Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4329: Chaos in the Immortal Court of Creation

After the soul clan and other ancient tribes were born, they deliberately occupied the territory of the great world of creation, in order to weaken the luck of the immortal court of creation.

Just because of the constraints of the Ten Thousand Clan Covenant, the Soul Clan and other forces dare not continue to expand, and must instead seek another way to weaken the luck of the Immortal Court.

That is to support the races that have not signed the Covenant of Ten Thousand Races, and let these races expand and occupy the territory of the Great Fortune World, so as to weaken the luck of the Fortune Fairy.

And these races that have not signed the Ten Thousand Race Covenant are mostly small clans that do not have emperor-level powers, and their strength is too weak.

Even with the strong support of the Soul Clan and other forces, the effect that can be achieved will not be very good, and it is even more difficult to achieve the goals of the Soul Clan and other forces.

At this time, the Divine Soldier Clan also entered the sight of the Soul Clan and other forces.

In the battle between the Divine Soldier Clan and the Dali Imperial Court, two emperor-level powers emerged, and they annexed the Dali Imperial Court, their strength should be at the top among the imperial courts.

If coupled with the support of the soul clan and other forces, the Imperial Court of Divine Armament can rapidly expand to an unimaginable level, occupying a large amount of territory in the Great World of Creation.

At that time, a large number of territories of the Great Fortune World will be out of the control of the Fortune Fairy Court, and the foundation of the Fortune Fairy's luck will inevitably be shaken.

Soul clan and other forces can also be considered to complete the agreement with that Demon Lord.

Moreover, pushing the Divine Armament Imperial Court to the front of the stage, even if the Demon Lord loses in the future, the Soul Clan and other forces can push everything to the Divine Armament Imperial Court.

If the good fortune immortal court is not satisfied, the big deal is that the soul clan and other forces withdraw from the great world of good fortune and go to other great worlds.

A smile appeared on the face of the Soul Clan Master.

In fact, with the gradual growth of the Immortal Court of Fortune, the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan had already given birth to the idea of ​​leaving the Great World of Fortune.

Now that he was born, apart from the temptation of Taiyi Demon Venerable, he also had the idea of ​​a last-ditch effort.

If it can be done, it is naturally the best. If it can't be done, the soul clan will retreat directly to other great worlds.

Of course, the support of the ancient tribes for the Divine Armament Imperial Court will not be discounted.


Qin Yi glanced at the Lord of the Soul Clan, and saw the smile on the corner of the Lord of the Soul Clan.

The masters of the soul clan, these ancients from the ancient times, have gloomy minds, and it is impossible to block everything on an outsider.

If it wasn't for Taiyi Demon Venerable possessing the strength of the virtual fairyland, I am afraid that the soul clan and other forces would not have the idea of ​​being born at all.

Even if it is born now, it is only with the idea of ​​a fight. Once the Taiyi Demon Venerable is defeated, the ancient tribes will definitely retreat.

However, Qin Yi didn't care about the careful thoughts of the ancient tribes, and he didn't want to subdue the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan.

Although the soul clan and other ancient tribes have a large number of people, in terms of mid-to-low-end combat power, they are not inferior to the good fortune fairy garden, but the ancient 10000 tribes' power is too scattered, and it is an alliance composed of many races.

In ancient times, before the rise of the Immortal Court of Fortune, there was a melee among all races, and there was hatred among many races, but they had to unite due to the pressure of the Immortal Court of Fortune.

Qin Yi would have to spend a lot of time if he wanted to subdue the ancient tribes.

Compared with the ancient ten thousand clans, Qin Yi is more inclined to take over the good fortune fairy garden, although he wants to subvert the good fortune fairy garden, but it does not mean that he wants to destroy the entire good fortune fairy garden.

If he can take over the fortune immortal court and let the imperial court of the gods and soldiers annex it, Qin Yi can also control the entire world of fortune through the imperial court of the gods, and occupy the position of the master of the great world of fortune.

