Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4285: Enter the Taiyi forbidden area


The aura is thin, and it is one of the last few big states in the 108 states of the Imperial Court, which also leads to the scarcity of the number of strong people in Taizhou.

As long as it is a strong person who has the ability to leave Taizhou, most of them will choose to leave Taizhou.

Therefore, not to mention the emperor-level power, even the marquis-level powers are very few, and there is only one new-level marquis-level power in Taizhou Prefecture.

In addition, there is no other marquis-level power sitting in Taizhou.

This also led to the fact that in Taizhou, the top powers of the eighth realm were able to control one side and stand on the top of Taizhou.

"The spiritual energy here is too thin, and it's even worse than Dingwuzhou."

Qin Yi couldn't help shaking his head after realizing the concentration of aura in Taizhou.

Cultivation in Taizhou is much slower than cultivation in other big states such as Dingwuzhou, so it is no wonder that countless Taizhou powerhouses choose to leave Taizhou.

It is precisely because of the large number of strong people in Taizhou that there are far more practitioners in the middle and low realms of Taizhou than other large states, and a large number of scattered cultivators have gathered.

Between a drink and a peck, the name of Taizhou, the state of scattered cultivation, was forged.


Qin Yi had no time to learn about the situation in Taizhou. As soon as he entered Taizhou, he took Daozun Yimu and went to the forbidden place of Taiyi in the past.

Soon, the two came to the Dirty Heaven Plain where the Taiyi Forbidden Land used to be.

This area is the thinnest and most barren place in Taizhou. Within 100,000 miles, there are no people and no one lives here.

The practitioners in Taizhou do not know the reason, but Qin Yi is very clear that the reason why the Dirty Sky Plain is so desolate is because of the existence of the Taiyi Forbidden Land.

The Taiyi Forbidden Land absorbs a lot of the aura of the Dirty Sky Plain, which makes the concentration of the Dirty Sky Plain drop to the bottom, which is why the Dirty Sky Plain is so barren.


Qin Yi used the power of the source in his eyes and wanted to search for traces of the Taiyi forbidden area.

However, even though Qin Yi swept through the sky, he could not find any trace of the Taiyi Forbidden Land.

"Something interesting."

A look of surprise appeared on Qin Yi's face, and he suddenly became interested.

The next moment, he directly stimulated the power of the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, blessing it in his eyes, and his eyes bloomed with infinite radiance, as if to illuminate the eternity.

A large formation spanning across the sky, covering a radius of 100,000 miles, suddenly appeared in front of Qin Yi's eyes.

The magic lines formed by the magic qi crisscrossed each other, forming a large formation, swallowing all the surrounding spiritual qi, leaving nothing left.

"A Heavenly Venerate-level, no, a quasi-Heavenly Venerable-level formation."

Qin Yi glanced at it and saw that the rank of this grand formation had not yet reached the Heavenly Venerate level, but it was also the top quasi-Heavenly Venerable Great Array.

Without the power of the first-level power of the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, it is impossible to see through the cover of this great formation. It is no wonder that the emperor-level powers of the Dali imperial family and the many emperor-level powers who created the Immortal Court couldn't find the Taiyi forbidden area. where.

Looking beyond this great formation, you can see a deep crack that stretches across the sky, as if it were a scar on the heavens and the earth.


Billowing demonic energy like silver and mercury poured out from the cracks, and ordinary emperors were stained with a trace, and it was very likely that they would sink because of this, turning into a puppet without thinking.

Only the almighty above the seventh realm can ignore the influence of demonic energy, but this is enough to prove the horror of these demonic energy.

However, it didn't have much impact on Qin Yi and the two.

"Yimu, please take action to find the flaws in this great formation."

Qin Yi looked at Daozun Yimu.

Although he could use the power of the system to find the flaws in this great formation, it would cost Slaughter Points and was not worth it.

After all, with the power of Dao Zun Yimu, he can also find the flaws in this great formation, so why spend some more killing points?

"Yes, the emperor."

Dao Zun Yimu bowed his hands, and then, he stretched out his hand and stroked in the void, and strands of invisible force spread out along the law to explore this great formation.

After a stick of incense, Daozun Yimu's eyes were slightly bright, and his right hand was empty.

Like a certain signal, the magic pattern within a thousand miles was shaken lightly, and suddenly separated, opening a passage that was two people wide.

"Emperor, fortunately not humiliated."

Otsuki Daozun arched hands.


Qin Yi nodded and smiled, followed the passage first and walked inside the big formation.

Step through the void crack and enter the Taiyi forbidden area.

As soon as he entered the forbidden area of ​​Taiyi, endless demonic energy rushed in instantly, like a tide, as if to drown Qin Yi and the two.


Qin Yi's expression changed, and the power of the source surged, forming a shield of the source within three feet of the body surface, isolating the demonic energy from the outside.


But the threats in the Taiyi forbidden area are not only demonic energy, but also all kinds of beasts.

These beasts have different shapes and have some characteristics of external creatures, but these murderers are covered in black scales and surrounded by endless demonic flames.

The appearance of Qin Yi and the two instantly alerted many beasts in the Taiyi forbidden area.

A dragon with the shape of a real dragon and a body like a mountain range, with red eyes flashing red light, roared, and grabbed Qin Yi and the two with one claws.

Terrifying power, wrapped in monstrous demonic energy, rushed towards the two of them.

A vicious beast followed closely and shot.

In an instant, Qin Yi and the two fell into the siege of a wave of fierce beasts.

Every ferocious beast has the sixth realm of cultivation, there is no lack of seventh realm powers, and even the eighth realm top powers, even if the Fenghou level powers face this situation, I am afraid they may fall because of this.


Qin Yi didn't pay too much attention to it. He took a step forward, and the world loomed around him, setting it off like an immortal king stepping into the mortal world.


Then, he punched out, and the vast fist fell down like a mountain of gods.

The tyrannical qi and blood ran through the sun and the moon, as well as many fierce beasts. The dragon headed by it was directly smashed by this punch and died on the spot.

Afterwards, the punch continued unabated and fell into the wave of fierce beasts. Countless beasts exploded in an instant, turning into a rain of blood.

The entire wave of vicious beasts was pierced, forming an extremely astonishing scene for a while, like a knife cutting butter, the wave of vicious beasts was divided into two.


However, this did not deter many beasts, but stimulated their fierceness, roaring and killing Qin Yi and Qin Yi again.

Qin Yi still didn't care, and killed countless beasts with one punch, walking in the forbidden area of ​​Taiyi like a stroll in the courtyard.

How could a group of ferocious beasts that do not even have the ninth realm Fenghou level pose a threat to Qin Yi and the two?

Qin Yi didn't even need to mobilize any imperial weapons, and he didn't even use 1/10,000 of his own strength, which was enough to suppress these beasts.

These seemingly terrifying beasts, in Qin Yi's hands, are as weak as little milk dogs, easily annihilated.

The massacre of Qin Yi and the two finally attracted the attention of the ancient existence in the Taiyi forbidden area.

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