Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4317: Crazy dry poison Daojun


With a huge roar, the most majestic mountain in Yunyou Mountain collapsed, shattered by a powerful force, and turned into powder.

Under the power of the emperor-level almighty, this piece of equipment has been reinforced for countless years by the Yunyou Tianlong clan, and its hardness is comparable to that of the emperor-level emperor.

However, it was still smashed through by the dry poison Daojun, and the whole disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit.


In the deep pit, Daojun Dry Poison opened his mouth, and a large mouthful of gold and green emperor blood spurted out, dripped onto the ground, penetrated into the ground, and instantly eroded this mountain range.

If there is no one to take care of it, the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles will turn into a poisonous field, and in the future, many treasures of heaven and earth that are regarded as treasures by the practice of poisonous gas will grow.

In the future, this place will become a holy place for cultivators of the Poison Dao.

Of course, these are all things that are not known for how long.

After Daojun Gandu spit out a mouthful of emperor blood, his face suddenly turned pale, and it was obvious that he also suffered a lot of injuries.

At this time, the powerhouses looked at each other, and they all understood that this battle was won by the Divine Soldier Clan following the defeat of the Daojun Gandu.

The strong man on the side of the Great Li Imperial Court is even more lonely, and it is difficult to see the extreme.

The defeat of Daojun Dry Poison also means that the Dali Imperial Court will be unconditionally merged into the Divine Soldier Clan!

"No, it's impossible, I don't believe it!"

"Daojun Gandu is an emperor-level power, how could he be defeated so easily."

"Fake, it must be fake!"

Some powerhouses from the imperial court were even more reluctant to accept this fact.

Before that, Daojun Dry Poison showed how excited he was when he showed his cultivation as an emperor. At this time, how uncomfortable all the strong people from the imperial court were.

Even the senior members of the Dali Imperial Clan such as the Meteorite Elder fell silent.

They repented, but not only did the Divine Soldier Clan have two emperor-level experts, but also, the Dali Emperor Court and the Divine Soldier Clan had already signed a cosmic contract.

If you violate the Qiankun contract, many of the powerhouses from the imperial court, one by one, will be punished by the Void All Heavens Avenue.

Once they repent, the luck of the Dali Emperor Court will also be backlashed, and at that time, the Emperor Dali is likely to fall because of this.

Under this circumstance, the Dali Imperial Court has been unable to ride a tiger, and has no choice but to obey the Qiankun contract and submit to the Divine Soldier Clan.

Moreover, even if it is possible to disobey the Qiankun contract, the Dali Imperial Court cannot be the opponent of the Divine Soldier Clan.

Two emperor-level powers, even if the Emperor Dali is still at the peak, they are not necessarily opponents, let alone, the Emperor Dali is no longer at the peak.

As for Daojun Gandu, it was just that the Dali imperial clan invited him to help him. After this fight was over, Daojun Gandu would leave.

Gandu Daojun and Dali Imperial Court do not have a deep relationship, and it is impossible to fight to the death with others for the sake of Dali Imperial Clan like the old man of the meteorite.

This is a foregone conclusion.

"Daoist Dry Poison has been defeated..."

When the Taoist Heavenly Spear saw this, he was about to open his mouth to announce the victory of the Divine Soldier Clan.


At this moment, a huge momentum rose into the sky, and at the same time, the infinite poisonous gas instantly filled the void, covering the sky, as if it was about to fill the entire world of good fortune.

The faces of the strong men changed drastically, they didn't dare to stop, and went back madly.

If they are contaminated with these poisonous gases, even if they do not fall, they will be seriously injured, and it will take a lot of means to remove these poisonous gases.

It was not until thousands of miles away that the strong men stopped and looked back, and they saw that in the hole where Yunyou Mountain had turned, countless poisonous gas gushed out from it, turning it into a curtain that covered the sky.

In one of the figures, looming and looming, it is Daojun Dry Poison.

"This deity has been cultivating for three hundred epochs, plundering an unknown amount of resources, and can only break through the emperor-level power. How could this deity be defeated?"

Daojun Gandu roared and roared, unwilling to accept the fact that he was defeated, and a frenzy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Before breaking through the emperor-level power, he was able to play against the emperor-level power, and he was even vaguely known as the first person to be the king-level leader in the Immortal Court of Fortune.

Although Daojun Dry Poison never showed any joy about this, in fact, he still had pride in his heart.

Since then, as he broke through the emperor-level power, this pride has been infinitely magnified. He believes that with his current cultivation, the great world of good fortune is so big that there is nowhere to go except for the fairy city of good fortune.

However, he did not expect that in the first battle after he broke through the emperor-level power, he was defeated by Daoist Zixuan. How could this not make Daojun Gandu angry?

"This deity is going to kill you, kill you!"

Daojun Gandu looked mad, and his mind was filled with killing intent.

He was already moody, and it was easy to go to extremes. At this moment, his mind was flooded with killing intent, and there was only one thought left in his heart, and that was to kill Daoist Zixuan.

Even the gap between him and Daoist Zixuan was ignored by him subconsciously.

In other words, now he, even if a world lord is in front of him, he may shoot directly and brazenly without any hesitation.

In a sense, the reason why Daojun Dry Poison can get to where he is today is because of this ruthlessness in his heart.

Without this ruthlessness, he may not be able to cultivate into an emperor-level almighty. Because of this, Daojun Qiandu condone his ruthlessness intentionally or unintentionally.

Even when he had not yet broken through the Emperor Feng level, apart from his own strength, he was able to compete with the Emperor Feng Emperor level power by relying on the ruthlessness in his heart.

It's a pity, this time he's probably going to miscalculate.


Daojun Dry Poison let out a long whistle and stretched out his palm.

Countless poisonous gas gathered together, and then turned into a big hand that covered the sky, pressing towards Daoist Zixuan, as if to crush Daoist Zixuan and the ring space together.


The unparalleled majestic force fell down, followed by one after another terrifying demonic energy, as if thousands of galaxies rolled down, shaking the void of thousands of miles.

When the poisonous gas passes through, everything is eroded by the poisonous gas and returns to nothingness.

The wisps of poisonous gas flowed in all directions, eroding the mountains and rivers, and they were eroded away in an instant, leaving nothing left.

After being flooded with killing intent, Daojun Dry Poison's combat power increased again.

In terms of combat power, the dry poison Daojun at this moment is no less than the ordinary king-level early stage almighty.

"The way of death!"

Daoist Zixuan looked calm, and there was no turbulence in his eyes.

If Daojun Dry Poison doesn't shoot anymore, he can ignore the words that Daojun Dry Poison humiliated him before, and the blow just now counts as punishment.

He also didn't have any idea of ​​taking action against Daojun Gandu and killing him.

It's a pity that Daoist Zixuan intends to let Daojun dry poison, but this Daojun dry poison has no sign of appreciation.

Then don't blame him for not holding back.

Worth mentioning, just use the life of a conferred emperor-level power as a gift for the Divine Soldier Clan to open up the Imperial Court, in order to deter many strong people who want to take action against the Divine Soldier Clan.

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