Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4342: I underestimated you


Looking at the smile on the face of Demon Venerable Taiyi, Immortal Master Fortune felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart, and his vigilance suddenly increased.

If it was just Demon Venerable Taiyi alone, he would naturally be able to suppress it easily.

If the powerhouses behind Taiyi Demon Venerable join forces to besiege him, or secretly attack him, he may not be an opponent.

After all, every virtual fairyland powerhouse is not a good existence.

"The Immortal Lord of Fortune, the place of inheritance left by the True Immortal Fortune, is an opportunity left to the whole immortal burial domain, and it was originally obtained by those who are destined.

If you are determined to occupy it, the deity will not allow it. "

Demon Venerable Taiyi snorted coldly.

Then, Immortal Master Fortune sensed an invisible wave, and it escaped from Taiyi Demon Venerable with lightning speed.

In the blink of an eye, it spread out into hundreds of millions of chaotic Taos, covering the entire Nine Sunda Prefectures, and even the entire Great World of Creation.


The next moment, Immortal Master Fortune changed suddenly.

In his perception, there are vast demonic energy rising into the sky everywhere in the Immortal Court of Creation, filling the void.

A strong fortune-telling immortal court fell directly into the devil's way, and brazenly shot at the relatives and friends around him. These were all those who were lured by the Taiyi devil and fell into the devil's way.

These powerhouses, some of them under the control of the high-level Fortune Fairy Court, were directly killed by other Fortune Fairy Court powerhouses when they changed.

But there are still a lot of them that haven't been discovered by the experts in the Immortal Court of Creation, and even the Immortal Lord of Creation has not noticed anything.

For example, in the three major legions such as the Dayin Legion, there are many strong people who fall into the devil's way instantly, and take action on their comrades around them, causing the formation of the three major legions to be in chaos.

Among them, there is no lack of emperor-level powers!

For a while, the situation on the battlefield below reversed again.

Originally, the three major legions, including the Dayin Legion, had been suppressing the Nine Sunda Legions by virtue of their numerical advantage.

Even, it was once occupied by the Nine Sunda Corps on the scene.

"I underestimated you!"

Immortal Master Fortune's expression suddenly became gloomy, and his face was extremely ugly.

With his control over Immortal Creation, he could sense all the evil in Immortal Creation at the first time, including the powerhouses who fell into the devil's way in Immortal Creation.

Moreover, the number of powerhouses who have fallen into the devil's way far exceeds the expectations of the Immortal Master of Fortune.

How can the Immortal Master of Fortune not understand at this time, he underestimated Taiyi Demon Venerable.

It doesn't stop there.

The Divine Armament Emperor Court outside the Good Fortune Immortal Court also moved, sending troops wantonly, setting off wars in various places in the Great Fortune World.

Affected by this, the luck of Good Fortune Immortal Court fell again, and this time, the foundation of Good Fortune Immortal Court's luck was also shaken.


A shrill wailing sound echoed across the universe, ringing in the ears of countless creatures in the Immortal Court of Fortune.

As long as you look up, you can see that there is a real dragon in the sky that is hundreds of millions of miles in length and breadth, and the whole body is like a real dragon made of immortal gold.

The dragon scales are as smooth as a mirror, with countless immortal patterns engraved on them, which contain countless mysteries and reflect the scorching divine brilliance.

This real dragon is the protector dragon transformed by the luck of the fairy court.


The divine dragon that created the Immortal Court, its aura was fading, the light on its scales was dim, and the dragon energy lingering around it was extremely thin.

This Dharma Protector Dragon is rooted in the luck of the Fortune Fairy and is closely related to the luck of the Fortune Fairy.

The luck of Fortune Immortal Court has fallen, and this guardian dragon is naturally not much better, and even has a faint sense of collapse.

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