Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4322: The turbulent world of creation

For the creatures in the Great Fortune World, within a few days, the Great Fortune World is changing so fast that they are dizzy.

First, the Divine Soldier Clan was born, and they fought against the Dali Imperial Court, and then the two sides began to compete. As a result, two Emperor-level powers emerged from the Divine Soldier Clan, and they won the battle with strength, and even broke through the poisonous path of the Emperor-level power. Your Majesty, you have also fallen because of this.

The fall of an emperor-level power was a major event in the past, enough to shake the entire world of creation, and even alarm the fairy court of creation.

However, compared with what happened next, the fall of Daojun Gandu was only a trivial matter.

Because the ancient tribes who have been hidden for countless years have been born one after another, occupying a territory in the great world of good fortune.

Several powerful races such as Soul Race and Spirit Race forced several imperial courts to leave their own territory.

For a time, the entire world of creation was in turmoil, and all forces and countless creatures were in a state of panic.

You must know that in the ancient times when the great world was created, all parties fought, and every moment there were unknown how many creatures perished. Human life was like grass and humble as ants.

No one wants to go back to the ancient times, but things backfired. With the birth of all races, the great world of creation inevitably became chaotic.

The forces of all parties no longer pay attention to the Divine Soldier clan, but guard against the ancient tribes around their own forces.

Under this circumstance, the Shenbing Clan announced that based on the Dali Emperor Court, the Shenbing Emperor Court was established, and a strong man named Qin Yi became the Lord of the Shenbing Emperor.

This matter, which would have attracted the attention of the entire world of creation, did not cause much disturbance.

Even, only the powerhouses of the imperial courts around the Dali Imperial Court, such as the Yuanyang Imperial Court, came to watch the ceremony, and from the beginning to the end, the powerhouses of the Yuanyang Imperial Court and several other imperial courts did not see this new divine soldier. The emperor, only knows the existence of this one.

In this way, without the knowledge of others, Qin Yi became the emperor of Shenbing, in charge of the imperial court of Shenbing formed by the merger of the Shenbing family and the Dali Imperial Court.

Of course, in the absence of other forces, the opening ceremony of the Imperial Court of Shenbing seemed a bit shabby.

It stands to reason that the opening of an imperial court, all forces in the great world, and even the immortal court of good fortune will send messengers to participate.

As for the opening ceremony of the Imperial Court of Shenbing, only the Yuanyang Imperial Court and several other imperial courts sent messengers, which can be said to be extremely shabby.

However, Qin Yi didn't care about it.

The reason why the opening ceremony of the Imperial Court of Shenbing was so shabby was the result of his intentional guidance.

After all, if the messengers of various forces arrive, Qin Yi, the new emperor of the gods, must show up, and if he shows up, it is likely to reveal his identity.

But now only the Yuanyang Imperial Court and other forces are coming, Qin Yi can find a reason, and naturally he will not reveal his identity if he does not see the envoys of Yuanyang Imperial Court and other forces.

Moreover, the reason why this situation occurs is also the arrangement made by Qin Yi.

After the battle, Qin Yi asked Taoist Tianlance and others to find the hidden soul clan and other forces, and inform the soul clan and other forces of the current situation of the great world of creation.

At first, the Soul Clan and other forces did not have the idea of ​​being born, but that day, the spear Taoist said that there was a World Lord looking for trouble in the creation of the Immortal Court, and the Soul Clan and other forces were suddenly tempted.

Forces such as the soul clan were forced to hide from the world by the good fortune immortal court, and countless powerhouses fell into the hands of the good fortune immortal court. How could the soul clan and other forces not resent the good fortune immortal court?

Once there is a chance to cause trouble to the Immortal Court of Fortune, the Soul Race and other forces will naturally not let it go.

Moreover, the forces such as the soul clan do not need to directly take action against the fairy court of good fortune, but only need to occupy part of the territory of the great world of good fortune.

As long as it is controlled within a certain range, it is not a violation of the Covenant of All Nations.

One race occupies a part of the territory of the great world of good fortune, and all the ancient tribes were born, and the combined territory occupied is not small.

In addition, because of the birth of ten thousand clans, the imperial court that had to give up its territory will also take action against other imperial courts, causing even greater violence.

In fact, since the birth of the ancient Wanzu, the aura belonging to the Immortal Court of Creation has been shaken and even kept falling.

After all, the territory of the Great World of Fortune controlled by the Immortal Court of Fortune is being continuously compressed, and everything is developing in the direction Qin Yi envisioned.

However, Qin Yi was not in a hurry to take action against the Immortal Court of Fortune.

The Immortal Master of Fortune cannot retreat, and now is the best time to weaken the Immortal Fortune. It has to be said that the strength of the Heavenly Fortune is too terrifying.

Countless years of accumulation have made the immortal court of good fortune with an unimaginable background. Emperor-level powers that are hard to see in the outside world are not uncommon in the immortal court of good fortune.

In just a few days from Taiyi Demon Venerable, several emperor-level powers were introduced into the devil's way, and the number of powerhouses who created the Immortal Court can be seen.

Don't watch the Taiyi Demon Venerable make a lot of noise in the Immortal Court of Fortune, but in fact, the Demon Venerable Taiyi has not yet shaken the foundation of the Immortal Fortune.

There was only one Prince Xuanji among the peak powerhouses in the Immortal Court of Fortune who shot against Taiyi Demon Venerable, and the other peak emperor-level experts did not show up.

As the oldest force in the Great Fortune World, and the Immortal Master of Fortune is in charge, how could it be that there is only one peak emperor-level power under its command?

According to Taiyi Demon Venerable, there are at least four emperor-level peak powers in the Immortal Court of Fortune.

Of course, the most dreaded thing in Immortal Creation is the Immortal Lord of Creation. Other powerhouses in Immortal Creation are an unstoppable force for the forces such as the soul clan.

But for Qin Yi and Taiyi Demon Venerable, the other powerhouses in the creation of Immortal Court are not to be feared. If it wasn't for the existence of the Immortal Lord of Creation, they would have been named Immortal Creation.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is not yet time to take action against the Immortal Court of Fortune.

It would be the best situation if it could overturn the Immortal Creation. After all, if Immortal Creation was destroyed, the Immortal Lord of Creation would not receive the blessing of luck from Immortal Creation. Naturally, he would not be able to control the Great World of Immortal Creation through Immortal Creation. The person of the Lord of the World.

At that time, the Immortal Master of Fortune would not be able to get the blessing of the Great World of Fortune, so Qin Yi and others would naturally be able to deal with the Immortal Master of Fortune.

Of course, it is not an easy thing to overturn the Immortal Court of Creation.

It's impossible to do, at least in the short term.

Unless Qin Yi and Yimu Daozun shot at the same time, it would be possible.

But if you do this, it is very likely that you will startle the snake and expose your body, attracting the attention of the world masters of other worlds in the Immortal Burial Domain, and putting your body into an extremely dangerous state.

Therefore, Qin Yi and the others will only suddenly take action when the Immortal Creation Garden, or when the Immortal Creation Master is the most weakened, suddenly take action, suppress it, and then enter the inheritance place of the True Immortal Creation to win the Immortal Creation Boat.

At that time, even if the Lord of the World from other worlds came, Qin Yi would be able to retreat calmly.

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