly Spear Taoist, entering the five realms, the baptism of the thunder tribulation he faces is probably several times more terrifying than the thunder tribulation of the Heavenly Venerate.

In this case, the Heavenly Spear Taoist may not be able to survive the baptism of the Thunder Tribulation of the Great Dao of the Heavens.


If Qin Yi is willing to spend another 2 billion killing points, he can also help the Taoist Heavenly Spear to avoid the baptism of the Thunder Tribulation of the Dao of the Heavens.

However, Qin Yi has no such plan for the time being. If Daoist Tianlian makes enough credit in the future, Qin Yi may help Daoist Tianlian avoid the baptism of Lei Jie.

"Get up."

Qin Yi waved his hand and motioned for a group of powerful warriors to get up.

"Thank you sir."

A group of powerful warriors from the Divine Soldier family bowed again and stood up.

After the Tianlance Taoist broke through, Qin Yi did not stay in the Yunhai Mountains too much, and immediately returned to Tianqing City, where the Heavenly Spear Taoist and other divine soldiers naturally followed him.

The entire Divine Soldier Mystery Realm was put away by the Heavenly Spear Daoist and taken to the Heavenly Green City together.

And with the addition of the powerhouses of the Shenbing clan, Tingfengwei's mid-to-high-end combat power was completely filled.

In addition to the Heavenly Spear Daoist, the emperor-level almighty, the Divine Soldier Clan also has eight king-level experts, dozens of the eighth-level top-level experts, and hundreds of seventh-level experts.

The remaining clansmen are also powerful existences above the emperor.

It has to be said that the Divine Soldiers are uniquely blessed.

Ordinary Divine Soldier clansmen have had the cultivation base of Emperor Realm since their birth, and it only takes a few years to truly own the station of Emperor Realm.

Even some powerful warriors of the Divine Soldier family with tyrannical bodies, when they were born, had the cultivation of the seventh realm of the emperor, such as the Heavenly Spear Taoist.

For the Divine Soldier Clan, there is no unstable cultivation and no foundation.

The Divine Soldier Clan is a creature born from all kinds of Divine Soldiers, which is equivalent to inheriting all the avenues and laws of Divine Soldiers, that is, all the avenues and laws of the powerhouse who forged this Divine Soldier in the first place.

The people of the Divine Soldier Clan naturally have no crisis of unstable foundations, let alone take too long to master all the power.

It can be said that the heritage of the Divine Soldier Clan under the emperor-level power is not inferior to that of the ordinary imperial court.

Not to mention, the Heavenly Spear Taoist broke through the Emperor Feng level and filled up the last shortcoming of the Divine Soldier Clan. In every respect, it was no less inferior to the ordinary imperial court.

With the filling of this power, Tingfengwei will inevitably develop more rapidly, and it will be easier to find the trace of the immortal boat.

After Qin Yi returned to Tianqing City with the Shenbing Clan, Zhou He got the news and quickly found Qin Yi and told him that King Beiyue wanted to meet him.

"Master, the King of Beiyue came to Tianqing City a few days ago and wanted to visit the son, but since the son was not at the time, the subordinates could only inform the son of the King of Beiyue that he was in retreat.

But the King of Beiyue still did not leave, and now he is waiting for his son to leave the customs in the City Lord's Mansion. "

Zhou He said so.

"King Beiyue wants to see this son?"

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and he was no stranger to this King of Beiyue.

One of the three princes of the Dali Imperial Court, one of the three king-level powers of the Dali Imperial Clan on the bright side, used to guard the borderland of the Dali Imperial Court.

Later, he was transferred back to Beiyuezhou by Emperor Dali, and has been guarding in Beiyuezhou to guard against Shenxiao Sect.

In just a few flashes of thought, Qin Yi knew the reason why King Beiyue wanted to see him, or in other words, King Beiyue wanted to see the strong man behind Fengwei.

The King of Beiyue has not dealt with the Shenxiao Sect all the time, and before that, Tingfengwei offended the Shenxiaozong again, so the King of Beiyue would naturally come to win over the Tingfengwei and deal with the Shenxiaozong together.

"Interestingly, as a member of the Dali Imperial Clan, instead of seeking the help of the Dali Imperial Clan, he turned to seek the help of an unknown force.

Did the King of Beiyue and the Dali Imperial Clan fall out, or did the Dali Imperial Clan take care of themselves? "

Qin Yi lightly clasped the table with his fingers and narrowed his eyes.

In fact, Qin Yi prefers the second choice. One, the King of Beiyue is one of the three princes of the Dali Imperial Court, and the Dali Imperial Clan cannot ignore it.

Furthermore, the King of Beiyue is the uncle of the Emperor Dali. If the Dali family has spare power, it is impossible to let it go.

In other words, today's Dali Imperial Court has been overwhelmed.

In this regard, Qin Yi has seen from the intelligence in the Zhou family that the only major states that the Dali Imperial Court really has a firm grasp on are more than a dozen major states such as Dali Prefecture and Qingshan Prefecture.

The rest of the big states have already been in chaos, such as Beiyuezhou, where there is chaos in the Shenxiao Sect, and there is a faint momentum to control the entire Beiyuezhou.

Similar situations are not uncommon in the Dali Imperial Court, and even some forces have already controlled the entire Dazhou, turning it into a country within the Dali Imperial Court.

It can be said that the Dali Imperial Court has some signs of precariousness.

Although it has not yet reached the point of destruction, it all shows that there is a problem within the Dali Imperial Clan.

'Perhaps, I can let the Divine Soldier Clan replace the Dali Imperial Court? ’

A thought flashed in Qin Yi's mind.

Finding the Immortal Boat of Fortune in such a huge world is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

But if there is the help of an imperial court, the search time may be shortened.

Moreover, after controlling the Great Li Imperial Court, he can also more calmly test the details of the Immortal Court of Fortune.

Of course, this is only a preliminary idea. Whether it is implemented or not depends on the next developments and whether there is a chance to replace the Great Li Imperial Court.

After all, the strength of the Dali Imperial Court is not weak. Even now, it is weak for some reasons, but it is still not to be underestimated.

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