Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4336: old hatred

The Taiyi Demon Venerable is the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate, and its power essence far exceeds that of the emperor-level peak powers such as Marshal Jiu Xun.

Even in terms of realm, Marshal Jiu Xun is only half a step away from the virtual fairyland.

However, compared with the emperor-level peak powers like Marshal Jiu Xun, there is also an unimaginably huge gap compared with the Void Immortal Heavenly Venerate.

Half a step away is like a moat!

If he can get the power blessing of Taiyi Demon Venerable, Marshal Jiu Xun is not afraid of Fu Cang Daojun and the three to join forces.

Moreover, he can use this to understand the power essence of Taiyi Demon Venerable. After this battle is over, he may be able to make a small breakthrough.

At the peak level of the Emperor Feng, every little breakthrough is valuable, and I don't know how many years it will take to complete it.

It is even more common to be trapped and locked in place and unable to deposit.

Marshal Jiuxun has been trapped in this realm for hundreds of epochs, and he has never made any breakthroughs. How desperate is this?

For him, if he can comprehend the power essence of Taiyi Demon Venerable, it is enough to make a breakthrough in his own body, how can he not be excited?

"Jiu Xun, I never thought that we haven't seen each other for several epochs, and when we meet again, you and I will fight against each other.

The Immortal Lord treats you well, why do you want to betray the Immortal Court of Fortune? "

Daojun Fu Cang looked at Marshal Jiu Xun and sighed.

Among the commanders of the five major legions, he was the closest to Marshal Jiuxun and had the best relationship. He was the most concentric with Marshal Jiuxun's betrayal.

"Treat me well? If you really treat me well, my son will not die in vain, and the murderer of my son will not be able to go unpunished!"

Marshal Jiu Xun snorted coldly and said unceremoniously.

"Jiu Xun, you should know that it was a misunderstanding, it was just a lie fabricated by the soul clan to provoke your relationship with the Immortal Court of Fortune."

Daojun Fu Cang was silent for a moment, before he spoke.

As for what Marshal Jiu Xun said, Fu Cang Daojun and some old-fashioned immortal court powerhouses only knew.

This incident happened at the beginning of the establishment of the Immortal Court of Fortune, and Marshal Jiu Xun took the Nine Sunda Sect to join the Immortal Court of Fortune, which was a good thing.

But then something happened that almost made Marshal Jiu Xun break with the Immortal Court of Fortune.

The two direct sons of Marshal Jiu Xun led a group of strong men from the Jiu Xun sect to follow the third **** son of the Immortal Clan to conquer the Soul Clan together.

As a result, they returned after a disastrous defeat. The two direct sons of Marshal Jiu Xun and the strong men of the Jiu Xun Sect all perished, and only the third son of God returned with serious injuries.

If this is the case, Marshal Jiu Xun will not break with the Immortal Court of Fortune. After all, the two direct sons of Marshal Jiu Xun died in the hands of the soul clan.

It was true at the beginning, and Marshal Jiu Xun was bent on looking for the trouble of the Soul Clan.

However, after dozens of epochs in that battle, Marshal Jiu Xun learned a shocking news from the powerful souls.

The death of its two direct sons, as well as a group of Nine Sunda Sect powerhouses, was due to the calculation of the Third God Son!

After getting this news, Marshal Jiu Xun was furious and rushed into the Immortal Capital of Fortune, wanting to kill the Third Son of God directly.

It's a pity that the Immortal Master Good Fortune made a move, stopped Marshal Jiu Xun, and saved the third son of God.

For this reason, Immortal Master Fortune also severely punished Marshal Jiu Xun, and later characterized the incident as a provocation by the soul clan, and suppressed it.

Since that time, Marshal Jiu Xun has left the Immortal Capital of Fortune and has been in charge of the Jiu Xun Army.

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