Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4345: Qin Yi's trend

Since he set foot in the great world of good fortune, Qin Yi has been doing things in the great world of good fortune.

Whether it was creating Tingfengwei, annexing Tianjidongtian, establishing the Imperial Court of Divine Soldiers, or annexing other imperial courts, Qin Yi gained a lot of kill points.

Including Taiyi Demon Venerable Cholera fortune-telling Immortal Court, Qin Yi also gained a lot of killing points.

In just a few months, Qin Yi has obtained more than 20 billion killing points!

This also made his pockets bulge all of a sudden, and he didn't need to be too timid to use the kill point.


Qin Yi used the power of the system to send the ancient map of Wan Yaomang into Taiyi Demon Venerable body, and he left some power transformed by the power of the system in the ancient map of Wan Yaomang.

Relying on these strengths, although Taiyi Demon Venerable couldn't completely awaken the ancient map of Wan Yaomang, it was enough to compete with the Immortal Master of Fortune in a short period of time.

As long as it lasts for a while, the luck of Fortune Immortal Court will drop, and the strength of Fortune Fairy Lord will also drop.

The battle will also be finalized.

And all of this only cost Qin Yi seven billion killing points.

For Qin Yi, who has already obtained 20 billion killing points, this is not a big loss.

Using only 7 billion killing points to hold down the Immortal Master of Fortune is an extremely cost-effective deal.

And after doing this, Qin Yi no longer paid attention to the battle in the Nine Sunda Prefectures, nor did he care about the outward expansion of the Imperial Court of God Bing.

In the next matter, Qin Yi no longer needs to intervene.

The battle in Jiu Xun Dazhou can be handed over to Demon Venerable Taiyi, and the battle in the Divine Armament Emperor Court can be handled by Taoist Tianlian, Patriarch Tianji and others.

Moreover, because the Immortal Master Fortune was held back, the Soul Master and other three half-step world masters could also free up their hands and take action against Immortal Fortune.

Although limited by the covenant of all races, the three world masters such as the soul master cannot take action personally, but what is more than one way to weaken the luck of the immortal court?

For example, forcing some forces within the Good Fortune Immortal Court, as well as many imperial courts to be independent from the Good Fortune Fairy Court, can weaken the luck of the Good Fortune Fairy Court.

As long as there is no obstruction from the Immortal Master of Fortune, Soul Masters and other ancient powerhouses will act more recklessly and their methods will be more rude.

Under the persecution of the ancient tribes, some forces within the great imperial courts and the Immortal Court of Fortune announced their independence from the Immortal Court of Fortune.

These imperial courts and forces are not stupid, neither can they offend any one of the Immortal Court of Fortune, the Taiyi Demon Venerable, and the ancient tribes.

The ancient ten thousand clan forced them to come, and they could only agree to the ancient ten thousand clan's request.


If the ancient tribes were forced to rush and destroy their own power, they would have nowhere to cry.

Moreover, it is nothing more than just breaking away from the Fortune Immortal Court and stripping the luck of one's own body from the luck of the Fortune Immortal Court.

If Fortune Immortal Court were defeated, it would be a good thing for these forces to break away from Fortune Celestial Court, which could avoid the crisis of being implicated in the fate of Fortune Fairy Court.

If the Taiyi Demon Venerable and the ancient ten thousand races are defeated, at that time, these forces will send some apologies to the Good Fortune Immortal Court and surrender to the Good Fortune Fairy Court again.

For their difficulties, they can understand if they want to come to the Immortal Court.

After all, these forces faced the ancient ten thousand clan, if they did not agree to the ancient ten thousand clan's request, they could only die.

In this case, the situation quickly developed in the direction of Qin Yi's side, and there was no need for Qin Yi to intervene.

Qin Yi can just make time to go to the immortal capital of good fortune and look for the immortal boat of good fortune.

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