Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4307: The fight begins

Yunyou Mountain.

The top of the mountain is not there, only a huge platform like a continent is left, and the clouds and mists transformed by countless chaotic essence linger around it.

It can be seen that there are some traces of the existence of the palace on the platform.

This place was originally the strongest clan among the monster beast clan in Yunyou Prefecture. The clan of the Yunyou Tianlong clan had always been occupied by the Yunyou Tianlong clan.

However, because of the competition, the strong men of the Shenbing Clan and the strong men of the Great Li Imperial Court came to the door, and the Yunyou Tianlong Clan had to move out of this place.

Even if there is a king-level power behind the Yunyou Tianlong clan, they can only let go of this place.

After all, compared to the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court, the Yunyou Tianlong Clan is still too weak. If they do not agree, they will probably be wiped out by the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court immediately.


The Lihuo Emperor ship smashed through the void and descended to the top of Yunyou Mountain, hanging high above the sky, quietly waiting for the arrival of the powerhouses of the Divine Soldier Clan.

Without waiting too long, after a quarter of an hour, ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and the powerful warriors of the Divine Armament headed by Kang Jinlong came.

For a time, the atmosphere on the top of Yunyou Mountain couldn't help but congeal.

The powerful warriors of the Divine Soldiers and the Dali court are all coming, which means that the battle is about to begin.

"Kang Jinlong Daoist friend, do you know where the noble ancestors of the king-level peak are?"

The old man Meteor Star glanced at Kang Jinlong and the others, frowned slightly, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Although many of the powerhouses of the Divine Soldier clan present were all king-level powers, there was no peak king-level power.

"My ancestor, when it should appear, will appear."

Kang Jinlong's expression remained unchanged, and said lightly.

"To make a fool of yourself!"

Hearing this, the old man Meteor Star and other king-level powers from the imperial court had a sullen look in their eyes.

In their view, the Divine Soldiers' move was intended to humiliate them, and it was a manifestation of their own identity.

'Hmph, I want to see if you can put on airs when you lose this battle! ’

The old man Meteor snorted coldly in his heart.

For this battle, the Dali Imperial Court is very confident, and it is even ready to take over the entire Divine Soldier Clan after this battle.

"Since fellow Daoist Kang and the others have arrived, it's time for the battle to begin."

The old man Meteor gathered his mind and shouted loudly.


As soon as he raised his hand, a contract composed of an unknown material flew out, exuding invisible fluctuations, triggering the laws of the void, and even the avenues of the void that covered the entire Immortal Burial Domain.


Within the Immortal Burial Domain, there is also the existence of the Great Dao, or the existence of the Great Dao of the Heavens.

The Void All Heavens Avenue in the Immortal Burial Domain was evolved from the remaining avenues of the fallen True Immortals and other Nine Heavens True Immortals.

Although it is not as powerful as the Dao of All Heavens in the five realms, the Dao contained in it is also very simple, only the Dao of the Nine Heavens True Immortals such as the True Immortal Creation.

Such as the avenue of creation, the avenue of magic, the avenue of yin and yang, and so on.

Of course, it's not that there are no other avenues in the Void All Heavens Avenue in the Immortal Burial Realm, but compared with several avenues such as the avenue of creation, the other avenues are too weak and have not reached the level of the virtual fairyland.

In the Void All Heavens Avenue in the Immortal Burial Domain, there is also a contract road, which is also a road left after the fall of a nine-day true immortal.

If you can inspire this contract road and sign a contract, even the world master of the virtual fairyland level must abide by it.

However, unlike the five realms, it is not a simple matter to motivate this contract road.

In the five realms, if you want to motivate the Dao of the Heavens, you can directly communicate with the Dao of the Heavens with your spiritual sense, and you can make an oath of the Dao of the Heavens.

But in the Immortal Burial Domain, if you want to communicate with the Void All Heavens Avenue in the Immortal Burial Domain, in addition to being strong enough to reach the level of the Lord of the World, you must have a special method.

This contract is one of the methods, called the Qiankun contract.

Don't look at it as just a contract, but the value of the Qiankun contract is not lower than a king-level imperial weapon.

Only the powers that have been passed down for countless years, such as the Great Li Imperial Court, can come up with a cosmic contract.


Kang Jinlong took over the Qiankun contract and studied it carefully, and found no unequal conditions, all of which were the same as those agreed upon by the Shenbing Clan and the Dali Imperial Court at the beginning.

The winner receives everything from the loser, and the loser unconditionally merges into the winner.

Kang Jinlong immediately signed the Qiankun contract in the name of the patriarch of the Shenbing clan.


After Kang Jinlong signed the contract, the Qiankun contract immediately rose into the air, bursting with dazzling radiance, as if a raging flame was burning.


A majestic and vast aura suddenly descended, covering all directions, instantly pressing on the hearts of all the powerhouses present, making people sway their minds.

This breath is indifferent and supreme, invisible and majestic, detached from the world and above all living beings.

Even an emperor-level almighty is as humble as an ant in front of this aura.

This breath came from the Void All Heavens Avenue in Immortal Burial Domain, and the Qiankun contract quickly burned and merged into the Void All Heavens Avenue.

Then, one after another, the divine brilliance floated out and merged into the divine souls of the Divine Soldier Clan and the many powerhouses in the Dali Imperial Court.

The Qiankun contract is completed!


The spirits of the powerhouses watching this battle were shaken, and the Qiankun contract was completed, and the next step was the most important part of the battle.

Three battles, whoever wins two will be able to control the entire Great Li Imperial Court!

"In the first battle, Dali Imperial Court will be played by the deity."

On the side of the Great Li Imperial Court, the person who participated in the first battle was Daojun Zhanyue.

Daojun Zhanyue, as the Grand Master of the Dali Emperor, has a strong combat power, and his cultivation base has reached the late-stage king-level power. He can be ranked in the top three among the king-level powers in the Dali Emperor Court.

This battle was participated by Daojun Zhanyue, and there was no big surprise.

"In the first battle, the Divine Soldier Clan will fight by me!"

Looking at Daojun Zhanyue, Kang Jinlong's eyes flashed, and he immediately took a step forward and said in a deep voice.

There are many king-level powers on the Divine Soldier Clan. Except for the old man who has broken through the emperor-level powers, the strongest is Kang Jinlong.

He is also a late king-level great power, and only he can fight against King Yunlu.

In this battle, the Shenbing Clan side was naturally led by Kang Jinlong.


Daojun Zhanyue said politely and stepped into the top of Yunyou Mountain first.

A few days ago, the top of Yunyou Mountain had been used by the powerful warriors of the Divine Soldier Clan and Dali Imperial Court to build a ring space based on the many great formations left by the Yunyou Tianlong Clan.

In this arena space, even if it is the collision of the power of the king-level almighty, it may not be able to break this arena space.


Kang Jinlong took a step forward and also entered the arena space.

With sharp eyes, he stepped on the void and stood facing Daojun Zhanyue.

A battle is about to begin!

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