Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4271: The throbbing of the King of Beiyue

King Beiyue has practiced for thousands of epochs, how huge is his memory, how could he remember all of them?

Of course, no matter what, after King Beiyue recognized Kang Jinlong's identity, not only did he not relax, but he became even more afraid.

Although the Divine Soldiers have been out of the world for a long time, their strength is extremely tyrannical.

One of the most famous deeds of the Divine Soldier Clan is that they have successively produced six peak emperor-level powers, and together they fought against one emperor-level power.

It was that battle that made the Divine Soldier Clan famous in the Great Fortune World.

You must know that although there is only one realm difference between the emperor-level power and the emperor-level power, the power of the two is more than a thousand times different.

A peak king-level power wants to compete with an emperor-level power, even if it is only the existence of a first-time emperor-level power, it is extremely difficult.

Unless it is in the old nest of one's own body, there are a lot of backhands and backgrounds.

For example, before the Heavenly Spear Daoist had broken through the Emperor-level power, he was confident that he would be able to fight against the Emperor-level power with the peak of the King-level cultivation in the mysterious realm of the gods.

In the mysterious realm of the gods, there are many great formations of the gods, as well as the suffocating blessings of many strong men of the gods. If you really want to fight hard, the Daoist of the Heavenly Spear may not have a battle when facing the power of the ordinary emperor-level early stage. Power.

At the beginning, the six gods were able to rely on the combined power of the six kings to compete against one emperor.

It is conceivable that these six divine soldiers are very powerful at the peak of the king level.


This is not the most amazing place. The most amazing thing is that the Divine Soldier Clan actually has six peak king-level experts sitting in it.

You must know that even in the peak period of the Dali Imperial Clan, there are at most three peak king-level experts in the clan at the same time.

But now, there is not even a king-level peak power in the Dali imperial clan.

Otherwise, how could the Dali Imperial Clan be so embarrassed now that there is only one half-crippled emperor-level power left to support the entire Dali Imperial Court.

If there is a king-level peak power in the Dali Imperial Clan, the current Dali Imperial Court will not end up in such an embarrassing situation.

With the background of the Dali imperial clan, if there is a peak king-level power, it is completely possible to create an emperor-level power with secret magic powers.

But it is a pity that there is not a peak king-level power in the Dali imperial clan today.

Even, there is not even a late king-level power.

Of course, with the background of the Dali imperial family, it is not difficult to create a peak king-level power.

Just like Zhou He, let a clansman practice with the help of the Dao in the top-level king-level imperial artifact.

But there is a problem. With the help of the Dao cultivation in the king-level imperial artifact, his highest achievement in the future can only reach the realm of the powerhouse who cast this king-class imperial artifact.

In other words, the highest can only break through the peak of the king level, and cannot cultivate to the emperor level.

As for people to practice with the help of Emperor Feng-level imperial weapons, this is even more impossible.

Not to mention that the Dali imperial clan only has a few emperor-level imperial weapons left, but it is the heritage of the town clan.

Even if there are two emperor-level imperial weapons, the Dali imperial family will not do this.

Cultivators use the Great Dao in the imperial weapon to practice, no matter what, it will cause damage to the imperial weapon itself and reduce the power of the imperial weapon.

Moreover, the damage to the emperor-level emperor-level emperor's equipment is even greater.

Even, it may make the emperor-level imperial weapon fall to the emperor-level!

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