Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4315: The tyrannical Zixuan Taoist


Daoist Zixuan's eyes lit up, as if a ray of golden light flashed away.

next moment.

Daoist Zixuan's aura skyrocketed again, climbing to a new level, instantly overwhelming the aura of Daojun Gandu.

The purple energy surging in the void also showed a faint golden color, and its power increased greatly.


Daoist Dry Poison was swept away by this momentum, and his mind originally shrouded in killing intent was immediately cleared, and his clarity was restored for a short time.

"This kind of power is beyond the scope of the mid-level king class!"

Daojun Gandu was shocked, and he felt that the power of Daoist Zixuan had exceeded his ability to deal with it, and even reached a point that shocked him.

For a time, he couldn't help but retreat.

However, Daojun Dry Poison quickly cleared away the distracting thoughts. He knew very well that at this time, he had no way out, only a fight.


Daojun Gandu shouted angrily, his mind was flooded with killing intent again, and he once again urged his own source of power to hit Daoist Zixuan with a palm.


Daoist Zixuan just glanced at Daojun Gandu lightly, his expression indifferent.

Mind a move.

The purple qi lingering around him, no, it should be said to be the violet-gold qi, actually trembled and gathered crazily and turned into a big purple-gold seal.

This big purple-gold seal is basically similar to the body of Daoist Zixuan, except that the whole body was originally purple, but now it is dipped in purple-gold.

The streaks of red gold are like divine lines, all over the Zijin Great Seal, adding a bit of power to the Purple Gold Great Seal.

It is like the body of Daoist Zixuan, who wants to revive the power of his peak period.

In fact, compared with the gods and gods of the five realms, the creatures of the Divine Soldiers are lucky enough to be able to transform themselves and practice independently.

However, it has several defects. Because of the lack of the source of life, it is only one of them that it cannot break through the emperor level.

The other is that the spirits of the Divine Soldier clan mobilize their own body, which is not as easy as the Divine Soldier gods of the five realms, on the contrary, they are somewhat constrained.

Just like an emperor-level imperial weapon, in the five realms, if the gods of the imperial soldiers don't care about the damage of their own origin, they can completely revive their own body.

But in the Immortal Burial Domain, this is not the case. Even if the creatures of the Divine Soldiers don't care about the loss of their own source, they cannot make their own body burst into peak power.

In this case, Taoist Zixuan can only push his own body to a level that surpasses his own body by one or two levels at most.

For example, when he first entered the emperor-level great power, but urging his own body, with the help of the power essence of his own body, he can burst into a power comparable to the middle-level great power of the emperor-level.

At this moment, Daoist Zixuan has already pushed his body to a level far beyond the middle stage of the Emperor Conferred level, and even faintly touched the peak state of his body.

That is, the level of the peak of the emperor level!

Of course, this was not done by Daoist Zixuan with his own power, but with Qin Yi, or the power that the system left in his body.

With the help of the power of the system, Qin Yi enlightened Daoist Zixuan, and some system power remained in Daoist Zixuan's body.

At this moment, Daoist Zixuan mobilized the remaining power of the system, so that his body burst into the peak of power.

However, because the power of the system is extremely precious, it should be used less than once. Originally, Daoist Zixuan did not want to use the power of the system.

However, Daojun Dry Poison did not know whether to live or die, and shot him again.

In order to achieve a shocking effect, Daoist Zixuan activated the power of the system to fully awaken his body and explode his peak power.

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