At that time, the eternal avatar can also comprehend the laws and improve the realm of oneself through the personality of the Lord of the Great World, so as to break the shackles of the peak of the quasi-tianzun realm.

Even, it is not impossible to break through the virtual fairyland like the fairy master of good fortune.

And if Qin Yi occupies the Immortal Court of Fortune, he will also expel the ancient tribes such as the soul clan from the great world of Fortune. After all, there is some great enmity between the ancient tribes and the powerhouses of the Immortal Fortune, and they want the two sides to coexist peacefully. Not an easy task.

Qin Yi can use his own power to forcefully suppress the contradiction between the two, but the contradiction between the two is still there and has not disappeared. It is not a good thing for him to control the fairy garden.

Therefore, to Qin Yi, the ancient Wanzu was just a tool that could be used a little bit, and it didn't matter whether he was subdued or not.

To put it simply, the ancient tribes can be subdued, but it is not necessary.

After Qin Yi agreed to make an alliance with the ancient ten thousand clans, the master of the soul clan left with the envoys of the ancient ten thousand clans, and it didn't take long for the ancient ten thousand clans to support the Divine Armament Imperial Court.

Under the influence of the ancient tribes, one side of the imperial court, such as the Yuanyang Imperial Court, chose to merge into the Shenbing Imperial Court.

Although the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan were hidden from the world, they were not as completely isolated from the outside world as the original Divine Soldier Clan, and there were chess pieces placed in many imperial courts.

At this moment, Qi Qi launched, and the movement that erupted was not too big.

Even Qin Yi couldn't help but be shocked by the handwriting of the ancient tribes.

In just a few days, there were six imperial courts that chose to merge into the Imperial Court of Divine Armament. Among them, there were many imperial courts with profound strength and larger territories than ordinary imperial courts.

You must know that there are thirty-three imperial courts in the entire world of good fortune. At this moment, the six imperial courts are merged into the imperial court of Shenbing, plus the imperial court of Shenbing itself, that is, there are seven imperial courts that are separated from the fairy court of good fortune.

Moreover, there are still emperors who have betrayed the Immortal Court of Good Fortune and are preparing to merge into the imperial court of the gods.

At the same time, there are also some races that have never signed the Covenant of Ten Thousand Races in the great world of good fortune, occupying an imperial court and announcing their separation from the immortal court of good fortune.

Although the ancient Wan clan used most of their power to support the Divine Armament Imperial Court, it did not mean that the ancient ancient Wan clan gave up supporting other races that had not signed the Wan clan covenant.

In this case, the foundation of the Immortal Court of Creation has been shaken, and the luck has fallen at an unimaginable speed.

At this time, the high-level officials of the Immortal Court of Fortune finally paid attention to the troubles caused by the Imperial Court of the Divine Armament and the ancient tribes.

Good Fortune Immortal Court originally wanted to send a strong man to the Imperial Court of the Divine Armament, and directly level the Imperial Court of the Divine Armament with the absolute strength gap.

But there was a sudden explosion in the Immortal Court of Fortune, which caused the energy of the Immortal Fortune to be entangled again, and flawlessly took care of the Imperial Court of Divine Weapons.

One of the emperor-level peak powers of the Fortune Fairy was seduced by the great demon, fell into the devil's way, and chose to betray the Fortune Fairy.

Moreover, this emperor-level peak power is the commander of the legion of the Immortal Court of Fortune, named Marshal Jiu Xun.

The betrayal of Marshal Jiu Xun also means that the Jiu Xun Corps under his command also betrayed the Good Fortune Immortal Court and was no longer controlled by the Good Fortune Fairy Court.

You must know that the Nine Sunda Corps are the five major towns and legions of the Good Fortune Xianting. If one is damaged, it will cause the Good Fortune Xianting to hurt the meridians.

The betrayal of the Nine Sunda Corps can be said to have shaken the foundation of the Immortal Court of Creation.

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