Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4319: Dry Poison Daojun, Meteor


A purple-gold seal hangs high for nine days, and wisps of purple-gold aura hang down, sealing the void in the universe as much as possible, and the surging poisonous air is also suppressed.

This Zijin Qi was originally the power of Daoist Zixuan, and it could also be called the Primordial Primordial Violet Qi, and every strand was enough to suppress a king-level peak power.

With the blessing of the power of the system, the power of the Primordial Primordial Purple Qi has skyrocketed, and its essence has undergone some kind of terrifying transformation.

The origin of the power of the system is so high and far, far from being comparable to other powers, even if the Heavenly Venerate Daoyuan is compared with it, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

After being blessed by the power of the system, the essence of the Primordial Primordial Primordial Purple Qi has been greatly strengthened, and the power has been improved at this moment.

Just a wisp of Primordial Primordial Violet Qi is enough to suppress a first-time Emperor Fengsong.

At this moment, there are more than hundreds of millions of strands of Primordial Primordial Vitality Purple Qi lingering around Daoist Zixuan?

If they fall down together, what will their power reach?


Daojun Dry Poison knew it.


Daoist Zixuan glanced at Daojun Dry Poison who was killing him, his expression was calm, and he waved his sleeves slowly.

The next moment, the Zijin Great Seal fell in the air, instantly suppressing the void of hundreds of millions of miles. Within this range, everything, including the poisonous gas, stopped circulating, as if it were frozen into a painting.

Under the Great Seal, everything is suppressed.

Even the Daojun Dry Poison, who had a grim face and was filled with killing intent, froze in midair.

Don't say continue to take action against Daoist Zixuan. At this moment, Daojun Dry Poison can't even move, he can't move his shoulders, he can't lift his hands, he can't even turn his eyes, only his thoughts can move.

"Move, move me, this deity is the Daojun of Poison, and the first person to be the king-level almighty in the great world.

The deity has not yet opened up his own imperial court, how can he fall here! "

Daojun Dry Poison roared in his heart, and the scarlet color in his eyes almost burned.


The power of the source in his body is surging wildly, even at the expense of burning his own source world, and even the way to burn his own body.

At this time, Daojun Gandu has no other thoughts, and now he just wants to live.

However, even if he burns his own path to Heavenly Venerate and burst out with power far beyond his own body, he cannot break free from the suppression of the Zijin Great Seal.


Daojun Gandu could only helplessly watch the big Zijin seal drop down and slowly press towards him, but he couldn't do anything.

next moment.

The purple gold seal fell, and all the ten directions were destroyed.

Countless poisonous gas was annihilated into nothingness, and at the same time, the dry poison Daojun also disappeared, and the whole person's body and soul were directly killed.

In the past, the first person at the king level in the great world of fortune, who had broken through the emperor level power, has fallen.

Even the many backhands left by Daojun Gandu were wiped out.

The power of the system is so high in nature, even if it is just a wisp, it has power unmatched by other powers, and it is enough to wipe out all the clones of Daojun Dry Poison.

After all, even the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate can do this, and the power of the system cannot do it.

In other words, Daojun Dry Poison, the powerful demon who has been in the great world for countless years, has completely fallen, and there is no possibility of resurrection!

Daojun dry poison, die!

"Daojun Qiandu is dead?"

"An emperor-level power has actually fallen here?"

"It's a big deal!"

Seeing this scene, the strong men couldn't help but swayed.

What is the existence of the emperor-level almighty?

Looking at the entire Great Fortune World, even the Immortal Burial Domain, they are all powerful beings at the top, second only to the World Lords of all worlds.

In the great world of good fortune, an emperor-level almighty is already qualified to open up an imperial dynasty and a holy land.

In other words, an emperor-level almighty itself represents an imperial dynasty and a holy land.

The great creation of the world is so big, the emperor-level power can be said to be invincible.

Even if the Immortal Court of Fortune faced an emperor-level almighty, it would give corresponding respect.

For example, Daojun Gandu is now ranked No. 1 on the list of the devils in the fortune-telling immortal court. If someone else kills Daojun Gandu, he can go to Immortal Fortune to receive rewards.

But once the news of Daojun Dry Poison's achievement of the emperor-level power came out, Immortal Court of Fortune would immediately remove Daojun Dry Poison from the list of demon hunters.

This is the status of an emperor-level almighty!

It's a pity that Daojun Dry Poison has just broken through the emperor-level power, and the news has not yet spread, and it is naturally too late to remove Daojun Dry Poison from the list of demon hunters.

Of course, the current dry poison Daojun may not have a chance.

In the eyes of the powerhouses, the deity of Daojun Gandu has fallen. Although there are clones, his realm will inevitably fall to the emperor level.

In this case, the title of Daojun Dry Poison will still hang high on the list of demon hunters.

However, the well-informed powerhouse discovered that the name of the dry poison Daojun had disappeared from the list of the devils in the fairy garden.

What does this mean?

This shows that the dry poison Daojun has completely fallen and no longer exists.

When the news spread, the strong people were even more shocked.

Even the many emperor-level powers who had descended their spiritual sense clones and watched this battle were swaying at the moment, shocked by the strength of Daoist Zixuan.

Most of the emperor-level powers present were only in the same league as Daojun Dry Poison, or even worse than Dao Jun Dry Poison.

Daoist Zixuan can completely kill Daojun Gandu, which also means that Daoist Zixuan can completely kill most of the emperor-level powers present!

How can this prevent the fear of the emperor-level powers?

If Daoist Zixuan just killed the deity of Daojun Dry Poison, the emperor-level powers might be frightened and apprehensive, but they would not be afraid.

But Daoist Zixuan killed the deity of Daojun Gandu, together with many clones and backers.

Such means are enough to make a group of emperor-level experts fear.

For a time, a group of emperor-level powers had to reconsider whether to take action against the Divine Soldier Clan.

Even a group of emperor-level powers are like this, not to mention the many powerhouses who are watching, and they are even more unbelievable.

You must know that since the ancient war of ten thousand races, after the creation of the immortal court and the creation of the great world, in the countless years, the fall of the emperor-level power has only happened a few times, less than one-handed number.

Moreover, these few times, it was only the fall of the emperor-level almighty deity, and these emperor-level masters did not really fall.

Among them, there is an emperor-level expert who regained the emperor-level, which is actually not really a fall.

But Daojun Dry Poison has really fallen. It can be said that such a thing is the first case in the hundreds of epochs in the great world of good fortune!

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