Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4282: The clue to the creation of the immortal boat

Hearing the news of the rise of Fengwei, there was a lot of clamor in the Dali Imperial Court.

After all, the demise of the Divine Soaring Sect was too shocking, and Ting Fengwei, who took over most of the Divine Soaring Sect powerhouses, naturally attracted the attention of all parties.

Not to mention, there is a king-level power behind Tingfeng Guard, and even Chen Xuanming, who broke through the king-level power, has fallen into the hands of his opponent.

You must know that Chen Xuanming, as the first marquis-level power in the Dali Imperial Court, after breaking through the king-level power, his strength must be far superior to the ordinary king-level power.

But he was still killed by the king-level power behind Tingfeng Guard, and it was a one-shot kill!

Afterwards, the old man Shen Xiao was forced to escape.

With such strength, many powerhouses in the Dali Imperial Court quickly made a judgment that the king-level power behind Ting Fengwei was a late-stage king-level power.

For a time, the powerhouses from the imperial court became more and more curious about the identity of the king-level power behind Ting Fengwei.

This is a late-stage king-level power, an existence that cannot be ignored by any force.

No one dares to ignore a late-stage king-level power!

Similarly, it is impossible to emerge out of thin air a late-stage king-level power.

The various forces in the Dali Imperial Court kept inquiring about the identity of the king-level power behind Fengwei, but most of the powerhouses did not gain anything.

Since the first battle of Shen Xiaozong, this strong man has never appeared again. Many strong men want to test, but there is no place to test.

However, soon a news came out from the Dali Imperial City.

"The king-level powerhouse behind Ting Fengwei is the powerhouse of the Divine Soldier Clan?"

As soon as this news came out, it immediately shocked countless powerhouses of the Dali Imperial Court, and even attracted the attention of several other Imperial Courts outside the Dali Imperial Court.

The former Divine Soldier Clan, how tyrannical, except that there is no emperor-level power, their strength is not inferior to the major imperial clans, and even far surpasses most imperial clans.

If it weren't for the lack of the origin of the divine soldiers, I'm afraid there would already be an extra force called the Shenbing Imperial Court in this area.

And now, the Divine Soldier Clan was born again, which naturally attracted the attention of all parties, and also caused the fear of all parties.

A late-stage king-level power is enough to change the current pattern of the Dali Imperial Court.

Not to mention, a whole family of divine soldiers.

Even if the Divine Soldier Clan is weaker than in the peak period of the past, it is still worthy of the solemn treatment of all forces.

After all, if the Divine Soldier Clan walks out of a clan at will, they will have the cultivation base of the late king level. It is conceivable how powerful the Divine Soldier Clan is.

But in the outside world, because Ting Fengwei and the Shenbing clan were in chaos, there was peace in Tianqing City.

Qin Yi didn't care about the outside world at all.

After a few months of seclusion, Qin Yi went straight out of the seclusion and read all kinds of information after briefly comprehending the laws of the great world.

Among them are various books and anecdotes obtained from the Emperor Xiaozong, as well as various information collected by Tingfengwei for several months.

Because of Qin Yi's orders, Ting Fengwei focused more on collecting all kinds of anecdotes that happened in the great world of creation.

The travel notes written by many strong people are the top priority of Ting Fengwei's collection.

Also because of these things, in the great world of good fortune, they are not valued by various forces, and listening to Fengwei is very easy to collect.

The powerhouses of all parties have no intention of blocking. If Fengwei wants to collect various secret methods, imperial scriptures, and magical powers, the forces of all parties may block them.

But if you just collect some anecdotes and travel notes of the strong, the forces of all parties will naturally not block them, but will take the initiative to send them to your door.

Of course, this is mixed with a lot of plausible fake news.

In the eyes of all the forces, the reason why Tingfengwei collected all kinds of anecdotes and travel notes of the strong is to collect the way to break through the emperor-level powers for the Divine Soldier Clan.

However, most forces are not optimistic about the move of the Divine Soldier Clan. The origin is lacking, and it is basically doomed that the Divine Soldier Clan cannot break through the Emperor level.

In the eyes of many strong people, the Divine Soldier Clan collects all kinds of anecdotes and travel notes of the strong men, and wants to find a way to break through the emperor-level power, which is quite a bit ill and goes to the doctor.

If these anecdotes and travel notes of strong people can really help people break through the emperor-level power, the great world of good fortune has long been gone.

Of course, if you don't like it, you don't like it, but this does not prevent many strong people from mixing false news into the anecdotes collected by Fengwei.

Qin Yi is also very clear about this.

However, many of the powerhouses in the Dali Imperial Court guessed in the wrong direction. Qin Yi didn't want to find a way to break through the emperor-level power. His purpose was to find the trace of the immortal boat.

Therefore, from the very beginning, many strong people in the Great Li Imperial Court guessed the wrong direction, and they went in the wrong direction when they mixed false news.

"I traveled to Canglan Prefecture, and I saw the sky hanging for nine days. I rushed to the place where the vision occurred, but the vision has disappeared. I found nothing, and I am very sorry."

"In the year 3006 of the 1900th year of the Great Lili Calendar, I entered Beihai County, and I was awarded a king-level imperial weapon.

"Three million years ago, this seat was on the border between the Dali Imperial Court and the Yuanyang Imperial Court. Seeing the war between the two armies, I was fortunate enough to realize that I was awarded the king level."


Qin Yi quickly flipped through the information from Tingfeng Guard, trying to find the trace of the Immortal Boat of Fortune.

Speaking of which, these anecdotes and travel notes of the strong are not useless. At least Qin Yi has found several clues about the emperor-level and even the king-level power.

Or the inheritance left by the strong, or the place where the strong fell, or the fate of the magical medicine.

Of course, whether these news are true or false, it still needs to be further verified, and can be verified by Tingfengwei.

Qin Yi didn't pay too much attention to these news, but continued to look for clues about the creation of the immortal boat.

After opening the Space-Time Cultivation Pavilion, with the blessing of tens of thousands of times, Qin Yi read these anecdotes extremely fast.

It took a few days outside, hundreds of years in the space-time cultivation pavilion, and finally Qin Yi found a clue about the creation of the immortal boat.

"In the year 6009 of the ninth hundred and eleventh year of the Great Li Calendar, I found a token engraved with the word "good fortune" in Canglan Prefecture."

This is an essay left by a marquis-level almighty named Kunlong old man.

"A token engraved with the word fortune? Fortune order?"

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed.

Obviously, the token obtained by the old Kunlong is the order of good fortune.

"I feel that this token is related to the Immortal Court of Fortune, but unfortunately I have not been able to discover the peculiarities of this token.

Until this seat strayed into the Taiyi Forbidden Land, the token recovered independently and disappeared into the void. This seat could not stop it, and could only watch the token disappear.

Before the token disappeared, this seat vaguely saw the trace of a large boat. Unfortunately, this seat has searched the entire Taiyi forbidden area since then, but has not found any trace of this large boat. It is a pity. "

This is the second half of Kunlong's essay.

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